I'm Sorry Joep!

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Sep 18, 2006.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I told you I would publicly tell you I was sorry if I made a mistake and you were right. I played PlayUBT today and now I understand about what you where talking about SKILLED PLAYERS VS. LUCK!

    On every game the minimum number of $25,000 max all in bettors was 3 up to 6 of the 7 players on the table for the first hand

    I see what you mean about UBT requiring more skill than regular eliimation style BJ tournaments...LOL

    It really takes a lot of skill to go all in on the first hand and all most every hand afterwards...LOL

    I heard your poll was taken from those same players...LOL, Well hell if they said it is skill then it must be...LOL

    But since the sit and goes are free and you can play multiple games I guess starting off with $25,000 is the best way to play.

    Damn the old way of playing where you had to really stop and think about your next bet or play, this all in every hand is much more skillful...LOL

    It is so much fun busting your balls...LOL

    I am waiting for your reply, one request though, no more spell, number of posts, being fat, or being from Texas posts. Come up with something new at least, the members here deserve to be entertained and your come back material is starting to get old, you really need to stop beating a dead horse...LOL
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2006
  2. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    On a serious note

    Before the usual banter gets going ...

    ISTM that the TEC arrangement is not a good one, as it promotes the kind of play you describe. If entry is to be free, which is probably a good thing, then I think your number of attempts at qualifying for each event ought to be limited in some way.

    There needs to be a sense of danger about losing, whereas now it's just a case of "So what? I'll have another go."
  3. bahoozle

    bahoozle Member

    There's the rub..

    You can't always have another go. This thing called work gets in the way. Had another go this morning. Had I advanced past the 2nd round, I would have just had to call in sick. Mental health day. How many rounds have been played while I've been slogging away in the salt mines? There's a sense of danger that these freerolls are going to stop and I'm going to have missed most of them. But then, that's why I don't make $25,000 bets.;) Unless, of course, I've gotten way behind with those repeated bad hands I get...
  4. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    Full Moon?

    Somehow, I finally advanced past the first round in one of those, only to see the average bankroll in the second round become over 200,000 when they started with just 25,000.

    Hard to compete when you've got 25,000 max bet after max bet splitting face cards against a dealer ace three times, drawing three hard 15's, standing on them and winning each hand.

    I'm with the people that think that this SHOULD favor the more skilled players and these people should bust out eventually, but for some reason they just consistently keep winning these things.

    I can't explain it.
  5. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    I've got 5 TEC points

    I've got 5 TEC points!

    Yup you're right TX - it takes SKILL to hit the all-in button and keep doing it again and again and again.

    I mean the SKILL it took to turn my 25000 into 325000 was unbelievable! :laugh:

    Do you know how much SKILL it requires to play 3 tables at once, all at max bet I might add! Registering and playing and registering again and betting and - well you get the picture! I'm a SKILL player for sure! :joker:

    The only problem is that in the "tourney" people started playing "normal" - drat it! Then the LUCK didn't kick in
  6. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    Your luck held out OK when I was at your table, damn you! :D
  7. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    That was TEC #2 :laugh:
  8. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Skill Vs Luck


    I see where Joep was ELIMINATED in Round 2 on the 7 pm freeroll.

    I made it to round 3.

    That PROVES that LUCK is better than SKILL right? :joker:

    BJMAILMAN Member


    I have 8 TEC's. Won several in a row. But only had time to play one tournament. There is alot of max betting, but that makes most of the tables end on the 8th hand. Only went to the 30th hand twice and the last three of us had over 200000 and I finished first with 336000.
  10. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    2 round 3 knock-outs in a row. I guess this luck thing isn't working too well. Where's that BJ book again? :confused:

    Speaking of which Ken when is YOUR BOOK COMING OUT?

    The Mississippi Money Maker Right?

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