I hope they run blackjack tournaments

Discussion in 'Sidewalk Cafe' started by Reachy, Dec 16, 2007.

  1. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    There are plans afoot to open a Vegas-rivaling super-casino complex in Spain. If it goes ahead then there will be a genuine opportunity for Europeans (and more importantly ME!) to have a Vegas experience right on our doorstep.



  2. pergo56

    pergo56 Member

    What a mouse!

    Hey Reachy,

    Nice photo in your avatar, I guss the dealer took it literally when you said “HIT ME” :joker:

  3. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member


    You look pretty proud of that near perfect circular shiner. So tell us what happened to the other guy. Inquiring minds want to know. :dude:
  4. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    Well, I am quite proud of it! I've never had a black-eye before so I had to record this one for posterity. How did I get it? Well, I got hit :eek:.

    Actually, since February I have been doing Tae Kwon Do, a Korean martial art, with my son. He's 10 years old and has been "playing" TKD for more or less 2 years, and I decided that I wanted to help him in his training whilst satisfying my desire to take up martial arts again. In my youth I had done Judo and Wing Chung Kung Fu to a reasonable level. Anyway, long story short, we were practicing ways of dealing with the Friday-night special AKA The Hay-maker and my partner was a 6'2" 15 stone (210 lb) newbie. My teacher always says he would rather spar against a black-belt than a white-belt because the black-belts have far more control and are less likely to inadvertently connect with one of their attacking moves. This proved to be the case. In-fact, we were not sparring as such and we weren't even supposed to come close to connecting, but the newbie, mimicking my moves, blocked my controlled hay-maker and then elbowed me in the eye. Anybody who is familiar with martial arts will know how devastating a blow with the elbow can be (just watch UFC) and my eye inflated with blood instantaneously. Being quite tough however, I didn't go down :D , but it did bloody hurt!

    The funniest thing was that the very next day I was starting at a new place of work, and I turned up with this enormous shiner, and nobody said a word for about 3 hours until someone plucked up the courage to ask. They must have thought I was some sort of street fighting type of guy!



    PS. I got a hay-maker in the jaw last night and I'm a bit worried that I've broken my jaw.
  5. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Don't believe a word?

    Never mind martial arts.

    I am sure that I ate Wing Chung Kung Fu at my local Chinese restaurant last week.

    Andy :laugh:
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2007

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