How many decks?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by TXtourplayer, Mar 23, 2007.


How many decks do you want to play for these tournaments?

Poll closed May 22, 2007.
  1. Single deck, face up?

  2. Double deck, face up?

  3. 6 deck shoe, face up?

  4. 8 deck shoe, face up?

    0 vote(s)
  5. I don't care, I'm just glad to have affordable open tournaments to play in.

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I have been given the chance to decide how many decks we will use at the TBJPA/TBT events at the River Palms
    in Laughlin, May 10th - 13th.

    Since I won't be playing I think the only fair way is to poll the players and see what they want, so here goes.

    *NOTE: All games will be dealt face up to speed up the game.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2007
  2. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Dos Deckies!

    I cant believe dbl decks isnt winning by a landslide!!?? The thing to worry about during a single deck game that is shuffled EVERY time is a short rebuy period of 20-25 minutes. The games seldom last over half hour. Still you find plenty of time to take a potty break get a drink and rebuy then say hurry up game. A double deck can go 4 hands for a total of 6 shuffles and should be right at 25-30 minutes per round.

    Also/but, I think one thing to consider is what the dealers at the individual casinos throw from. If the dealers mostly use a shoe then thats what it should be. If they throw from hand then thats it. I think dealing, from talking with dealers, is stressful for them. One thing that ticks me off is when a player jumps all over a dealer who has never dealt a tourney. This is like yelling at your kid for falling when they first take the training wheels off.

    Tex, are you worried a 24 hand round will last too long for rebuys using a dbl deck?
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    My findings

    Kind of, but that is why we will deal face up (trying to speed the game up).

    Most players I talked to would rather play 6 deck shoe and have 2 players advance from each table (minimum) through out the entire tournament and offer 2 guaranteed re-buys to every player instead of playing less decks.
  4. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    Do you know the approximate time to deal 24 hands from 2 and 6 decks with hand shuffles?

    Im sure the Edgewater and Avi deal single deck face down shuffle every time. At least 21 hands. Rounds on the hour. After the round you can chat about the play, go rebuy, and then still realize you have 20 minutes to next round. Like oneeyedjack said, tho, they have it down because they practice twice a week. If you are going to take credit cards that will put more demand on the rebuy table as well.

    For me it just adds excitement to the game, single or dbl deck face up. It adds a dynamic to the game. It can really improve those hard double decisions:D

    I hope everyone realizes the time and effort txtouplayer is putting into this:cheers:

    Thanks again and again
  5. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    I think the two deck game only benefits a very limited number of AP's and therefore for the overall benefit and to make the playing field as level as possible that a 6 deck shoe is the most fair. This will also keep the game going at a faster clip...too much shullfling gives too much time to the chip memorizers....Im all for fast fast fast.....get a clock on em.....LOL
  6. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    We will be moving...

    In a prefect world, I would like the rounds to last no more then 40 minutes (at 24 hands), but I realize that we may have a few running closer to 50-55 minutes. Experienced dealers will make a difference as well. We will be counting with 5 hands left and timers will be on hand should players start taking to long on their decisions

    The current plan is to start each round on the hour. The re-buys will be handle like the New Frontier did theirs and allow players to re-buy back in any of the first rounds should there be open seats. This will also speed up the tournament and hopefully keep the tables full with 6 players on each table in each session.

    Each player will be given a re-buy card for each tournament, which will be punched for each of his or her re-buys. After the players have gotten their guaranteed re-buy(s) they may sign up for additional re-buys on a first come first serve basis, after all players have been given their guaranteed chance(s).

    This will also increase the over all prize pool, which most players will enjoy.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2007
  7. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    Interesting view point, I never thought about it working to the best chip count managers with extra time- you might be right. For me, I have had the chance to play mostly single deck games but maybe a third 6 deck, the shuffling time gives me a chance to go over all the players stacks. My problem then turns to counting and forgetting the counts. I always thought the extra time was good for me, but see what you mean as well.


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