How many BJ players going to Aruba?

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by TXtourplayer, Sep 12, 2006.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Since I still haven't found a corp. sponsor I won't be going to Aruba this month. I was just wondering who all is going (tournament BJ players that is)?

    Here are the players I have heard are planning on going, if you know any others or your going yourself please post and let the members know so we will know who to cheer for in Aruba.

    List of players I have heard are going:

    1. David M. - UBT Champ
    2. Anthony C. - Team UBT
    3. Hollywood Dave - Team UBT
    4. Micheal C. - seasoned player - helped beta test
    5. Joe P. - seasoned player - helped beta test
    6. Vera - seasoned player
    7. John R. - seasoned player
    8. Harry F. - seasoned player
    9. Ken S. - seasoned player
    10. fgk - I saw from his post (I don't know his level of play)
    11. James G. - ? maybe going I was told
    12. Previn M. - ? maybe going I was told
    13. Darrel A. - ? if he gets sponsorship
    14. Peter N. - seasoned player

    I'm sure Blair R. will be there for both poker and UBT and is very good in both games.

    It is looking like Aruba maybe mostly poker players from what I am hearing for the tournaments. If you are wanting a shot at UBT with not many seasoned BJ tournament players this maybe the best chance your ever going to get.

    If Joep is correct about skill players winning more than the group listed above should clean house in Aruba vs. a bunch of poker players new to BJ tournaments. However if they get 400 players for the main event as Joep said I may still have to bet on the luck factor and take a poker newbie to win it all vs. the skilled BJ tournament players.

    I do wish everybody on the above list the best of luck and hope one of them win.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2006
  2. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    How Did You Forget Kenny E

    Tex you are missing a lot of players who are scheduled to go to Aruba.

    The one that really makes me wonder how you left him off your 'Short" list is Kenny Einiger

  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    Sorry I thought I had Kennye on it as on the UBT team at the very first of the list. I knew UBT had 3 seasoned BJ players and I guess I counted David M. as one. Everyone knows Kennye is going from the radio show.

    I wish I was getting to go with a chance at so few seasoned tournament players not going to Aruba it seems like this would be the prime time for one (if not all the players I listed) to shine. I guess I'll have to wait until I win a satellite event or get sponsored for my chance.

    I'm sure there are many more players going I just haven't heard who. That is why I made the post so we could find out who all is making the trip. I am sure more than 16 seasoned tournament BJ players are going.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2006
  4. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    Booked, but may be backing out.

    I'm booked, but I probably will have to cancel tomorrow.

    Doctor says I may need to get some minor surgery next week and that would put me on the shelf for Aruba. There's always St Kitts. :)
  5. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    You're right about me going but DON'T include ME with the likes of "seasoned" TBJ players. I'm a newbie, a rookie in a field of All-Stars.

    So why am I going? Because of what you said - this will be your best shot at the money - before this takes off.

    But seriously I aspire to become better and play with the best - where else is this gonna happen but in Aruba, then St. Kitts, etc....

    As far as the luck vs. skill argument well IMHO its a definate combination of both. Skill gets you in the door and can keep you at the table but if the cards just don't pan out then adios!

    Look at the level of play at UB from the 5.00 to the 30.00 SNG tables. Big difference there and I imagine the level of play in Aruba will be unlike anything I've seen before, not counting this Saturday's premier.

    When it comes to your bet with Joep I would consider myself part of "the field". So I hope you're right TX that the "field" will take the tourney in Aruba.
    I'm looking at this like an expensive hands on approach to learning. I hope to pay for the trip with side time in the casino's on my own. If I get "lucky" in the tourney great! Actually I'm just hoping to sit on the left of Joep, Kenny E or Ken! :laugh:
  6. bahoozle

    bahoozle Member

    St. Kitts is a nicer island anyhow.;)
  7. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Is the bet on?

    Hey TX,

    I re-read your post and I was curious. In this post you said, this will be your best chance for an in-the-money finish as there will likely NOT be a long of “professional” [my choice of words] BJ players in Aruba. Nevertheless in another thread between you and Joep you wrote that the more experienced BJ players didn’t have much of an advantage to winning (i.e., first place) as “the field”.

    On that thread there was a lot of discussion between you and Joep about who would win the tourney at least in relationship to skill vs. luck. Here in this tread you stated
    so which is it?

    With so few "pro/seasoned" players present wouldn't this be the ideal time to see if "skill" vs. "luck" argument hold water???
  8. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    Your right, Aruba will be a good showcase of luck vs. skill. I was trying to be positive for the members going, but I honestly think it is mostly luck.

    I guess we can use the online UBT style tournaments as well to measure the skill vs. luck factor (Not the sit & goes or smaller tourneys with all seasoned players).

    How many of the seasoned players have won the bigger UBT style online tournaments? Now I am asking how many have WON a tournament, not how many have made the finals and won money.

    From what I have seen none (but to be fair I was out of pocket for over a week), if a season player did win my congratulations and if not I guess the luck factor is over 80% for the online tournaments.

    Once again don't get me wrong, I am not knocking skill by any means, but the best players around can't win without luck.

    This is not about the UBT format, I say the same about all of the tournament formats. If I had the backing or sponsorship I would be in Aruba next week myself.

    With 200 guaranteed poker players winning seats in the UBT main event that means $500,000 in prize money just from those players ($250,000 for each final table). That is just from the poker winners not counting anyone esle that plays in the main event will add another $2,500 per player to the total prize pool.

    Sounds like Aruba (Sept. 23 - 31) is the place you want to have luck on your side. For the members who are making the Aruba trip I hope they have the lucky and bring home the money.
  9. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    BJT skill/ luck=success

    "It's absolutely amazing, the harder one works the luckier one gets"

    Don Laughlin Bobble Head Doll
  10. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    People always call it luck when you've acted more sensibly than they have.
    Anne Tyler (1941 - ), Celestial Navigation​
  11. noman

    noman Top Member

    Luck/skill analysis:

    Just curious. Where on UBT does it show BJ tourney winners to make an analysis?

    All things considered, I still lean towards TX's view on any given BJ tourney. Now over time, I lean the other way, but again, we have to have a standard to judge by. Sounds like UBT points and for that matter tx's point system, will at least give some numbers to make comparisons with, not withstanding what a number of individuals have accomplished over the years, which no one, or not many are aware.
  12. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    You wrote
    "10. fgk - I saw from his post (I don't know his level of play) "

    Just hope he doesnt get drunk, or you will be in trouble! :laugh:

  13. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member


    Ive been watching you play on UB and your style is 100 % based on luck. You go all in on the first hand and then min bet until someone catches up or busts out trying...just wondering how that strat is working out for you?

    Seems that you would loose 55% of all first hands...push a few and win the rest. The few I have watched have won but then again when you bust out on the first hand ....well theres nothing to watch.

    Hows that working out for you?
  14. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I don't think Norm from UB is here. Did I miss something?
  15. the_snowbird

    the_snowbird New Member

    Aruba UBT and Poker

    Hi Guys,

    I just qualified for the Aruba package which includes Poker tournament and Freeroll qualified for UBT ... Yeah Babe! ...
    I check out the details on the UBT and one of the rule with UBT this season that is :

    Everyhand will be reshuffle .... ( still on Six deck cards ).

    I think this is outrage, this is taking away the skill of the blackjack players. I think that this new rule is probably influenced by the poker pro on their UBT team.

    Every game has major skills to win, even though luck is major force to win.
    Poker needs basic math and strong on reading skills of your opponents to make a decision bet/call or bluff to win.
    Blackjack also needs basic math and strong on cards counting. ( I guess they think that 6 deck of cards is easy to count ? ) even with counting does not matter how good a blackjack player are they most likely are correct 70% of the time is very good number.

    This UBT would be just luck now if they keep reshuffle on every hands, then I believe that if UBT is not changing this it is doom to failure.
    Because not much of skill is involved any more. What ever have been shuffle on the deck the outcome are already there, there is a very little room for the players can do.

    Ken, the big boss can we as the blackjack players give those guys some feedback to them on this.
    Everyone please comments on this rule of UBT.

    Thanks and See you at the Beach in Aruba!
  16. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Congrats on winning the Aruba package! Nice going!

    Are you sure this shuffle-every-hand rule is applicable at the land-based tournaments? It obviously would have to be implemented via a continuous shuffler, or the games would take forever to complete.

    I have a tough time believing that either is true.

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