Im new to this!

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by Scooby007, Mar 2, 2006.

  1. Scooby007

    Scooby007 New Member

    Hello everyone :)

    I see youve got quite a cool little community going on here and it got me curious about these BlackJack tournies. How do they work? Can anyone point me towards a site where I can have a blast for play money or just to have a look at them? Its all new to me which is why Im in the newbies corner :confused:
  2. Soon, not yet.

    Stay tuned (not Darin tuned or cartooned) to this site for the opening of the UBT site, which should meet all of your criteria. Other than that, the only site I know of is the often discussed Global Player but I cannot offer input on it as I have never played there.
  3. Scooby007

    Scooby007 New Member


    Thx BP, have this UBT bunch got a site up yet just to look around? I tried Global Player but they only have real money games which I dont feel experienced enough at yet, and, well they only seem to have one tourney from what I could find which was an invitational. Am I missing something?
  4. No, not yet...

    ....but it is coming soon and its debut seems to be anxiously awaited by many members of this site.

    Welcome BTW!
  5. Scooby007

    Scooby007 New Member


    Thanks, I find it really weird that only a couple of sites are offering BJ tournies (forgive the rude pun). Do none of the major Poker and Casino sites have these in the pipeline? They seem to be extremely popular in the casinos
  6. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Don't be shy

    I can see that you are yearning to play in a blackjack tournament so why not have a go on a $5 or $15 game on Global. Competing against other players is the best way to learn and practice so why not give it a go. No one will call you or slag you off if you mess up because after all the other players are out there to beat you and take the money and don’t care were you finish.
    You can play under a different name on Global if you want to protect your identity from this site.
    Good Luck
  7. Scooby007

    Scooby007 New Member

    Not very good at these tournies!

    :( I have to say I didnt quite understand the whole concept when I first started so I had a go anyway. Managed to stay as chip leader throughout using the classic but stupid martingale system and then all of a sudden every1 starts placng max bets. Im thinking what a bunch of plonkers they wont last long, then it was over! Hmmm, will have another go when I get a chance but in the meantime Im sticking to the normal tables.:p
  8. BlackJack-Kid

    BlackJack-Kid New Member

    wet behind the ears newbie

    Still trying to figure out the game and I'm learning some by playing free on the interent.
    Any help ya'll can send me will be greatly appreciative.
    Just there a way to mathmatically figure BJ 21 bonus payouts via a chart? I know what the odds are, but is there a way to project pay outs vs the bonus bets? A chart ..something other than doing the math each time?

    Example: Any 20 pays 4 -1 odds but lets say you bet 20 dollars on the bonus which means you gain $80.00 on that peticular bonus bet. Is there a chart of graph that protrays the bonus payouts on all the various odds - 9-1 and up and determined by the bonus amount played? Or maybe another way to figure it out quickly?
    I hope this makes sense!
  9. EvilDruid

    EvilDruid New Member

    check out for a rundown on BJ tournament style rules

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