I have an observation

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by Barney Stone, Nov 10, 2006.

  1. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    We have heard UBT is for every player. I listened to Joes talk show last night and was struck with what appears to be a fact. UBT is not an affordible tournament format. Someone from this site called in to ask Joe and Ken about games here in USA. They had a hard time coming up with the events. Turns out many are now high roller events, and I mean high roller when you know what casinos they are held at. It is my humble non bashing opinion that UBT needs to make it easier for the normal BJT player to get in events. Considering the average player is retired and on fixed income. At this point the game is for the elite. Personally I do OK finically but am not sure I want to shoot my entire gambling bankroll for a chance to have a chance for a final table at UBT event. I hope Joe and Ken E admit this and try to work on a solution to really make it an event for all players. That would be much better than strong arming to protect from any negative criticism.


  2. maxwell

    maxwell Member


    I believe this is why we have the play ubt so everybody can have a chance to play for the big money
    I am happy with that approach even tho it takes longer to get there- if you should happen to win a least the travel and room and entry is on their dime:D :D
    Playing tournaments has always been the rich mans game but now things are changing for po boy-i am one of those po boys yet i still love the game and willing to play even tho i have a small bankroll to finace my play-I have not had my coffee yet so i hope that this responce made since-good luck to all players in any tourny and good cards to ya:)
    As ken says ther is always a better bet

    However with that said should you be able to win a 1st place say 20K you would have a large enough bankroll to play the smaller tournys plus expences-food for thought
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2006
  3. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Barney, let me take a stab at this:

    First and foremost I am an unpaid person with my own opinions so now that the disclaimers out:

    The 2700 main entry is steep for someone used to paying 25-50 entry fees - no question about that. It is comparable to the entry fee for events like the WSOP and/or WPT - their main entry fees are 10,000!

    At the Aruba stop they had 120 satellite tables. If you won the 120 game (7 people) you were awarded a seat at a 540 table. The winner of the 540 satellite was an entry into the main event 2700.

    Did they do that in St. Kitts? I don't know. I do know that Bet21.com had online satellite entries for the St. Kitts main event. They didn't fill up as expected but they did hold them.

    Barney the events at The Venetian and The Palms aren't really UBT events per se. They are invitational only using UBT formats. Personally I wished they weren't advertised so we didn't know about them. Sometimes you gotta grease the wheels to get these things going.

    The Barona events will be affordable with 540 tables. What will be the formats there? I will be calling to find out more information myself as I don't want to fly across the country for a SINGLE 540 tourney. I would hope that they would do qualifing 120 satellites there also. Once again this is MY conjecture and I will defer to the UBT people.

    Hey Barney,

    I'm with you on making it open to all. As far as fees - have tiered satellites like UB does for their poker players. Concerning the main event playubt.com GIVES a free seat to the final table - can't ask for more than that! Personally I think that is TOO generous and not fair to the people who play and win their way to the final table, IMHO.

    The keep is providing the opportunities. Right now there just aren't that many as UBT is still in its infancy stage - regardless of what others may say they are still experiencing growing pains.

    If I were in charge I would sponsor TX's tour to groom the retired/limited income BJ players for a shot at the BIG UBT tour. Kinda like AAA baseball and the Major League.

    But then again what do I know? I can't even get a book published or a movie deal - Hey did Spielberg call yet? :cool:
  4. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    league table

    I was thinking about a way that would allow dedicated TBJ players more of a chance to win one of these free-rides rather than some random poker players who manages to luck out at one of these freerolls (I'm not bitter :flame: ). My answer? A league table, ranking system and/or online tournament series. That way skill and consistency become more of a factor for success than variance.

    All I can say is that there had better be plenty of $120 or more affordable tables at UBT Paris else my participation in UBT Live may be short and not very sweet!


  5. CelticAngel

    CelticAngel Banned User

    "You let that guy turn us into clowns tonight. We were always small time, but we were never clowns." "Frank, if somebody requested 'Chopsticks,' you'd ask for the sheet music."

    Quotes from "Jack" - FABULOUS BAKER BOYS, 1989 --- an observation
  6. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    CelticAngel, forgive me for my ignorance but I am having trouble extracting meaning from your post. Please enlighten me.


  7. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Reach and FG, each of you mentioned the $120 sit and go tables. You need to win the table out of 7 players. You win the 120 and get a seat in 540 win the 540 and seat in main event. That sounds great, but do you know how hard it is to win at a table of even 5 or 6? If you win a 120 and 540 you for sure deserve to go to highest level! Then you get to play players that are trained like no tomorrow great players like Phil Hellmouth! Why did Phil skip St Kitts anyway?
  8. elyssez

    elyssez Member

    So basically you're saying you have to win TWO separate SnG's to get a seat in the main event....AND in each SnG, you have to compete against SIX other players.........HMMMMM........Isn't that kinda like a multi-round tournament, where you have to win the table to advance?.......Except you win money along the way?

    Those UBT bastards!!!! How dare they offer a great alternative opportunity to get into the main event without having to fork over $2700!!!!:laugh:
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2006
  9. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Oh Barrrrnnnneeeeyyy,

    I hate to be the one to point this out to you but now you're starting to sound like "The Assassin!"


    Sorry to let that slip out - coming attractions maybe?
  10. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    I like a challenge!

    Unlike you, my brothers and sisters over the pond, my options are limited. Very, very limited. So limited in fact that I have no options :D . Barney, are you suggesting that I shouldn't attempt to play in these tournies because they are too hard to win? I realise that I am not what you would call a seasoned TBJ player by any stretch of the imagination but I have a few skills ;), I fancy my chances. And I'm sure we discussed this before in a chess analogy. How do you improve your game? Do you play inexperienced and skill-less ploppies for pin money or do you play the acknowledged masters of the game? Give me an opportunity to sit around a blackjack table with any of the Kens, Joe, Blair, Vera, Annie, Hollywood (if I can see him over the table), Rick, Yama, and I'd pay good money for that. I think $120 is a fair price for a masterclass. Don't get me wrong, if they'd sit round a table with me for $25 I'd jump at that chance, but as my old mum says "you get what you pay for".

    Can I ask about your live tourney experience? What would you pay for a bog-standard TBJ tourney? What is the general standard of play like?


  11. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Oh no - he's infected

    Holy Cow Barney,

    I re-read your post and it dawned on me: :eek: You're suffereing from N. Pelosism. It is the dreaded syndrome whereby you want everyone to have everything but you don't want to pay for it and you don't want to charge the person - Instead you want the "Rich Tax Evaders" to pay for it.

    What's next Barney should we tax ourselves everytime we play in a SNG? What percentage rate? Send the money to Washington DC care of Speaker of the House?

    Only two days and she's beginning to rub off on you already boss! God help us.
  12. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    This may help

    OK Lets see if I can help here in clearing the facts and rules of the one table Sit & Go's as they have happened both in St Kitts and Aruba

    120 Sit & Go's pay the winner with a 540 seat into one of the scheduled 540 events not the 2700 event.The player who finishes in 2nd place in this one table event is paid $200 in cash. If they player that wins the table has already either won their seat or has paid for it in advance they will then receive $540 instead of the seat.

    In the 540 one table Sit & Go's the winner will receive a 2700 seat into the main event if that player has already won a previous seat or has paid for his seat in advance they will then receive 2700 in cash.The player who finishes in 2nd place receives 800 dollars.

    There were also some $800 one table events that awarded 2 seats into the main event and the same held true if you had your seat you got the cash.

    So the reports of it being a winner take all is not fact you had to finish either 1st or 2nd to receive some sort of reimbursement.

    Also in St Kitts if the players agreed they would start a table with only 6 and 2nd place money was reduced to 120 in the smaller events and I think 440 in the bigger event

    p.s. to Barney Stoned if you were to spend less time posting about nothing and more time working on you tournament game these one table events would not seem so insurmountable to you

    Last edited: Nov 10, 2006
  13. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Joe whats your placing rate in the first two events Aruba and St Kitts in the 120 sit and go games? How many did you place first and how many did you placed second? Also would you please comment on the real question at hand, are UB events affordable for the average BJT player?

    Last edited: Nov 10, 2006
  14. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    This Pelosi s 4u. XO Why does Katherin Harris get such a hard time and Nacy doesnt! LMAO

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  15. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member


    How 'afordable' do you want it to be?

    There are online freerolls almost hourly.

    There are online satellites that cost $5.

    There are onsite satellites for $120.

    What exactly price-wise are you looking for?

    The whole point of a 'major' event is to have a substantial prize pool. If the entry fee was $5, we'd be playing for a first place finish of like $1,000. I know I really don't want to travel far for a prize pool like that.

    Also, in the future, if elimination blackjack cathes on, the concept could be licensed to small casinos for smaller prize pools for people that don't want to play for higher stakes. But, you have to remeber that the whole point of UBT right now is for television and a $1,000 prize pool at and Indian casino in the middle of nowhere doesn't exactly grab the audience like a major prize pool in an exotic location.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2006
  16. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Sometimes Barney Stoned its PAINFUL to have to respond to your post as nearly 99% of the time they have no meaning. Just like ACE pointed out if you want to play for some serious money you need to put some serious money.If you want to play for pennies then put up pennies.With the UBT they do offer you a chance to play for serious money with putting up no money or just pennies something that should be right up your alley .

    But be warned less time posting and more time working on your game will do you good and give us all a much needed rest from your ramblings :laugh:

    Last edited: Nov 10, 2006
  17. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Barney, Ace is dead on with his posting.

    Don't take this personal on anything but you gotta think about UBT as the "Super Bowl of BJ Tourney's"

    The prize for first place in Aruba was over 50K. Respectable but not outrageous when compared to the 12 Million (1200K) WSOP. Ok, now I'm comparing apples to pommegrates sure but you get the idea.

    If I wanna play in 25K tourneys then I got to Vegas and other places, smooze my way in with the hostess and play.

    Not to sound elitist but NO, Barney, the UBT is NOT for the average BJ player. Lets use the baseball anology again. You and I may play in the local softball league but we're not invited to Spring Training Camp to play for Detroit or St. Louis are we? We can have a .400 average on the co-ed softball team but that just doesn't cut it at the majors.

    Do I like that? NO. What am I gonna do about it? Study, play, study, cajole and save until March when I go to Aruba. Hopefully we can meet at Barona in January and play a "live" 120 satellite together over a glass of Zinfindale discussing the Governator and Mistress Nancy Pee! (oh that sounds gross!)

    Until then my West Coast friend ....
  18. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

  19. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I understand where Barney is coming from...

    I don't believe Barney is slamming UBT, I really think UBT isn't even the issue. The issue is how much can BJT.com members afford to pay to play in ANY blackjack tournaments and how offten can they pay it?

    I for one would have love to play in ALL the tournaments I have a chance to play in including the UBT events, but I couldn't afford to at the cost of neglecting my families well being and my businesses.

    Ace brought up very good points about all the satellites Bet21.com offers nightly to help off set some of the expences, however if you look at these satellites the majority of the players are the same ones playing every night. And this is if they have enough to play the satellite event.

    Now the small turnouts might be because Bet21.com still hasn't followed through on their promise of bonuses yet, or it could be because the players just can't or won't pay that much for entry fee's (Online anyway).

    I know even when I have a free VIP invite it will cost me close to $500 just for travel, taxi's, and misc... and that is all before doing any gambling.

    Bottomline is just because blackjack players want to play for big prize money doesn't mean they are willing to pay to play for them.

    Judging by all the tournaments listed 24/7 at Bet21.com I think it is fair to think they over estimated the market.

    There is an old saying, "You can sheer a sheep over and over, but you can only slaughter him once".

    I am hoping that we are not slaughtering our land based tournaments with to many online tournaments. Most of our members only have so much put a side for gambling and when it is gone it's gone.

    The occasional bigger tournaments such as Global-Player ran I think would be a better way to run these events and would bring out a larger turnout, but that is just my personal opinion.
  20. eastexaspro

    eastexaspro Member

    hello all

    the name of the game is practice.i spend hrs trying new ways to beat fred and all other players.this is chess with cards and a blindfold.stop complaining it could be that we couldnt play at all.dont look for someone to give you the advantage take it,fred you sure are a bad speeeeler.eastexaspro

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