Hustler $5000 Added Tournament

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by Pine Tree, Feb 15, 2007.

  1. Pine Tree

    Pine Tree New Member

    Just a reminder that the Hustler Casino in Gardena, Cal. is holding its $5000 added tournament tonight. Sign ups start at 5 and 1st cards at 6. Two weeks ago 1st place paid $4300. See the listing under list of casinos for tournament info. If you go be prepared for a wild game with unusual rules. I have played in 4 tournaments at the Hustler and cashed in 2.
    This casino is very conservative. You can't take children into the casino, but if you could, you would not have to worry that your children would hear or see anything that would make you uncomfortable. They also have a closed off smoking area, so you will not be sitting next to a smoker unless you go into the smoking room.
  2. yeahyeahyeah

    yeahyeahyeah New Member


    Pine, how has attendance been the last couple of weeks. I'm venturing off tonight, just wanted to get a little heads up.
  3. Pine Tree

    Pine Tree New Member

    Hustler Casino

    Attendance has been growing. Two weeks ago an additional 1st round was added which increased the pay outs. Tonight they again added an additional 1st round. I checked with Chano, the tournament director, and 1st place was at $4215 before adding in the money from the extra 1st round and the reentries.
    I bought in for a 1st round and 2 reentries. I made a couple dumb bets and crippled my chip count two times just before the end of 2 of the rounds. I didn't make it to the final tables tonight. Next Hustler blackjack tournament is March 1.
    I didn't reply to your message earlier because I had to make a couple stops on my way to Gardena. I left home early.
  4. yeahyeahyeah

    yeahyeahyeah New Member

    No cash today, but not disappointed...

    Pine, I should have asked before hand how I would have been able to ID you before tonight...that's if you wanted to be ID'd? :) You weren't on table 3 during that first buy-in were you? That table ended up being really close to the last 3 hands of the round like you described --- so much so that the dealer had to do a chip count just to make sure...

    I ended up playing in the final table, but not placing in the top 8 for the cash...placed in 11/12th when the player acting as the banker on my table put out a max bet, covered everyone's bet after getting a four card 21, and took me and the guy next to me out (argh!)...that took the table to the last 10 and then less then two minutes later, two other people's BR came down to zero...

    At the final table they did have 20 players instead of the 18 from what I heard from the weeks before playing b/c of that extra 1st round. After i got eliminated I stayed around for an extra five minutes to see the final 8 form into one table and be seated...heard 8th was playing out $300-$400 and 1st though they were still calculating it was around $4700 - maybe even $5000...I would have stayed to see how it played out but after being there since 5:30, working a full day, baring the hour + traffic to get there, I was too tired to stay (top 8 ended up playing around 10-10:15).

    I wish I could talk about strategies and such, but everything was so confusing the first time around playing "LA Blackjack," the banker button going around, figuring out where the action button was being the time I was playing in the re-buy round I had more of a sense about playing thought by no means no master of it. I faired well by trying to match people's bets with the rest of the table and betting the minumum when needed....but that action button kept killing me.

    All in all, I felt very comfortable playing at my first live BJT game in over a on to the pioneer in two weeks. Hopefully I would fair better then...
  5. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    I for one and probably most on this site have no idea about how the "banker button" works in LA. Also, I don't understand how there are 20 people at the final table. How about a little explanation? How many rounds are there, just 2? In the 1st round are you playing against all players in that round, all players in a given session, or just your table? If anyone has the time, an explanation of how this tournament works starting from the beginning would be nice.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2007
  6. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    Take it easy man;) this is a message board not a job site. This is a Bounty tournament similar to that played in OK of recent. The banker button moves like a button in normal BJT but when you get the "BB" you use dealers cards as own and payout or take in as the dealer would. There is also an action button that tells how many players are paid and where paying starts so you dont have to pay entire table. When I played most of the pays were to 3 players. As the BB you put the minimum amount as per rule and director calls on your bet spot. So, if you placed 500$ you would pay or be paid $500 off the action button. Next, yes there are two tables in finals thats how the finals start. But, tables merge at some point to create the final final table where the pay is. Pine Tree is a writer maybe he will pain a better picture when he chimes in. BTW, BJ pays even in this game. Maybe they made that rule to simplify payouts and reduce the banks risk.
  7. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    There are those of us that are of a "Lessor God" that cannot comprehend a condensed version of "LA rules". That is why a detailed explanation, starting at the very beginning of the tournament, is needed so that us with meager minds can comprehend how the game is played. Only then can we non-Californians understand what in being said in this thread. If that sounds like a "job" then I guess I don't understand the purpose of a FORUM, sorry for asking.
  8. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Lessor God?

    Holly Zeus Aphrodite are we Gods? :laugh: Its hard to explain Toolman did you checkout the calendar listing? Im not sure if you understood the Bounty game in OK but this is a similar game. In Ca non Indian casinos we cant play regular blackjack so the fudge it to these banker button games. Read this maybe it will give you more clues. I can guarantee you calling the casino wont get you a better explanation.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 26, 2013
  9. tgun

    tgun Member

    LA Blackjack

    Hey Toolman, I think Ken should have a section for LA Blackjack only. Then we can just avoid it.

  10. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    tgun: Sounds good to me.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2007
  11. yeahyeahyeah

    yeahyeahyeah New Member

    Rules handed out

    ...I have the rules handout that they gave yesterday and will post them on the site later today (most of it I think is already on the list of tourney's section)...
  12. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    If you could post them, that would be much appreciated. I doubt that I would ever play a game with those rules but I like to have a handle on what's going on in the BJ tournament world - as would other members on this site.
  13. Pine Tree

    Pine Tree New Member

    Hustler Casino Tournament

    Hi Yeah
    I played my first round on table 1 and my 2 reentries on table 3. I registered at 5:05 so I missed you. My method of operation is to register and then go upstairs for a meal while waiting for the tournament to start. I always give away my match play coupon instead of playing on the tables. If you are going to the March 1st tournament let me know and we'll get together.
  14. yeahyeahyeah

    yeahyeahyeah New Member

    Hustler's BJT Rules and Regulations...

    Here's the info...sorry for the day wait...

    Depending on the number of play, (Hustler Casino) will run 2-3 qualifying rounds. Each qualifying round is 40 minutes. Each player will be allowed one (1) Re-Buy at any time during te first level (20 min.) of the qualifying rounds, providing they have not missed a hand. At the end of the round, the two (2) players with the most chips from each table will advance to the finals. At the end of the qualifying rounds, 1 or 2 Second Cance rounds will be played. Second Chance rounds will be 30 minutes. No Re-Buys will be allowed during the Second Chance rounds. At the end of the Second Chance rounds, the two (2) players with the most chips from each table will advance to the finals. The Finals will be played elimination style. The final 8 players will cash out. The Finals will begin 10 minutes after the last Second Chance round.

    As for the Rules and Regulations:

    - Tournament chips will have no value.
    - The bank will start on seat one. Each player must bank one hand each time it is his/her turn to bank.
    -A player may not take chips off the table at any time. All chips must remain in plain view of all players at all times. Large denomination chips must be visible at all times.
    -Absent Players: Once the tournament begins, players must play every hand. In the event a player is not at his/her seat, the dealer will play the hand accordingly, as the player the dealer will hit the hand (2-11) until it becomes optional and stop, with the exception of soft 17. The dealer will hit on soft 17. As the player/banker, the dealer will hit the hand as our standard banking procedures - hitting soft 17.
    - All players are allowed one re-buy at any time during the first level of the qualifying rounds, providing that he/she has not missed a hand. Once a player misses a hand they are eliminated from that round.
    - A player who has been eliminated from a qualifying round may re-enter into a Second Chance round.
    - Second chance rounds will be the same Buy-in as the qualifying round but shorten in time. No Re-Buys will be allowed in the Second Chance rounds.
    - You may not surrender or take insurance during the tournament.
    - No backline or kum-kum bets are allowed.
    - Whenever possible, all rules are the same as those in live games of the "New" 21 Century Blackjack.
    - All player hands with four or more cards and a total over 21 loses. Regardless of the player/banker hand total.
    - A two card 21 will be paid even money.
    - In the event that there is a tie in chips for a final round seat, only the players that are tied will play a sudden death hand. The player that was the next in turn or bank will bank and bet all of their chips and the other will bet all of their chips. The first player to win a hand (bank or bet) will advance to the final round.
    - Player or Dealer abuse will not be tolerated.
    - Profane language will not be tolerated.
    - Any decisions to be made will be done by a staff member or floor person.
    - All management decisions are final.
    - Hustler Casino reserves the right to alter and or cancel any event at its sole and absolute discretion.

  15. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Time limit

    Maybe this is one difference from the OK Bounty game played of recent, there is a 40 minute time limit per round.

    Also, I dont see an explanation of the "Action Button" that tells which seat the paying starts. Thats an important aspect as the flow of cards could keep you out of taking or paying money. For example, at one point I beat the Banker 3 in a row but was paid nothing. I know its confusing and the stickler might not accept it. Maybe Yeayea or Pine Tree has a better understanding of the action button.
  16. Pine Tree

    Pine Tree New Member

    Hustler Casino Tournment

    Thank you Yeah for posting the rules as given by the casino.

    The info distributed by the casino doesn't give a feeling for how the tournament plays out, so I will mention some important points.

    The Hustler tournament goes approximately like this: Registration is between 5 and 6. First cards at 6, but there are usually 10-15 minute delays because some players have learned that there is no real penalty for taking time for a last smoke or making a last bet on a nearby table.

    The first round is 40 minutes long. There are 8 players to a table. Each player starts with $1000 in tournament chips. The players bank the game.The game starts after the banker shoves out his bank amount. The player at seat one is always the first to be banker. Seat 1 also always receives the 1st card dealt except when banking. So, there is no Dealer button that rotates around the table. But there is a Bank button that moves to the left after each hand. You can not refuse when it is your turn to be banker. A casino dealer deals from a 10 deck shoe. One deck is cut out of play, and the 1st card is burned. The dealer deals the banker's cards to herself. The dealer plays the banker's hand according to house rules which are close to those of 21st Century Blackjack. The amount banked limits the amount that can be lost or won for that hand. For the first 20 minutes of the first round the minimum bank amount is $500. The banker can wager anything from $500 to all in. Bets for players for the first 20 minutes are $50 to all in. After 20 minutes the bank amount is $1000 to all in, and players must bet $100 or any amount up to all in. Players without enough chips to meet the minimum amounts must go all in. After 35 minutes the tournament director calls out the remaining time each minute.

    At anytime during the 1st 20 minutes you can buy an addition $1000 in chips for $50.

    Another point that should be discussed is the determination of where the Action (wins or losses) starts and ends. In this game you can have a winning hand and not get paid, and you can sometimes have a losing hand and retain your bet. The dealer uses an Action button to show where the action begins. The dealer's last card is used to determine where the Action starts. For instance if the dealer's last card is a 4, then the dealer counts to 4 places to the left of the bank and places the Action button at that player's cards. The dealer then starts there to collect losing bets for the bank, or the dealer makes payments from the bank to winning hands.The maximum amount that changes hands is limited to the chips in the bank. If the bank's total is $500 then only $500 can be won or lost for that hand. If the bank's total is reached through either wins or losses the process for that hand stops. Any remaining bets for that hand can not lose or win. The dealer simply announces that no more money remains in the bank and then deals the next hand. Many times players with winning hands expect to be paid, but the bank is "out of money." Some times there are delays because newer players stop the game and question why they weren't paid.

    The 2 players with the highest chip count from each table advance directly to the final round. To advance you only have to be concerned with the players at your table.

    If you bust out during the 1st round you can re-buy into another 1st round for $55. This is called the Second Chance Round. It is 30 minutes long. The minimum bank stays at $500. The banker can go all in. The players wager is $100 to all in. The option of buying an addition $1000 in chips is not available. The two top chip leaders advance to the final round.

    There are 2 and sometimes 3 final tables playing at the same time. Because of additional first rounds some final tables start with fewer players than others. The players start with $3000 in chips. The minimum bank amount starts at $1000 and increases every 15 minutes to $2000 and then to $5000. If the game goes on the minimum bank goes to $10,000. Minimum player bets start at $200 and after 15 minutes double to $400 and then go to $1000. If the minimum bank goes to $10,000 the minimum players bet also goes up substantially. Bankers and players can go all in at any time. There is no time limit for the final round. The game continues until one person has all the chips. Only the last 8 players are in the money. As players are eliminated the remaining persons are combined to a decreasing number of tables until there is only 1 table with 8 players.

    I will post this now with hopes that it clears up more questions that it creates.

    I have a question about strategy for being the banker. The bank can make you or kill you. I think seat 1 is at a disadvantage because the bank minimum starts at $500 in round 1. That is 50% of a players chips. If no one drops out, the bank is back to seat 1 for hand 9. Seat 8 banks the 2nd time at hand 16 if all players are still in. Seat 8 has the advantage for the 2nd bank because he see several cards before deciding if he wants to risk the minimum or going higher if he thinks cards good for him might be dealt. What do you think?
  17. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Pine Tree

    Great explanation of the event.

    Your question below. Are you asking if card counting can help the later action as the bank? If so I say yes. If you are the bank and card count is high go low bank man go low! Maybe this is a good card counting tournament format.

    <I have a question about strategy for being the banker. The bank can make you or kill you. I think seat 1 is at a disadvantage because the bank minimum starts at $500 in round 1. That is 50% of a players chips. If no one drops out, the bank is back to seat 1 for hand 9. Seat 8 banks the 2nd time at hand 16 if all players are still in. Seat 8 has the advantage for the 2nd bank because he see several cards before deciding if he wants to risk the minimum or going higher if he thinks cards good for him might be dealt. What do you think?>
  18. Pine Tree

    Pine Tree New Member

    Hustler Bank

    I agree that counting is valuable in deciding how much to bank. If I have a large plus count I bank minimum, and I bank more than minimum if the count is a high minus. With 9 of 10 decks in play I don't use this as an all time rule for as we all know anything can happen.
  19. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Pine Tree and yeahyeahyeah:

    Thanks for the info. The format sounds a little confusing and cumbersome. I can see where many players would delay the game with questions. It just sounds like the casino did not do a very good job of thinking out the whole process to make the game run smoothly. With some tweaking it sounds like something I'd like to try but with their current rules I think I would pass.
  20. Pine Tree

    Pine Tree New Member

    Hustler Tournament

    I didn't care for the format at first. But, now I find the game interesting and the tournament staff is helpful and professional. A first place payout of over $4000 makes me like it even more. Second place pays in the neighborhood of $2000. At the present, low cost tournaments that pay that much are scarce in So. Cal., so, I find the Hustler tournament very interesting.

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