In Need Of Help

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by jaybird, Aug 26, 2006.

  1. jaybird

    jaybird Member

    I do not write much in this column, so bear with me. I' ve been thinking about going down to the New Orleans area looking for work. I lay ceramic tile and laminate wood and I am from St. Louis, Mo. Work in this area has slowed down so much. I figure the area damaged by Katrina might be in need of a hard working floor guy. If anybody reading this knows who I may contact about finding work, email me at or respond on this website. I hope all your blackjacks, be MINE. LOL

    Thanks for helping,

    Jaybir478 Jay Jameson
  2. casino_jim

    casino_jim Member



    I would suggest you take a trip down to the Mississippi Coast area and the New Orleans area and look around. There is a huge need for skilled labor here, and it will be this way for years.

    Your problem will be finding a place to live.

    Good luck.


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