Ignace tourney party-1st day

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by creeping panther, Apr 11, 2008.

  1. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User

    The Panther arrived at the Sault Casino on Friday around 7pm and nestled in for a 3 night stay, $60 the first night and free the other 2. We received $10 a piece in free coin each day plus a bonus of $10 and $10 cash as well as 15% off our food. The buffet here is somewhat better than Ignace with a much wider selection. Everything here is under one roof like Ignace but many more hotel rooms on site here, and a large common area. However the stunning beauty of the Ignace location and the friendliness of the staff there will still make Ignace my most favorite casino getaway.

    I found the 25 cent and dollar full pay JOB here and will be playing them frequently. Indeed already having done so.

    The BJ here 6d and dd hold some interesting potential,:)
    all games are hand shuffled with the best shoe game rules of anyplace I know of. The Panther is an action junkie;) and gravitates toward the fast moving DD even with it's limited rule options.

    The Panther began his slow, methodical.... prowl around 9pm searching for prey that could be pounced upon and then devoured. The Panther soon found a DD table showing GREAT potential even to the point that MS. Panther commented about it's attributes for a fine feast:cool: The dealer was a nice young lady, a lady that I decided would easily drop her defences and allow me to crush here before she could react. The Predator Panther, although exausted from little sleep and a long trek to the GNW would now go into full stalking mode.

    Panther takes a spot in the hunt, middle seat, 4 other players, he bids his time, studying the shuffle and the other players and the dealer, as well as the always lurking PC., creeping and stalking, bidding his time to move in for a kill!

    Panther knows not to give his calling card but as the dealer comes back from a break he notices something has changed....the one great thing is now not so great and the Panther has done nothing, YET, to effect this warryness:confused:!! But Panther decides to be patient and settles in for a patient, very patient stalk.

    It is now 11.20 and the hunt is now what the creeping Panther has been waiting for, the dealer, one other player and Panther. Now Panther readies for full attack mode, the hair bristles, the nostrils widen and flex, the eyes narrow and the Panther is transformed into a now deadly, zoned, and bloodthirsty BJ killing machine:eek:

    Panther up to this point has bet no more than $10 on one spot down $150 at this point and looking at a rocket +, he now unsheaths his massive claws and pounces to 2 spots of $100 each, the prey looks shocked and eyes the panther with trepidation and appears :confused: ...dealer flashes a 10 up, Panther cooly eyes his 2-15's(!) :eek: no time to panic, surrender is offered and the dealy panther takes it, losing half his bets but not dismayed, the count goes even higher and Panther pushes out, again $100 on 2 spots, steely eyed and now cognizant of every change of his environment, senses hightened, pulls a BJ and a 20, the prey shows a 9 , but Panther knows that 5 aces have yet to show, the prey shows a 10 and has now been deeply gouged by the Panthers sharp claws. The other player seems disguted that Panther had surrendered and leaves in a huff....good, just the now attacking ruthless Panther against the hapless prey, and the slipper ends.

    The prey shuffles and then Panther stares into the preys eyes, a cold and calculating stare,..., that portends sure death for the prey, the prey shows anxiety, hesitation, as the game is now started, Panther and prey. Panther using multi index play and taking 2 spots is now whipping the prey, slowly and surely, pouncing here and there, then again the count skyrockets, Panther pushes 2-$100 bets, dealer shows an ace, panther calculates the situation with lightening speed and calls for insurance...prey is cautious and again confused, the bet is made and dealer flips a face, Panther growls in a low tone with *satisfaction* that his honed senses have once again saved the day. The count is still high and Panther goes for one quick kill, 2 spots of $200, salavation time, but also gut wrenching fear, prey shows a 7, Panther a 19 and a 17, Panther knows that prey will have a 10 in the hole but no!, another 7 shows and now....the face!!! The prey bleeds, cannot believe the situation, what a turn, what manner of beast is the prey facing,, no players card offered....who is this Panther that has turned on me??? She knows the Panther is here for a Tourney Banquet, but that is all. The PC is now hovering,showing intense interest in protecting his territory, but he is outmatched and for now can do nothing.:p

    Next round the stalking Panther goes to $100 on 2 spots and pulls a 12 and 15:eek: ...prey shows an Ace, Panther with all his deadly cunning knows that this can be a good thing, insurance is taken, all are now watching, Panther moves back stealthily, and with lith muscles quivering, knowing this could be a deadly turn of events...dealer again shows a 10!!!! Panther ROARS as he has saved himself through his cunning and skillz, PC now looks on in rapt attention, prey looks numb. Last hands of the slipper and Panther sees the cut card will soon be out and pushes out another $100 on each of 2 spots, knowing that a win here will have decimated the Prey, bleed it significantly, prey shows a face up, panther has 20 and 20, will the dealer also show a 20,? Panther thinks maybe so, but no a 5!!!! more than :cool: now the ten will come, of this Panther knows...Panther backs away from the felt, watching in deadly earnest, a 6 maybe....BAM another face, AHAAAA!! Sometimes, sometimes, but not all times, things work as they should, and then there are those other times...

    It is now late into the night and the Panther knows when to take it's kill back to the lair and the safety it offers, and so the Panther leaves as stealthily as he first made his appearance. and dissapears into the night.

    Creeping Panther
  2. maxwell

    maxwell Member


    I ENJOYED YOUR GREAT WRITING PANTHER:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  3. Schultzy

    Schultzy New Member

    Great Job!!

    Way to go Panther! It was like reading "The Counter" all over again! Looking forward to the next Ignace Tourney!
  4. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User



    Thanks, I thought you and a few others would like to know what was going on here!! Me and Kevin do have alot in common, like geography, Skillz, and a deadly competitive spirit, "BJ Warriors" and BJ Bro's.

    Of course those are the same traits you and your crew exhibit,:cool: that is why I like you all so much! :D

    You are all my "BJ Bro's and Sistah's"

    Creeping Panther
  5. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User


    Thank you Max.

    Creeping Panther
  6. maxwell

    maxwell Member

    looking ahead

    Looking Forward To Parts 2 And 3 The Final Domination
  7. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    Good Job Man!

    Hey CP,
    Congratulations on your "take" and also your entertaining post about it. Enjoyed reading that! Maybe you should think about a book as your writing skills are pretty GOOD!
    You might as well have given them your card though because I'll give you 10 to 1, you weren't unknown.
    I really wanted to attend that weekend event, too. Just didn't work out.

    Billy C
  8. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User

    Correction to 1st day post

    The beginning of the post should read arrived Thursday, not Friday.

    I have a tendency to lose the day and time when at the casino:D

    Creeping panther
  9. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User

    Billy Mr.C


    I was looking forward to seeing you here as I thought you might make the party. :(

    Glad you liked my report.

    Creeping Panther
  10. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User

    Ms. Panther=Royal Flush

    Ms. Panther using stalking and High level math skillz took down a .25 VP machine for the Royal and a paycheck of $1,198 while playing on casino money and still had hundreds of credits on the machine.

    Thanks to Left Nut, Billy Mr. C and Monkey System for turning on the Panthers to the world of VP:cool:

    So far I have only seen 5 BJ tourney players from Ignace at this party, more may arrive tomorrow as the weather is very bad in the GNW.

    Creeping Panther
  11. Jonny21

    Jonny21 Active Member

    Go get 'em CP

    I looked at a webcam of UP weather, looks like you might be up there for a while. Hope the snow lets up for the June St. Ignace tourney.
  12. Jonny21

    Jonny21 Active Member

    More stories, please

    It's funny to watch how the not-so-talented players get mad when you take insurance with a "bad" hand or blame you for messing up the "flow of the cards" bysurrendering. What a great bonus for you, to get them to leave the table in the middle of a big plus count.
  13. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User

    Mr. Johnny 21

    Great to hear from you! There are some pretty interesting things going on here and yes you are correct in the above statement, people do not understand our style of play and that is fine with me.

    I also had a fine day yesterday, not losing any of my 3 sessions and pulling a real fast one on the casino late at night, along with MS. Panther;) This technique worked like a charm and allowed me to ring up a fine win of $850 in one slipper.

    On Friday I had an incredible run winning 85% of my jumped-big bets while only second guessing 2 of my moves that were on a razors edge. I also did well on my big double downs.

    This has so far been a very nice time and I wish all of you AP's could have made it.

    Creeping Panther
  14. Schultzy

    Schultzy New Member

    Winner winner chicken dinner!

    Congrats to you and Mrs. Panther! YOU pulled a fast one last night, huh? Can't wait to hear that story! Peggy is bummed out that we didn't make it this weekend, but we have three tourney's right around the corner. Keep those great stories coming CP. Looking forward to watching you in action in June!
  15. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User

    Watching you in action

    is what I want to do Schultzy...as you make it to the final table and continue your winning ways, both you and Peggy. You are what's happening BJ BRO'...a force to recon with, the both of you, on the BJ Tourney Circuit;)

    Let's not forget about your crew, called Jobewan today.

    The banquet is over and Kewadin gave away a huge load of cash to many players at the Banquet:D

    Yes, I wish you and the Crew were here.

    Now it's time for the Panther to stalk the felt in search of...opportunity.

    Creeping Panther
  16. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    First of all, I'll add my voice to those clamoring for more CP stories.
    That was simply excellent, and you, my friend, do have a knack for writing.

    Congrats to Madame Panther for the VP score. $1,198 is, of course, just barely under the level that causes a W2G event. Keep on stalking!!! :D
  17. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User


    Thank you for the kind words. I am sorry we did not get to spend more time together at Ignace and of course we failed to make the party on Saturday come together but at the next Tourney we will have to see to it that the party DOES HAPPEN.

    I do so enjoy the company of all of you! :)

    Creeping Panther

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