Hooters Fans Only

Discussion in 'Sidewalk Cafe' started by pergo56, Oct 23, 2006.

  1. pergo56

    pergo56 Member

    Just a little peek!:eek:

    I'm Sorry, So I removed the link.

    Last edited: Oct 24, 2006
  2. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Don't do it

    Would not recommend anyone click on this link. When I did, an "update" was started at some point. I was able to shut down my computer before the "update" was complete. The only thing you will miss is a picture of a fat man's body topped off by a female face (not that attractive either).
  3. Prospect

    Prospect Member

    Darn it! Any ideas what was being "updated"?
  4. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    By me clicking once or twice, I was transfered to MICROSOFT INTERNET EXPLORER (which I don't use) and then either "my photo" or "my space". I'm guessing that the update was for the EXPLORER but can't be sure. Maybe it was trying to set this trash up for my easier access. Just don't know. Anyway, stay away. :flame:
  5. pergo56

    pergo56 Member


    Sorry Tollman1 :eek:

  6. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    No blame

    Not blaming you - not your fault. I just posted what happened to me to help out fellow members. Just looking for a nice set of B$#@&%$ for old times sake of course. That's what I get. :laugh:
  7. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Well if you're that desperate toolman...

    ...get yourself one of these. You can carry it around with you and give it a squeeze whenever the urge takes you.



    Attached Files:

  8. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Good one or two

    I like it Reachy!!! :D Can you send me one, er, make that two. :D

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