I won my first BJ Tournament

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by ANDY 956, May 14, 2012.

  1. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Okay it was on a cruise ship in a seven hand shoot out and only six players had entered but it still felt good.

    These tournaments are usually accumulative with the highest player scores going through to the final table. On my last cruise the play went on for hours as people kept entering until the deadline. On that cruise I entered my wife for a laugh as she had been playing BJ on her IPod (She would never go to the tables for a real game). Not only did she make the final table but she went above me and knocked me off it. When it came to the final table she was so shy and frightened that the casino spectators and even the dealer were cheering her on. Anyway she came fifth but rubbed my nose in it for beating me in the tournament.

    Pages on the threads of this site will tell you that cruise BJ tournaments should not be taken too seriously and are only for fun, but who cares if you are from the UK and it may be your only ever trophy that you win…lol

    For some reason the BJ and poker tournaments on this ship were to be held over several days with the highest players going through to the next round and playing again on another day. It did not work out as players could not commit themselves to certain days and times and would rather have it settled on the same day.

    Because of the above the first two BJ tournaments were cancelled due to lack of interest. Unlike other cruises that I had been on the casino managers did not appear interested, did not really promote the tournaments and in my opinion expected them to be cancelled.

    I was determined that on the third BJ tournament I would pay for my entry chip early and sit at a table to see what happens which I did. I also ask my wife to play but she gives me strict instructions that this will not happen and carried on reading her kindle.

    I pay my $20 dollars and am surprised to see a woman already seated (Even the poker was cancelled an hour before as only two players turned up which also surprised me). Her husband is standing behind her and asks me how many players we need to start. I shrug my shoulders and the dealer of the tourney table shrugs his shoulders also.

    Whatever reason husband is determined that his wife is playing and drags me over to the casino desk with him to see how many players are required for a tourney. They haven’t a clue but I say to him that if he plays I can get my wife to join and get a four at the table. Husband pays his entry chip and I go looking for my wife and tell her the situation. I watch a furious wife buy her entry chip, only to be seated at my left with the word ba***rd ringing in my ears.

    Husband and wife thank my wife for making the numbers up and she is suddenly relaxed, chatting okay and I feel a lot better. Two other players join the table, an American guy and an older man so we become a six.

    The casino finally work it out and from the goodness of their hearts say that a billionaire cruise shipping operation will not take any money for themselves and it’s $80 for the winner and $40 for second.

    Older man turns to me and asks “Is it like Pontoon”. Husband asks his wife to tell him to when to hit or stand. My wife tells me that she is holding one chip back in case everyone goes all in because she is sitting on the last seat (Thanks for telling me). I feel the only threat is the American who knows what he is doing. I can sense that he feels the same about me.

    American guy and I laugh as husband is coached by his wife during the game. We make no complaint because he did not know how to play and he got the tourney going. I catch a blackjack with a good stake on and American guy and husband / wife bust out as they try to catch me up.

    Older man is still trying to play pontoon and trying to catch a five card trick and no matter what hints from dealer or me are to put some chips in he doesn’t and loses.

    I won the game and my wife came second.


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    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2012
  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    :) Nice story Andy. Congrats on winning your first trophy!
  3. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Good for you, Andy!!! What a great story, well-written too - kept me riveted while reading.
    Everyone here has a similar story, you'll always remember your first. :)
  4. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    Congratulations, Andy. (And also to your wife.)

    If you are superstitious, then formal attire will be required for all your future tournaments! :)
  5. gronbog

    gronbog Top Member

    Congratulations not only for winning the tournament but for creating the opportunity for it to happen!

    I too play these tournaments when I cruise and see them as more of an opportunity than a sham. Winning 3 max bets pretty much guarantees that you make the final table and I've easily made it every time I've played (it does take a few attempts).

    In my experience, these tournaments have been very popular and so first prize has been better than $500 each time. They did, as you suggest, hold the tournaments all in one afternoon or evening which probably helped with the participation rate. As you also mention, the complete lack of strategy on the part of most players also makes it easier.

    My record after 3 cruises: 1 first, 2 seconds for a total of $1,200 in easy money, not to mention the T-shirts and the trophys :D
  6. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Not such a hit and miss

    I agree with gronbag that you can win at these cruise tournaments providing that you make the final table. It may be that you have to have to pay to enter a couple of times to make the final cut, but if enough players have entered and you get through you could get a decent payout. It is obviously not going to be serious money but could pay off the drinks bill for your holiday.

    I only started cruising a few years ago and have entered BJ Tournaments whenever the ships organise them. The first time I came third and won a T-shirt, the next time I came second to win a bottle of champagne. Then I won out of six players on the last cruise…lol

    What is amusing is that when you make the final game a load of people suddenly forms around the table. They all seem to become experts on BJ Tournament play, chatting away between themselves about how the players should act on their hands. None of these people appear to have had entered the tournament or even played at the regular BJ tables as I can see.

    You become part of the casino banter and entertainment of the crowd which makes me laugh. God knows what it must be like playing in the World Series of Blackjack Tournaments.


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