Insurance - What strategy should I use in Tourneys?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by Reachy, Mar 11, 2006.

  1. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Can I have some advice on insurance in Tournament play? I have been playing and watching a few recently and players seem to use insurance far more than I thought was advisable; I always thought it was a sucker bet. How and why would you differ from BS when considering insurance apart from when the count is high?

  2. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    My reason for taking it is....

    Of course the only proper time to take insurance is when the count is high in a regular BJ game.

    The same would be for tournament play, but also if the situation called for it.

    My basic rule of thumb is take insurance whenever it gives you your best chance at winning.

    Here are a few examples of when I take insurance:

    Let's say you're betting behind BR1 and the dealer up card is an Ace and BR1 didn't take insurance with a bigger bet up, that could be a time to take insurance and make a move on BR1. I have also done the oposite and not taken insurance when BR1 has on the last hand to win the table.

    Another is if your BR1 in the BR2 takes insurance, you take it to cover yourself.

    Also if your BR1 and have a big enough lead where you can afford to insure and still win or surrender back for the win you should take the insurance.

    In tournament play I find myself taking insurance (most) everytime I get a BJ vs. dealers Ace. This is just my personal choice, I fiqure if I win my bet for sure and can possiblly swing the table besides. I only do this because of the limited number of hands in tournament play.

    I even insure my 20's most of the time in tournament play (just with larger bets up), this is just me (not the highest percentage play). Of course there are exceptions to this rule should you be so far behind you need the extra 1/2 to try and catch up.

    Once again this is just my rule of thumb for tournament play and I'm sure I'll catch hell over some of my plays. O'well it's my money and I'll play how I want....LOL
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2006
  3. noman

    noman Top Member

    Insurance in tourney

    Hey tx, I'm in the burning long boat with you. Maybe, cause I picked it up from you. Can't remember. tend to assimilate and claim for my own what I do when I win and blame some noted author's book for when I lose.

    But I'd add what I said to RKuzek's questions: There are rules, there are percentages, there are "norms" of play. You have to know the basics,(in anything) Now it's what you do with it, given the situation.

    To Kuzek's" lose least, win most," one of the first things I contemplated about tourney play was that and to that regard, insuring my 21, my 20 fits that concept.(except final hand, where EVERYTHING happens. I hate final jeopardy, cause you can't count on the category being something you know about.
  4. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Actually TxTour, you may not catch hell over those plays. That's a pretty darned good list. Of course, a few members here may give you grief just on principle. :D
  5. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    Yea, it's those few I post that last line for...LOL:D
  6. Rick's Way

    O'well it's my money and I'll play how I want....LOL

    I'm not going to give him any flack for this. As he states above, he can play his money the way he wants to. Anybody can. I don't mind when any of my opponents elect to play anyway, whether deemed optimal or not by the math or community.
  7. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Perfectly said Bradley

    Did EVERYONE catch what Bradley is saying?:confused:

    Don't get up set when one or more of your opponents does something that is a lower percentage play then they should have, that just raises you percentage of winning.:D

    I have seen and more importantly heard of players getting up set over losing to that "Dumb-ass" they didn't have a clue what they were doing.:flame:

    You can't beat luck, and if your not catching cards there is nothing you can do. Just shake the players hand and congratulate them and try to get them the next time.:)

    If your going to get that upset, you may want to find another hobby to take up that you can't lose money at.
  8. Respect

    Yes Tex.

    On a whole, tournament blackjack players are much more gracious, respectful and sporting than poker players. How many times have we seen the poor sport losers in poker whine about or lambaste their opponents because of the way they play. What is the value in that?

    In fact, you Tex, epitomize this, as much as anybody, being a gentleman from the South.
  9. Count de McArds

    Count de McArds New Member

    Well said indeed Mr. Peterson

    Well said indeed Mr. Peterson - while my association with Poker players is limited relative to that of Blackjack Tournament players, I will find hard to believe that quality of Tournament Poker players can be any more gracious and trustworthy than the Blackjack Tournament players that I have met in person or on line - including Joep with whom I have recently (albeit privately) complemented him on his principles, conviction and passion in defending the honor of Blackjack Tournament players - even though we had an initial "difference of interpretaion".

    The Count

  10. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    My New Friend

    As spoken by my new found friend Count de Mc Ards

    "You appear to be a man of conviction, principles and passion - and I applaud you for that".

    Count, thank you for your kind words, I took the liberty of posting your comments to me since you mentioned them in your post to Mr. Peterson

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