How do you decide?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by fgk42, Mar 16, 2007.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Recent posts regarding different formats and things along those lines got me wondering – how do people decide which BJ tourneys (BJT) they decide to play?

    As a newer BJT player (1 year – beginning April 2006) I try to play in as many as possible.

    Having said that, I find that there are limits to the number of BJT I can actually play in due to time constraints, travel expenses, etc.

    I’ve found that formats vary wildly:

    Live cash
    Non-convertible tourney chips
    Surrender and non-surrender
    Power Chips
    Hidden bets

    At this early juncture I’m just happy to have BJT’s available to play in. I’ve paid for most of these with only two (2) being invite only events. The least expense entry was 20 (cruise ship) and the most expensive 2500 (UBT)

    Since April 2006 there haven’t been many times when there were over lapping BJT available. Suddenly in April 2007 there seems to be a proliferation with two big money competing events (UBT and Tunica).

    In May you’ve got Cherokee, UBT, TBT and the Hilton within 2 weeks of each other.

    A trend? Maybe, hopefully.

    So how do you choose what to attend? Is it strictly a risk:reward decision? Proximity to where you live? Favorite formats?
  2. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    I don't thing two people would answer this question the same way. It's all a matter of personal choice. We are all here because we enjoy tournament blackjack play so we make our decisions on how enthusiastic we are about a given tournament. That enthusiasm includes travel, casino environment, quality of the tournament, who will be there, etc. Also, sometime you just get "tournament-ed out" so you skip tournaments to let absence rebuild enthusiasm. And sometime there is a period time time when there is nothing decent to choose from so you take whatever is available, for example: Sometime I drive 3 1/2 hours to one of my least favorite casinos to play in their tournament because "it's the only game in town".

    Ya, you are right, I didn't answer the question. Each individual must answer this question based on his/her priorities at the time the decision needs to be made. Have a good day and choose what makes you happiest :) . Don't make it a chore, go with your flow. :D
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2007
  3. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    For me

    Proximity and traveling expenses are important. Just as an example to play at Barona will cost me less than 500$ total, Palms would cost 10 times that much. The risk reward ratio is about the same for the two, obviously Palms pays more, just one risks a lot more money. I can see, clearly, that BJT expenses can burry a player to a point even a final table might not uncover them. Another thing is the area the game is at. For example, I would choose a game in Tulsa over anything in Las Vegas.

    For others and I dont want to use names but lets call him Nek Htmis, I could see him choosing UBT over Tunica because of the notoriety as it is part of his business to be well known and being well known, on TV, would help his business.
  4. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    The Palms pays more? Really? How did you find out the prize pool?

    Tulsa over Vegas? I would think that coming from California Vegas would be less expensive than Tulsa! So when did YOU last play in Tulsa?

    Other reasons for choosing UBT/Tunica over UBT/Tunica:

    1. Format preferences - EBJ versus hybrid accumulation
    2. Player pool - do you want to be a big shark in a little pool or a little shark in the ocean
    3. Prize pool - one is bigger than the other
    4. Bragging rights
    5. Proximity/expenses
    6. BR availability

    The biggest TBJ prize pool SHOULD be the UBT Tournament of Champions (TOC with a 10,000 entry fee). What's interesting is that every tour stop winner gets an automatic entry. Nevertheless UBT events such as Barona are awarding seats also.

    So for 2500 you get a shot at a TOC entry. With Barona for the same 2500 BR you could theoritically play all the Barona events (April, June, September and November) have 4 chances for a TOC entry and STILL have money left over (2,000 vs. 2,500).

    It all depends on what motivates you I guess! :p
  5. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    Simply, I would find more intrinsic value in Tulsa thru tourism of the area. Traveling to a tourney isnt all about the lights for me. Vegas is all lights.
  6. tgun

    tgun Member


    At the last Tulsa event, 2 car-loads of players drove from Vegas. There were at least 8 players that have appeared on TV blackjack shows. Tulsa Cherokee offered 7 days of various tournaments including sit&goes. The highest entry was a mere $300 for the Sat. main event.

    At the same time Tunica had an accumalation bj tournament. Some players from Stl went to Tunica while I chose Tulsa because of the enconomy and enjoyment of 7 tournaments in 7 days. Tulsa is only about 1 hour farther than Tunica.

    We had such a great time my wife and I are looking forward to returning in May.

  7. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Bad Math

    Lets see 10 times 500 equals 5,000

    So after you pay your entry fee of 2,700 what exactly are you spending an additional 2,300 on. Now of course if you are hiring a Lear jet and having some one on one tournament lessons once you hit the Las Vegas Strip then I can see where your 10 times the cost figures in.;)

  8. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    There you go again, its all about Barney. If I only had a dollar for every time you and lou posted using me........
  9. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    To start

    Rooms at the Palms are about 400+ per night. Then as you have said we have the 1000$ re entry fees, the 500+ satellites and all other Vegas expenses. So Mr Math Guru, I guess you think playing at Palms will be 2700 even? LOL. Notice I added expense range on Barona as well from 270 to 500. Same ratio. If you can go to LV and play at Palms for a flat 2700 let me know. But when using common sense one knows spending several days in Vegas runs a heavy tab. Keep thinking of me Big Man, I like it.
  10. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    When will the first one come

    876 post and still not one of any value.:joker:

  11. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    In other words

    Maybe Im right about Palms costing up to 5 grand. One thing you have the smoke and mirror thing down like rewind on the tape recorder:laugh:
  12. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    I just checked room rates at the Palms in April are $199 a night for a casino rate a far cry from $400+ per night. Please be more diligent when posting information that you claim to be fact but have not verified.I didn't even ask if there was a special UBT Tournament rate which I'm sure there will be.

  13. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    I checked the room rates a few days ago and the available rooms, via drop down, on Palms web page had a low of just under 400 in the 300s + taxed rate estimated at 400. One thing I am is diligent. This is the reason I would play at Barona and believe Barona is a better value.

    Try this Joe, give me a all expenses paid value for non rated player to the Palms. Consider tournament fees including all tournaments at the event. Food. Lodging. Toking. The rebuys @ 1000$ you have said will be offered. Prove to me the Palms doesnt require a about a 5 grand bankroll.

  14. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    I just checked back to Palms I was a little off, the base rate was 309 plus taxes or about 350 for the room I saw available on net. But, as of now the room arriving on 18th depart Sunday isno longer available.

    Maybe UBT has secured a block of rooms tho at a better price?
  15. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Saving on Palm expenses?

    Come on Joe,

    Let’s see some of that New York generosity on here.

    How about letting Barney stay with you for a few nights at your house in Las Vegas so that he can cut back on his expenses and play at the Palms casino.

    I am sure that you guys will get on like a house on fire when you are in the same company.

    Well may be not. But at least you can say that you both tried.

    Andy ;)
  16. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Italian Blood

    When I listen to Joep and Kenny on the radio it does sound sometimes like a scene from the film Goodfellas without the bad language.

    Barney be careful if Joe says that you can stay at his house for the Palms tournament.

    He may be flying in his cousin over from the east coast, Joey “never rat on me in a casino” Bagels to whack you.

    Andy :)

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