Ignace roll call-Ya Ho!

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by creeping panther, May 23, 2008.

  1. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User

    Is everyone all set for the big Ignace tourney? Did you get your room on site? Did the rating procedure affect your getting an onsite room, (or even in to the tourney)?

    This is a great time of the year to be in this most beautiful location! :cool:

    I wonder if the gas prices are cutting back on attendance? :eek:

    LeftNut...will you be there? If so you should hold court in the Sports Lounge Saturday night! :D

    Creeping Panther
  2. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member


    Regret to say I'll miss this one. Business doesn't allow me to be AWOL much this time of year.
    Will miss seeing all the regulars. Good luck to all of you and hopefully I'll see all at the next one (October, I think.)

    Billy C
  3. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Awwwwww, damn, Billy! I know how much you like this event. You'll be missed.

    Deb and I still aren't sure and haven't contacted them yet. Possible schedule conflict with personal obligations.
    If we can, we sure will.

    Saturday night in the Sport Lounge sounds good to us, but Schultzy still gets the first round - because he promised! The next one is certainly on me, though. :cheers:
  4. Schultzy

    Schultzy New Member


    I will buy the first round, but who is going to be there? Rumor has it Mr. and Mrs. Creeping Panther won't be there. No, MonkeySystem, No, BillyC, Mr. and Mrs. LeftNut are question marks.
    It sounds like I will be belly-up at the bar with Judy and Dan Mayo.
    We signed up the first day, no problems AND we got a non-smoking room! TwinCitiesRN (Peggy) and I are really looking forward to a great weekend.
  5. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Deb and I talked about it, and I'm going to be there even if she can't make it (if Kewadin will accept my entry).
    The possible schedule conflict is hers, so it's still 50/50 if she'll make it.
    By the way, the last I heard was that Monkeysystem planned to attend!
  6. DanMayo

    DanMayo New Member

    Will be there......

    ........but again, without Judy. Vacation conflicts at work prevent her from going again! Anyway, I will be returning with my brother-in-law and a few other friends. Boy, Bellagio Tom is really going to be disappointed Judy won't be there.

    Will miss Billy C, hope everyone else can make it though.

  7. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member


    I should say HOPING to attend. If I get a sane offer on my house in Wisconsin.

    Is this an attempt at a self fulfilling prophecy? :cheers:

    Anyone wanna buy a house??
    Last edited: May 25, 2008
  8. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User

    Great lineup

    with many of the greatest tourney players in the U.S. attending. Monkey you gotta make this one, just do it, grab a military flight to Detroit and hitch a ride to Ignace... or maybe do a HALO drop from a B-52 directly into the casino parking lot!:laugh:

    Jonny21 are you going?

    Leftnut glad you are going should be a great warm up for your million dollar game in Okke coming up soon. :D

    Watch out for the ever present and lurking, "Dangerous Dan Mayo" along with his crew.

    Then we have the Scorpion, Black Widow, and their crew, minus the laid up Joseph, always looking for a kill and showing no mercy, a force to recon with.

    I think a "shoo" in for the final table is "Tony Soprano" who has shown amazing skillz in the last few tourneys. :eek: ( and my first choice as a partner playing against the house, double heads up late at night.)

    Billiy C, sorry you cannot make it, Ignace will miss you!:(

    As for Panther I will be stalking in a BJ tourney this upcoming weekend at Kewadin and having at the house :D as well as hiking and sightseeing. :cool:

    I am looking forward to a summer of hit and run BJ around the Midwest as well as putting the finishing touches on my booklet, "Attacking the slipper in the negative count".

    I hope to come up to Ignace and see you gents and gals battle it out on Saturday, Sunday, and pick up pointers from your excellent play.

    Creeping Panther
  9. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Deb and I are both "in" for this one so we'll be looking forward to seeing everyone there! :cheers:
  10. Schultzy

    Schultzy New Member

    Is Peggy buying??

    Glad to hear that both of you will be there! It should be a great weekend!!
    We just returned from Treasure Island and TwinCitiesRN (Peggy) walked away with first place in the live money tourney! It's her third first place finish this year!
  11. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    WooHoo! :celebrate

    Congratulations and Great Going, Peggy! Looks like the third round is on you!
    Then I'll get the fourth round, too - and by then none of us will be able to stand up any more. :laugh:
    Last edited: May 30, 2008
  12. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User

    Major Shootout

    shaping up for the upcoming Ignace T!:cool:

    Some of the greatest tourney players in the US coming off big wins will be facing off:gun:

    Sorta reminds me of the film, "The Quick And The Dead", starring Crowe, Stone and Hackman. The "Black Widow" is Stone, "Scorpion" is Crowe, and LeftNut is Hackman:laugh:

  13. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Couldn't Resist

    Creeper, you talked me into it, doggone it! :D We're signed up, working it into a vacation back home that we had planned anyway. The package they offer is so good that it's not really adding all that much to our vacation costs.

    But with MrsMonkey also playing we're all dead meat... :eek:

    Anybody wanna buy a house? Cheap....
  14. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Oh NO! Mr. and Mrs. Monkey are going, too! I want my money back!!!!! :yikes:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :p
  15. DanMayo

    DanMayo New Member

    Gadzooks Batman!

    We're going to have to be on our A-game for this one! :eek: If Peggy (tourney Director) only knew the talent coming this time around she would be wise to get television sponsors lined up and get it aired!

    Good, maybe there will be no target on me and I can slip in under the radar! :D Maybe I should hide the GD Green hat though as not to bring any attention to me.

    See you all there, at the final table that is!
    Last edited: May 30, 2008
  16. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User

    Well Ignace is

    getting better all the time it appears, Monkeysystem and wife are on board for the great competition. :)

    Dan, did not forget about you in that script, just confused as to what character you would be, for sure a gunslinger;) Same for Monkey.

    We are all settled in for this BJ tourney with around 60 players, great rooms and package and stunningly great BJ here, closed down the tables tonight. :)

  17. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member


    Can I be Festus?
  18. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Uhhhhh, wasn't Festus the gimpy character from the very old TV series "Gunsmoke" with Marshall Dillon? :laugh:
  19. Jonny21

    Jonny21 Active Member

    I will be there - looking forward to seeing you guys again

    If any of you are fishermen, bring a rod along. There should be time between rounds for a quick ride up to Hessell. Saw some very nice trout and a huge pike come in off the pier last April.
  20. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User


    Jonny glad you are bringing your six shooters to the tourney! :eek:

    The competition will be hot and heavy, big shooters abound!:)

    If I were there I would go to Hessel with you...Ahhh Hessel a MOST beautiful place, my favorite, for sure and for certain. There was once a DD game close by that in my exhuberant youth burned out singlehandedly using unbelievable skillz and a pair of U.S. Schofield six shooters :D Those were some great times, grrrrr.

    I will really miss seeing, BSing and playing with all of you this weekend.


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