How to play when u are chipleader

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by privador, Oct 13, 2006.

  1. privador

    privador New Member

    Lets say 7 persons torunament.First 3 are awarded.
    Starting stack is 2000$,u can do 3 rebuy,max bet is 2000$
    My goal is all or nothing.So i start with max bet.I try to make at least 8000$ and then continue with min bets.
    What should i do when opponents or part of it become more agressive.
    Mathematics have said that there are some covaratsion.(In other words if opponent wins i win as well,and if i lose then opponents lose as well)So if opponents start to chase me should i do half max bets or continue with min bets?
  2. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Bad strategy

    Let's get some statistics down first:
    1) 7 players with 3 advance translates to mean that the average player has a 43% chance to advance.
    2) Chances of getting to $8,000 before busting out are about 25%​
    So, by using your strategy of getting to $8,000, you put yourself at a severe disadvantage to your opponents. If I were at your table, I would just sit back and wait for you to bust out. Then I would have 1 less opponent to worry about. If you made your $8,000, I wouldn't chase. The game is now 2 out of 6 advance.

    If you still insist on trying for the $8,000 and you make it, then sit on it by just nickeling out. Not too likely that 3 opponents will pass you.
  3. privador

    privador New Member

    I dont agree.U said i have chances of 25% to make 8000chips?
    Are you sure?remeber i start with 2000chips with 2000 max bet and i have 3 REBUYS,if i bust.Even if i fail i put in 2000+2000*3=8000chips.Yeah i occur some variation,but this % should be around 50%

    U said if i manage to get 8000chips opponents play to the second prize..
    Are u sure?when payout structure is 50k$ 20k$10k$
    rebuy cost is 1k$
  4. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Please restate

    Before I say anything else, I need some clarification because I'm not following you at all. I had assumed that this was a preliminary table with 3 advance. Now it apparently is not. You need to supply additional information to get an answer:

    Conventional re-buys occur when you are eliminated from a session, then you can "re-buy" to play in another session. Is this the case?

    You seem to imply that the re-buy allows you to continue playing in your current session. Is this the case? If so, can you "buy" these additional chips at any time i.e buy $6,000 in chips for $3,000 and then start with $8,000 in chips? Or how does it work?

    Is this a final table, a preliminary table, or is this just a single table event with 7 players?

    What is the original buy-in for this tournament?

    Is this a real tournament or some hypothetical event?

    Supply all other information you have, don't leave anything out, and be as specific as you can. Instead of adding to you previous post, restate the full situation in a new post. It will make it easier to follow.

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