I hate Morons that take stupid hits

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by mrbill, Jul 21, 2005.

  1. mrbill

    mrbill New Member

    Intellectually, I know that it can work out good just as often as not when a Moron does something stupid.

    Emotionally, I wanted to choke the guy and rip his head off. And this was before the dealer played out her hand.

    Here is the situation
    Hand 19 of 20, max 300 bet, 4 people at the table, I am BR3 on the button
    Pos - BR - Bet - Hand
    BR3* - $300 - $300 - KK
    BR1 - $725 - $100 - K3
    BR2 - $475 - $300 - Q3
    BR4 - $175 - $175 - 87
    Dealer - 5

    I stood, BR1 stood, BR2 stood and then BR4 paused and finally took a hit. Got an 8 and busted. Dealer then turned over a 6 and took a hit, getting a 10 for 21. I calmly walked away from the table, but inside I was really seething now.

    If BR4 would not have hit, the dealer would've gotten the 8 for 19. BR4 would've been out. BR2 would drop to $175. I would move to BR2 with $600 and BR1 would've dropped to $625.

    I know I still might have lost but I'm still mad at the guy.

    Can anyone guess at a reason he took a hit on 15? I can see no reason to take a hit on 15 when the dealer has a 5 showing. If I had even an inkling that there was a good reason I'd feel better about it.
  2. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Not That Stupid

    Once you really look at this sitution br 4 choice to hit has value here.If he were to stand on his hard 15 he can not get paid unless the whole table gets paid.If that happens he is more than a max bet lead behind 2 of the players and more than 1/2 max bet lead behind the other player.His only chance to create a swing was to hit his hard 15 vs 5 and hope for the swing he badly needed.You never said how many advance but it safe to assume that not more than 2 advanced which makes his play not a bad one at all.Hope you feel better now ;)
  3. mrbill

    mrbill New Member

    Only 1 advance.

    That makes sense. It does actually make me feel better. I can also use it as a learning experience.

  4. DanMayo

    DanMayo New Member


    One question, if BR4's hit would of caused you to win some how, how would you have felt? I'm guessing that you would not have split the prize money with him?

    I know it makes for a good story when we talk about the one we should have won if it had not been for the player after me taking the dealer's bust card, but hey, the cards are going to fall where they fall. There is nothing we can do to change that, we're just here for the ride.

    Good cards to you next time,

    - Your life is not judged by your successes,
    but by the effect that you have had on the life of others.

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