How to Accumulation Tourneys Work?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by Sniff009, May 14, 2010.

  1. Sniff009

    Sniff009 New Member

    I will be playing in the accumulation format tournament at Paris in June and I just wanted to know how it works. I have played in two tournaments 25 hands start with $2500 and the winner moves on.

    Thanks for the help.
  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    What is typically referred to as an accumulation tournament is an event where you are competing against all players at all tables. The winners are determined by whoever accumulates the most chips overall. In a pure accumulation format, you play one or several rounds, and your "score" from each round is added to your total. The final totals are ranked and prizes are paid based on the rankings.

    Often all the top prize winners come from the same table or two, where the dealer tended to bust most hands. Obviously strategy is quite different in these events. Typically, you'll want to estimate how big a score will be required to win the event (or at least finish high in the money). Then you should generally make max bets until you reach your goal, or bust out trying.

    If there are multiple rounds involved, try to reach your goal in the first round and you'll be able to coast through the late rounds. If you fail, just increase the goal in the next round to win back the chips you lost in the prior round plus the true goal.

    Luck is a huge factor in these events, but your edge is likely very good if you are willing to be super-aggressive.

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