Hustler $5000 Added Tourney

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by Pine Tree, Apr 4, 2007.

  1. Pine Tree

    Pine Tree New Member

    This Thur the Hustler Casino is holding its regular twice a month tournament. I will register just after 5 and then will go up stairs for a plate of Pad Thai noodles and shrimp. Anyone else going planning to be there? I will only be on this computer for about another 1/2 hour and will not be logged on Thur.
  2. me2

    me2 Member

    Next Time

    I placed 9th. One short of the money at $430.

    Winner took home $4,110. Tournament is played using a "banker" and california busting rules. Odd.

    $55 to get in then they push you to buy 1,000 in additional chips for another $50.

    Spent $165 before I made it to the final 20 on the THIRD buy-in.

    Did you place?

    Next time I'd go with you, let me know.
  3. Pine Tree

    Pine Tree New Member

    Hustler Tourney

    Sorry I missed you. I finished in the money. At the start of the final table of 8players I was in seat 8 with a chip count of $400. Most of the other players started the round with each having 3 or 4 three inch tall stacks of $500 chips. I placed 5th for a payday of $755. The large minimum bank whiped out some of the players befor me.
    I intend to be at their next tournament in 2 weeks. Send me a personal message and if you like we can get together for dinner.
    I noticed that some of the players were on their cell phones during the match. On lady told me she was on the phone after doubling up in the 1st round and was so busy with the phone that she neglected to pull back her chips. The dealer dealt the cards, so she was all in again and lost. She had to make a $55 rebuy.
    My computer is going to the shop, so I will not be on line for the next week or so.

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