How should I have played this??

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by fgk42, Sep 27, 2006.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Here's the lowdown.

    Elimination hand 16

    You're BR5 with 34000
    BR6 has 18,000
    BR5 has 45,000
    BR3 and above more than 45,000 with BR1 having around 60,000

    3 people advance.

    BR6 is first on the button and uses his secret bet (assume it is all-in by his prior plays)

    BR5 - you are next - Bet 12,000

    Others on the table bet similar but right now you're concentrating on BR6 to your right.

    BR6 gets 13
    BR5 (you) get 11
    Dealer has a face card up

    BR6 hits to 18
    Now it's your turn.

    If the dealer busts you're still in, BRL but still in it
    If you win you don't get eliminated and due to the bets will likely be BR3.

    BTW, seat 2 has a pair of 3's and other players have potentially splitable hands.

    WHAT DO YOU DO? :eek:
  2. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    With 18 vs 10 BR6 is a dog to the dealer by nearly 65%. Obviously you're not going to stand and you have no need to DD. In fact DD could be dangerous because you then could lose to a push and if you've miscalculated BR6's secret bet you may have given up the low.

    If you stand = 87.86% chance of winning
    If you hit once and get 12-17 = 87.86% chance of winning
    If you hit once to 18-21 = 100%
    Therefore the total chances of winning if you hit once are 94.4%

    If for some mad reason you decided to hit again and busted = 65% chance of winning

    In summary - Hit once, get 18 or more you're home and dry. Don't double because you then risk your low end without any appreciable gain.


  3. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Don't hit a stiff!

    If you hit and get a stiff don't hit it again (contrary to BS). If for example you get 13 (;) ) you will win if you hit about 82% of the time but it would be 87% for standing.


  4. cherub44

    cherub44 New Member

    Yes to everything Reachy said. I didn't check the numbers for accuracy, but regardless yes.
  5. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    If only my wife uttered those sentiments on a more regular basis :D :eek:



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