I have a shot at $1,000,000 AGAIN!

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by Blackjack Rebel Too, Feb 12, 2007.

  1. The Grand Tunica had their Millionaire Maker Blackjack Tournament qualifier this past weekend. I had the good fortune to finish in fourth place which qualified me for the national tournament in August. Fourth place also paid $7,000 which was nice. There was good attendance by BJT members. I met toolman, ptaylorcpa, the farmer, and renewed acquaintances with counselorlee and hubby Frank. It was a real pleasure to enjoy that group's company. There were others but things were in a whirlwind as introductions were being made and my memory fails me on a regular basis these days.:rolleyes: Accept my apologies guys because I definitely enjoyed meeting you.

    It was a close thing for me on a couple of occasions. I was apprehensive in the first round as I was playing on a table that had such a hot dealer everyone on the table had busted out by hand 15 in the round preceding ours. She stayed pretty hot in our round also as she busted out 4 of the 7 players. She had me "all in" when I bet my last 2,400 but she let me off the hook and I eventually finished with 17,800 in that round. My second round had a dealer even hotter than my first round dealer. I was the ONLY survivor from that table. Unfortunately, one of this dealer's victims was counselorlee. This dealer had me down to my last 1,000 chip. Fortunately, I was able to take this "chip and a chair" and claw my way back to a total of 13,100. That 30,900 total was good for fourth place in the accumulation part of the tournament. I think the cutoff was 29,500. It didn't matter. Seventh was as good as first since we all started over fresh on the final table.

    While everyone on the final table was guaranteed a payday of at least 2,000, only the top 5 finishers would qualify for the trip. For that reason, I started out pretty conservatively as I really wanted to go back again. Sure enough, two people busted out fairly quickly. Once it was down to five of us, I started making a greater effort to position myself for the big payoff. Probably the most noteworthy play of the day was on the final hand when
    BR2 doubled down on her hard 15 with max bet out. She caught the four and the resultant 19 won when the dealer turned over her 18. That play vaulted her into first place and the 50K that came with it.

    Anyway, it was a lot of fun. I can't wait until August.
  2. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    Great job

    Thanks for the report BJRebel. I thought I heard you made it, but didn't have the details. It sounds like you were one of the fortunate ones twice to survive your table to advance.

    Good luck in Vegas in August at the finals. Bring home the big bucks!

  3. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Blackjack Rebel Too,

    Didn't get the opportunity to congratulate you in person so please excuse me. Job well done and wish you the best in LV.
  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Congratulations Blackjack Rebel Too

    Nice going on your 4th place finish and the $7,000 that came with it. Wish you the best to top that come August in Las Vegas at the finals.
  5. Counselorlee

    Counselorlee Member


    :rolleyes: Put my post on the wrong thread....anyway...Congrats to BJRebel...great playing 2nd round and finals! l & f
  6. tgun

    tgun Member

    wtg BJ Rebel Too

    Congrats for your success in the qualifier. Hope you bring home the big bucks in the final.

  7. cap340

    cap340 New Member

    Hello Rebel. I came in Third in that same final table. can you tell me when we go to vegas in August? I cant find the sheet. and as you know it is my second time going as well. that is the ultimate coincidence. Have a great day!!!
  8. swog

    swog Elite Member Staff Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 26, 2013
  9. Thanks for the well wishes everyone. I appreciate it.

    The finals will be held Aug 5-8. It looks like they are setting up like last year. Fly out and register on Sunday, play on Monday and Tuesday. Glad you found this site Cap. Lots of good folks sharing information. I hope y'all had a good trip home. I was so anxious to get home and share the good news with my girlfriend, I pulled out before 10 the next morning.
  10. cap340

    cap340 New Member

    Thanks for the response Rebel. We are going to have a blast out there!!! have a great day!!

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