I Need A Barona ROLL call ??

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by rocknrolldarrell, Apr 4, 2007.

  1. rocknrolldarrell

    rocknrolldarrell New Member

    Who is going to UBT event in Barona ??? --i am
  2. marichal

    marichal Member

    senor rocknroll;

    myself, and leah will be there. hoping to give yourself a game. rock on!!!!!!
  3. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    I will be there along with about 3 car loads of tournament players driving in from Las Vegas.The head count as of now is 10.......

    See you there as this seems to be looking like a nice overlay.

  4. dreamer

    dreamer New Member

    Looking for a ride to Barona?

    Looking forward to the UBT Event in Barona in less then 2 weeks. Will be driving down from Vegas on Tuesday the 17th and then back to Vegas for the UBT Event at the Palms. If there's anyone else from Vegas that needs a ride, let me know. Got a call from one out-of-towner who's coming to Vegas and then driving with me. Any others from out of town, who will be here in Vegas, and want to drive to Barona, speak up. Should be a fairly nice drive in a Chrysler 300. I have room for 2-3 more.

    Dreamer aka "The Real BAD Boy of Blackjack"
  5. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    A couple points, there is no such thing as a "fairly nice drive" from Vegas to the coast, how can there be three "real bad boys of blackjack" including me, and will you have free sample of Xango™ for the trip?:D I hope I can make it for a couple shots of Xango™:D Very nice of you to make a public offer like this

  6. dreamer

    dreamer New Member

    Great Drive...

    Hey Barney...

    Will be a "fun" drive depending of course on who's going with me! (LOL)

    Will have some XanGo as always, as I never leave home without it...

    Finally, there is only ONE "REAL BAD BOY OF BLACKJACK" yours truly, and don't get me started on this one, as I want to leave it alone. Eventually, it will become well known, as I'm currently putting some things in place to let the whole Blackjack World know. Should be FUN though...

    Make it a "Great" day Barney, and Happy Resurrection Day to you and yours.

    "The Real Bad Boy of Blackjack"
  7. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    So is this how the carloads will look like going to Barona? :joker:

    Attached Files:

  8. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Be a Right coaster all my life I have limited experience out West...

    I enjoyed the drive from LA to Palm Springs...and so I would probably like Vegas to Cali....

    Dont you go thru like Death Valley or something??? I remember Ronald Reagan (when he was an actor ) doing ads sponsored by 20 Mule Team Borax for a show called Death Valley Days???? Cant remember really....I was a young snot then...

    I would enjoy the ride ...especially if the beverage mentioned was a malt based one..;-)
  9. noman

    noman Top Member

    Hey Rando, Hey Rando.

    You don't go through Death Valley, necesssarily on your way to LA from Vegas, only if you want to take the scenic tour. (And then you get to visit with Art Bell and his radio tower for as long as the iced tea lasts.) But, you do go through the Mojave desert, replete with abondoned squatters shacks and Ghost Towns.

    And then you still have the option of taking the roller coaster road short cut from Victorville to Palmdale. Hey, New York, New York, Stratosphere, or Sahara can't match that thrill and excitement AND sense of adventure.

    Either way, justy make sure you've filled two coolers of ice in Barstow, the town Vegas kept alive.

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