I need to show interest!

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Apr 12, 2009.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    The casino I am trying to get to host my new Airline format wants to know how many players are really interested in coming to play these events, if they host them.

    The casino will be in Oklahoma (once again "IF" we get the casino to host them), and hopefully as early as August 2009. Am sorry I can't give more information about the casino until the deal is complete, but once it is I will post when and where ASAP and at least a couple of months in advance.

    "IF" the casino host these events the smaller events will start on Tuesday at 2:00 P.M. - 10:00. One tournament per day Tuesday - Friday with entries ranging from $50 - $100 entries. The main event (the Airline format) will be a two day tournaments starting on Saturday for the first two rounds and re-buys finishing up on Sunday for rounds 3 - 5.

    The casino would also like to know what entry level the players prefer to enter and which players would like to enter twice.

    I've created a special e-mail just for this information, please send me the following information:

    1) Your name
    2) Entry level your interested in buy-in at.
    3) If you would buy-in two entries and at what levels.
    4) How many days/nights you would come in for if tournaments were offered starting on Tuesday afternoon?

    The e-mail is: bj21tournaments@yahoo.com

    The interest the casino is showing is promising, now I need the players to show interest and support so we can try and get these events started.


    Rick (aka - TXtourplayer)
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2009

    ANDREW BELL New Member

    Rick, both willy jose and myself will play if the dates don't conflict. With enough lead time we can put it on our calander ahead of anything else.. 90% sure to play. We both will want both the 1000.00 and 250.00 buy in. If you need anything else give me a call or e-mail me. :d

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