Hustler Casino Gardena

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by Barney Stone, Dec 7, 2006.

  1. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Anyone dared to venture into this casino? Im headed down there this eve to play what looks like a nice game with $5000 added to pool by casino. Question is with the casino just over an hour away, without traffic, will I make it there by the finals with traffic and me leaving 3 hrs before:confused:

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  2. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Update, Hustler

    Well it was too good to be true, the game isnt even real blackjack. Its what I believe is an Asian blackjack that uses players as the bank. The bank button rotates from player to player and as many players to left of action button are paid from bank (the action button is determined by hole card lets not go there). If you placed the min 500 in bank you can only pay or take 500 so that would be maybe 4 players. That means some players didnt get paid or lose even if they had blackjack or busted and blackjack paid even money. I saw many players, including myself, put out bets and lose several in a row and not get money taken. No money came from dealer or was given by dealer. The dealer dealt the cards and distributed or took money for the bank. It was an interesting game and I think fun. But fact it it is a deviate form of blackjack and standard BJT strat isnt usable.

    added, the director offers re buys during first 20 minutes of game.You can buy 1000 chips for $50 no matter if you are leader or whatever. Then if you lose you can re enter for $55.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2006
  3. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    Sorry i didn't get to this one in time. the Hustler is my "home poker club" in LA when it comes to tournament poker, as their tourney director really cares about the players and gameplay format head & shoulders above the rest of the card clubs in LA. As for blackjack, no clubs in California (except for some Indian casinos) offer "real" blackjack -- it is known as "LA blackjack" and involves a certain player acting as a banker, while all players pay some form of commission per hand to the house. It is for this reason that AP's don't try to exploit california blackjack games (aside from the occassional promotion that offers temporary value) and why i have no experience playing LA-based blackjack tournaments. Sorry you had to find out the hard way!

  4. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    I thought the tournament was fun altho I was a little lost at first. Check this out posted today by Wildwood concerning OK tournament he is organizing. Similar to" LA Blackjack Torney" but sounds like regular blackjack rules during game.

    February 6, 2007 Bounty Blackjack Tournament
    The format of a bounty blackjack tournament is as follows: A dealer button will be used to determine who is the bounty. The bounty will start on first base on the first hand dealt. After each hand, the bounty button moves clockwise. Each player must risk 100% of their chips when it is their turn to be the bounty. The dealer will start dealing to the left of the bounty first. The bounty will not receive cards, as they will be playing the dealers hand. After all players have had their chance to either hit or stand, the dealer will follow the house rules of hitting their hand. The dealer will then pay/take from the bounties chip stack. If the bounty can not pay all players, then the bounty will pay as many players as possible from the bounty's left in a clockwise rotation, and then the bounty will be eliminated from play. The player who knocks out the bounty will receive a prize, (The prize is yet to be determined). Each table will play until two players remain. Betting limits will be $10 to $200.
  5. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    I like it

    Now this may sound weird but I'd like to try this "bounty" blackjack tournament. Unfortunately, I live too far away.

    I like the idea because it enables one to play against another player and actually force him (or her) out - if you have the guts. Sounds like cut-throat. Deal me in. :D
  6. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Nice thing about Tulsa....

    Toolman the nice thing about the Tulsa events is it is an easy airport to get around and only 10 minutes from the casino.

    I have to admit, the Tulsa and Durant, OK casinos have some of the nicest employees you'll ever find in a casino.

    And what is really nice is they are really working to offer open tournaments for the players. The ante is a deterant, but I find they give you so much back that you'll more than make up for the antes.

    Hope you come in for some of the events, at least the conventional one...LOL

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