I want no recognition on this forum

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by toolman1, Jun 7, 2007.

  1. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    I've been doing some thinking (although some may not believe that's possible) over the last month or so and have come to a conclusion:

    PLEASE, no recognition on the forum

    Let me explain. I want to be a complete anonymous person on this forum. As such I do not want anyone to mention how I did in any tournament either using my real name or my handle - toolman1. I truly believe some casinos are monitoring this and other sites for BJ players to be put on their "watch" list. No, they have nothing to fear from me but I don't want to be on any list.

    Congratulating someone on winning a tournament by using their handle can serve to identify who that person is. If ABC casino runs a tournament, they know that John Doe won it. Now if someone here says HANDLE#123 won the tournament, ABC casino immediately knows who HANDLE#123 really is and his anonymity is lost. It's not rocket science.

    So please, do not recognize or congratulate me on the forum for anything I accomplish. I won't accomplish that much anyway so it will not be that hard to respect my wishes. A face to face congratulations from my friends is of course always welcome but not a public airing of information that can identify me.

    Also, please keep my physical location off the forum. Mentioning a city or region can help identify a person.

    Now, don't interpret this as something it's not. I do appreciate the recognition, it's just that my privacy is more important to me.

    Thank you.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2007
  2. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member


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