How did other BJTers do at Winstar - August, 2008?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by toolman1, Aug 21, 2008.

  1. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Well we've read all about BJ Beauty's adventures at the final table/hand at Winstar's August, 2008 finale but nothing was said about the other BJTers at the event. It's a substantial accomplishment just to get to the August event and all those that made it should be proud and I congratulate all. But as a matter of human interest, let's hear what happened. Tell us about the good and bad luck, the good plays as well as the bad, the pain, the sorrows, the miracle draws - good and bad, the thrill of table victory and the agony of defeat, and of course the "if ??? would have happened". Throw in some words about the thrill of being there, making the right play, and of course an account of the plays needed to do any advancing. So let's hear it all!!!
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2008
  2. swog

    swog Elite Member Staff Member


    0 for 5.....
    never made the semi's
    quarter's only twice
    I suck
    Need I say more
  3. dreamer

    dreamer New Member

    Still Dreaming...


    As I've stated many times on this Forum, I'm still a work in progress in many respects, not just in regards to Tournament Blackjack, but in life in general. All of us need to keep in mind that we're going to be defeated in Blackjack Battle more often then being Victorious!! Having said this, the inspiration and character-building that we experience comes as a result of continuing to go through the process, becoming better individuals as a result, and subsequently claiming victory even when we weren't number number "1" at the tables or in life...

    Enough of my philosophy on Life and Blackjack Tournaments.

    Tried the Windstar 3 times and made the Semi-Finals in July, having put me just one step away from the Big Show. Couldn't close the deal, but rest assured that I'll be right back in the hunt if they offer this Event again next year! I WILL be at the FINAL TABLE, "Talking to the Cards", and I will be victorious...

    Think like a Millionaire, Talk like a Millionaire, Act like a Millionaire, Dress like a Millionaire, Dream like a Millionaire AND it WILL happen! If it doesn't, remember the character-building that results from having gone through the PROCESS!!

    Make it a "Great Day" everyone.

    Skipper aka "Dreamer" :cheers:
  4. maxwell

    maxwell Member


  5. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Well, y'all know how I did in my lone shot at it. As far as what happened in the Big Dance last weekend, I'll let anyone else who was there to witness the debacle tell the story. :vomit:

    Hint: Think of Chevy Chase in "Vegas Vacation" trying to play blackjack.... Dan Lantz (tournament director) was the guy who came up with the parallel to that movie after the slaughter was complete. :p
  6. FMike756

    FMike756 New Member

    0 for 1, did not make it through the 1st round. Enjoyed the tournament, and will return if it is offered, and my better half is willing to make the drive

    from LA (lower Alabama). Approx 650 miles. Congrats to all tht played and especially to BJ Beauty and Left Nut.
  7. themom82

    themom82 New Member

    My chance was a "Bust"

    Well I did make one Simi finals table, but was out of the hunt by the next to last hand. I made a big bet since I was acting 1st on the last hand and lost it. Out of the other 4 times I played I advanced to the 2nd round 3 times. Out of those 3 times I had a push on the last hand when I needed the win 2 times. The third time I had to play a tiebreaker and lost by $25.00 to miss out on moving on to the semis’ one more time.

    All in all I would love to try again and hope the cards are better in the end.

    But of course the next best thing to winning myself is having someone like BJbeauty win the whole thing. It was great watching her show her skill and prove to everyone that she is a GREAT Player and knows what she is doing. Watch out boys the girls are here to show you how it is done. - lol

    I only hope I can learn from her and follow in her footsteps. I know I have a long way to go to catch all her good fortune, but I hope I can.

    Way to go girl!!!!

  8. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    0 for 3

    Swog and I would make a good team. Not advancing from the first round where three advance really is deflating. I will be back again if they offer it again. It is definately the best opportunity around.
  9. deltaduke

    deltaduke Active Member

    0 for 4

    Made the semis one time and was chip leader at countdown. Didn't win another hand. Hope they have again as I will definitely be back.
  10. Mick

    Mick New Member

    Played in the April tourny, made it to the semi-finals. Considering it was only the second tournament I've played in, I felt it was a "semi" respectable finish. Ken S. eliminated me from my first tournament at the Fitz. Wish I could've played in the May and June tournaments but storms dictated that this adjuster be in Jackson, MS followed by Des Moines, IA during those months. Never the less, I enjoyed the experience and will be back for more.
  11. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member


    What a great tournament!

    I tried in April, May, and June. I advanced to the second level in all three months but only made it to the quarterfinal in May. That quarterfinal was three of five advancing, but I lost when two players who were way down starting hitting all ins and big bets late.

    The best part of it for me was seeing so many of my friends again after being out of action for a long time. :)

    Thank you TXTourPlayer and Swog for getting me out there.
  12. swog

    swog Elite Member Staff Member

    I forgot about not getting through the quarter finals in March or April.....they are a blur at this point, with three out of four advance. I won 5 of the 21 hands, I kept track after I lost the first 8, yet would have advanced had I won, instead of pushed the last hand while betting first. Then, just to rub salt into the wound, it occurred to me later that night, had the player betting last simply made a good bet to cover me High & Low, instead of giving me a gift of the high if we both won, I would have advanced with my push.
    Good enough Toolman?
    I tried to forget ....but Pat made it resurface.
    One more thing......I had 19 the dealer had an 8 up....looking sweet for me with 17, 18, or dealer bust, until the ace appeared under the 8.
    Out of my system now, thanks Toolman!
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2008
  13. leilahay

    leilahay Member


    Only got down there in July--made semi final. All in on hand 16, after winning only 1 hand prior to that, hit my 14 with a 6, and lost to a dealer 5 card 21. Great tournament. Congrats to all. Those of us who play Iron Horse in Everett were proud to have three of our own in the final 28 including Howie in 4th place. Not sure of BJT screen names.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2008
  14. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Thank you everyone for sharing your experiences. I can picture many of the of the things that happened because over the years I too have went through many of the type of plays described - both joy and frustration. Although I was not there, reading about the plays almost made me feel like I was.

    Most of the responses were related to the 5 month long qualifiers. Is anyone out there that played in the August finale willing to share that experience?
  15. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Keep advancing, but

    I played in all five qualifiers, and lucky enough to advanced in all, but just not far enough. The first month (March) was my best chance, I got within one hand of making the final table and was the chip leader. However Vickies all in blackjack (2 to 1 payout) was the end of me.

    S. Yama playing in the same semifinals in March (different table) lost the same way (2 to 1 blackjack on the final hand). What was really bad on S. Yama's table was only 3 players left and the ONLY player that could beat him was the one who did and the only way he could win was to hit a blackjack on the final hand. What you going to do?
  16. noman

    noman Top Member

    No reason to comment:

    Wasn't there, didn't try, though I would have liked to.
    But, Swog, your 100 royals have to ease the pain and
    to Toolman, I see a book in your future. Good Fortune
    to all, hope to see ya soon.
  17. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Well, I was hoping that anyone else who might have been there would chip in with the story of my first-round disaster in August, but I'll fire away anyway. This will sound like whining, but it's certainly not intended as such.

    An absolute avalanche of horrible cards. By hand 11 I'd won twice. Most were betting small (including me) so I wasn't in terrible shape. On my next-to-last button pass, betting last, I shoved enough out to become BR2 with a win and actually got a BJ. Then Lady Luck took another huge squat over me and everyone slowly passed me by.

    Hand 20 (of 21) was another button-pass hand. I went all-in after everyone else bet small enough to allow me to go from Worst to First by a wee bit. This was the second hand of a "two-step exit", and of course Step 1 had gotten crushed. The reward for such bravado was 10-5 v. dealer Ace. Dealer didn't have the BJ, I take the hit and get a 5! Unfortunately, he did have a nine for the push and I'm still low man going into the final hand.

    Last hand, two players in front of me bet huge, saving a little bit, so I held back one more chip than either of them and shoved out the rest. This gave me some hope as it was enough to be one of the three advancing players if I could get a half or full swing over a few folks (one guy was way out of reach). My hard 20 looked mighty good until I realized that two of my opponents got BJ and a hard 20. That was the end of me.

    "Landlord" was at my table, it was rather enjoyable to listen to his non-stop chatter throughout the entire game. His cards weren't a whole lot better than mine, so he joined me in being sent to the rail. Also enjoyed playing against Helen Shipp, who did advance (she got the BJ on the final hand).

    All I can say is - some days you're the dog, some days you're the hydrant. :p
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2008
  18. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User


    from the narrative it sounds as if you did make an heroic stand...similar to Custer at the LBH:)

    I was hoping you would be at the final table, as were all of your Midwest friends.

    Is your next tourney Ignace?

    You know you picked my interest in VP play and since this spring my wife has pulled in a $5000 profit, all tax free from those machines you wrote about and another one called "Hot Aces". She even placed 3rd in a big VP tourney.

    Maybe I will see you at Ignace... and if I am lucky can get your autograph;)


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