How should I have played this??

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by fgk42, Jul 14, 2006.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Ok, I need some help from the numbers guys/gals here.

    [I won't use Hollywood Daves expressions so I don't get censored :laugh: ]

    I was playing in a 1-1 recently. After 15 hands we were tied


    Round 16 ended and we were tied

    Round 17
    Opponent goes first
    Opponent bets max 500
    I bet min 10

    opponent gets BJ, I get 10 dealer has an Ace showing.

    I didn't know what they did. (I'm new to global and I was freaking because I didn't know how many hands and I felt like I was definately an underdog)

    I didn't take insurance and just hit.

    Dealer turns BJ - I lose 10.

    I'm not sure what my opponent did (they had BJ too) but the final tally showed me losing by 10 (my bet)


    1. On global in this situation how many hands are played - was it a sudden death situation where the first winning hand takes it?

    2. How do I know if my opponent takes insurance?

    3. Should I have taken insurance and would it have mattered?

    Thanks in advance for the advice - I need all I can get :eek:
  2. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Not sure on the value of what I have to say but I'm going to say it anyway...


    1) I'm pretty sure a Player BJ pushes against a Dealer BJ at Global.
    2) You can see the insurance bet on the Insurance line (is that what it's called?) on the table.
    3) Insurance would have meant you pushed thus another tie. The only way you could not lose that hand was by taking insurance in fact. If the dealer doesn't have a BJ even if you win a DD bet you've still lost to the other players BJ.
    4)I would have bet more than 1/2 of what the other player bet. In fact just over 75% of their bet is best because you have the low, if they surrender so can you, and you can DD to beat their BJ or single bet win. You lose to their successfull DD though

    I might be talking rubbish though so I'd wait for the professionals to inform you!!!!


  3. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    No Reachy, you must be right because my opponent beat me by 10.

    If they had taken insurance it would have been even money and I would have lost by 500 (their bet) Instead I lost by my bet 10.

    what is ironic is that if I had taken a 5 insurance bet in this case I would have gone on to the next hand.

    When players are tied how many hands does it go?

    When hand 17 happened they bet max 500. I bet 10 to try and swing it because I felt I was definately outclassed (I was)

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