How to find BJ Tournaments?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by kobedog, Nov 10, 2006.

  1. kobedog

    kobedog New Member

    The list on this site is fantastic, but I imagine it's not complete. . . So what's the best way to find all the land-based BJ tourneys across the country? Any good links or info is greatly appreciated!
  2. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Lack of posters

    You are right on the money kobedog, the CALENDER is not complete. However, most other sources are hit and miss. Magazines are inadequate - for example: ALL IN has tournaments listed that are over before receiving the current issue. Other web sites don't specialize in tournaments. Mailers from casinos often don't list BJ tournaments. So what's a guy to do? :confused:

    Let me take this opportunity to voice one of my pet peeves. There are many members on this site from every part of the USA. I would venture to say that if you name any casino in the country, a BJT member is a regular visitor to that casino and gets mailings etc. about that casino's events. BUT DOES HE POST IT ON THE CALENDER ON THIS SITE? I'll answer that, HELL NO!!!

    Ladies and Gentlemen, we tournament players cannot go to a tournament if we don't know one exists. Posting to the CALENDER benefits everyone because the casino gets more entries and therefore lean toward having more tournaments.

    I see only a few members post to the CALENDAR. That is a crime. You folks want the benefit of this site but are not willing to contribute to it's success. :mad: Now get off you duff and post at least 1 tournament that you know of. If everyone did this we would have not only the most complete listing on the Internet, we would have a complete listing of every tournament in the USA, bar none. I'm done, now start posting damn it. :whip:

    PS: In the last 30 days, only 11 new tournaments have been added to the CALENDER. That's pathetic.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2006
  3. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    I would think

    that the major tournaments get posted here - or - at least - discussed in the forums - so you can spot them - if you surf here on a frequent basis - but the smaller tourneys in the smaller casinos may not be poosted or updated or - sometimes - may not be accurate -

    you might try calling/talking to the casinos near you - that you can play at on a regular basis - and asking them about their tourneys - then please post any that are scheduled on this site - so everyone will know -
  4. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Hey toolman you're right about posting new tourneys - its ALL of our responsibility.

    With regard to the lack of "new events" - might it be that there just aren't that many BJ tourney's going on?

    I mostly go to AC and Vegas. In AC they don't hold BJ tourney's - plain and simple. When I did hear about them they were those God awful accumulation formats!

    Down here in Election Capital USA there aren't THAT many opportunities so I rely heavily on the board to make plans about where to travel etc. Gotta admit I have been "obsessed" with EBJ and actually haven't seen the need lately to get on a plane and travel.

    But I don't want to make you any angrier than you are :mad: so I'll post a few BJ posters just for you ok? Is this what you are talking about? :joker:
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2007
  5. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    No cigar

    Always enjoy your humor, fgk42. You are close but no cigar :cool:

    I realize there is a decline in tournaments but the point I'm trying to make is that if we don't know about them then we can't play. It's as simple as that. Ken Smith gave us a great "tool" (I like tools) but we are not taking full advantage of it.

    As for discussing a given tournament on the FORUM, that's all well & good and I learn a lot from that but... Tournaments tend to get buried in a FORUM environment. The solution then is to post a tournament on the CALENDER and if one wants to discuss it, post it on the FORUM as well. Simple, no?
  6. squaredancer

    squaredancer New Member

    nbjt post

    most of us have access to or have hears of "casino ". if you will go to that site they have the most complete list of casinos. just click on a state and list comes up, open the casino page and find out all you want to know.squaredancerp,s. i post ed a tourney at the golden moon in miss.:) :) :laugh:
  7. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    NO Tournaments listed is a great site but it only lists the casinos and, as far as I know, no listing of special events i.e. tournaments. To find tournaments you would have to go through the very time consuming process of looking at each casino's web site. Even then, most casino web sites are not kept updated with the latest tournament information. Not an efficient way to get tournament information.

    On a separate note, I saw your CALENDER post, squaredancer. We appreciate it. Now if the rest of the BJT community would get busy with CALENDER postings, we would have something. Come'on guys and gals, just one every once in a while will make a big difference.

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