Internet Gaming Law- Is this illegal (UBT)

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by Sidekick, Nov 12, 2006.

  1. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member

    I'm in Aruba or St Kitts and I give Bet21 lets say $5,000. The tourney is $2,700 so I have $2,300 left over. Can they deposit that money into my Bet21 account for me w/out breaking the US Internet Gaming Law?

    Maybe the player (forgot his name) who is stuck in Aruba can make these transactions for us on a regular basis where we send all of our UBT entry fees to him plus additional monies. We could all chip in and give him a monthly salary or a pet monkey from St kitts.

    If not (LOL), I figure Aruba/St Kitts is good for at least 2 trips a year or other UBT Global Tourneys (Paris, Austrailia, etc.). Obviously if you need to reload after wasting $2,000 before 6 months is up, playing SnG's online and not winning at least 20% of the time, you might want to try a different game.

    My Sunday thoughts.

    Last edited: Nov 12, 2006
  2. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    <<Obviously if you need to reload after wasting $2,000 before 6 months is up, playing SnG's online and not winning at least 20% of the time, you might want to try a different game.

    Im curious about the winning 20% statement. I personally think playing sit and goes is bad because you, if a 10% fee is added, need to win well over 50% of your games to come out ahead. Sit and Goes are like a drug dealers candy. Do you see winning 20% as a profitable line in the sand at UB?

  3. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Good question...heres another though..If no one plays sit and does the site fund itself?

    Some guys enjoy the game enough risk the less sure return just for the fun or experience gained and therefore be better prepared for that big money match in the future...

    If no one pays and plays...the game goes aways....(3 credits in poetry..wadda ya expect?):p
  4. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Money Can Be Made


    Im curious about the winning 20% statement. I personally think playing sit and goes is bad because you, if a 10% fee is added, need to win well over 50% of your games to come out ahead. Sit and Goes are like a drug dealers candy. Do you see winning 20% as a profitable line in the sand at UB?


    Not even close Stoned

    Actually Sidekick has a valid point using a 10+1 sit & go as an example over 100 games your entry fees would add up to 1100 dollars

    If you were to win only 20 % of the time you would see a return $980
    on top of that if your were to finish 2nd only 10 % of the time you would see a return $210. That together would show an over all profit of $90. Not bad for such a small fee and the playing experience that comes along with it.Remember the more flying time you have with this format your over all results will become more and more profitable. Keep in mind these results are with a failure rate of 70 % of not finishing either first or second.

    I personally know that there are players who have a much higher success rate that 70 % and have been making money since day 1 of Global's Sit & Go's and now the 24 hour access that Bet 21 has given us is just a cash register

    So if you can play play with a failure rate of not more than 70 % you in fact can make money at Sit & Go's

    Barney STONED if you need me to break this down further for you PM me. That is of course if you are done with your CRUD posting for the day ;)

    Last edited: Nov 13, 2006
  5. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Joe do you place first in 20/100 games and 2nd 10/80 games? I doubt it. If so say it. Also, you havent reported your success rate at Aruba or St Kitts Sand Gs you know the microcosm events. Lets hear it. Also, for Ub online games you cant just add up your SandG games, what about all those failed free trip tries? We know Ken won a big one as did the owner of UBT and thank God Ace represented the regular guy with a nice main event seat freebee but come on a lot of $$$ was lost chasing those prizes. Also, I read a post by Ken that he got spanked playing online and he is best or second best in the world. Why dont you just be truthful, playing S and Gs is a bad investment for your money. It will only help you a little bit in a live game. For one online games have no chips to count. Good luck learning to count chips online the most important skill to learn. The way it is starting to look UB format is made to coddle the team and the very few whom can travel to every event. The players in the couple games here in USA are to rely upon their internet play. Guess what, internet play aint enough. The players live need tables under their belts. They are offering very very few. Lucky for you it will give you a big advantage. Keep using voo doo math. Im sure it makes Kenny happy!
  6. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Please STOP

    Barney STONED

    Sit & Go's may very well be a bad investment for some one like you who spend way to much time tracking my results and over all performances yet you continue to post "CRUD" even when you have been asked by many including Ken to cease with these constant annoying post.

    If you need intimate details of my everyday life and tournament success please spare everyone the torture and PM me .If you are asking me if you could move in with me, so you can keep better tabs on me. SORRY I JUST cant even imagine that sight.

    I appreciate your loyal following but my intentions in my original post was to show that with good play and additional playing time that playing these sit & go are not only a possible money maker but will improve you long term overall success.

    If you want an autographed picture of me send me a PM and I will send it out to you

  7. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Joe, no I dont want an autograph from you and no Im not gay as you asked in a PM to me and may I add I have never PMed you to initiate anything only to reply to your odd PMs! I guess you like to skip over the hard questions as you always have. You answer no questions nor comment about UB unless its to pump it. Thanks for the service. You have been a big help.
  8. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Please STOP for the LAST TIME

    Barney STONED

    You sure like to turn things around. I emphatically answered your question and concerns about the level of success you need to archive to show a profit at Sit & Go's.It wasn't a PRO Bet 21/UBT post .You keep on making this a "CRUD POST" PLEASE STOP.You were the one that was asking around about me. Maybe the persons that you asked can chime in here to make that a known fact.Or is this going to be another false fact posted about me on here, it was you asking that question about me.Thats why I asked you in a private message you seemed sure hell bent on finding out about a lot of personal stuff in regards to me.What else should I think ? EXCEPT THAT YOU WERE. So rather that post false stuff publicly I asked you in a PM and I was direct and to the point. Its a NEW YORK thing we never pull any punches .

    If your post were direct and to the point you would save a lot of wear and tear on all of our eyes

    Say what ever you want I will no longer respond to any of your post in regards to my tournament success or sexuality,because these questions are not sincere and are just a poor attempt by you to goad me into a CRUD WAR, and on that level I can not compete with you.If you want to compete with me on the tables "DEAD MONEY" is always welcome in


    Last edited: Nov 13, 2006
  9. jmbelders

    jmbelders Member

    Maybe the alter ego JOEP2 should return.

    Times were so much nicer back then. Maybe we can have a BigTex2, or a Barney Stone2, or a Rando2 or whatever to just get rid of all the "crud" and get back to business. I also like the older where I could learn something about the game, not the evilness that it has brought.
  10. elyssez

    elyssez Member

    What Is Wrong With You?!?!

    Mr. Stone-

    Why are you attacking someone by questioning their sexuality? Really, how does this impact internet gaming laws? Or do you feel such childish hate against Joep, that you must voice your personal prejudices as fodder to slander him?

    3 months ago, while I was having dinner with you and another member here, you relayed the story of meeting Joep at the final table of a tournament in Laughlin. Knowing we were friends, you asked if he was straight. I said yes, and dinner went on. Now, you're publicly dragging this subject onto the blackjack forums. What are you thinking? Why is Joeps' sexuality soooo important to you?! Your married!! What would your wife think?! Joeps' sexuality is none of your business, nor anyone's. Sexuality has no influence or impact on blackjack or gaming!

    Now before you go mouthing off at me about this, yes, Joeps' PM to you about questioning his sexuality came directly from a conversation he and I had. A private conversation. It was his perrogative to ask you privately about it. And the whole matter should have stayed private.

    On November 5, 2006, in the "More from St. Kitts" thread, you posted that you considered Joep (or Uncle Joep, as you fondly wrote) one of the top 5 players in to world. So I find it very interesting, and frankly at this point sickening, that you have jumped at every chance available to slanderously discredit this man! At least before you would stay within the realm of gaming. But now you have to stoop so low as to question personal preferences? What is wrong with you?!?! Are you looking to fill recently vacated shoes as chief spin-doctor?

    I'm sure you'll try to spin this as well, and possibly try to slander and discredit me. Well fine. I'm just a guppy in the blackjack pond, so I'll survive. But as far as Joep is concerned, the only thing he's is truly guilty of is posting the truth to the best of his knowledge, AND helping us guppies whenever any of us have asked...... Believe me, a lot of us guppies, including myself, have asked for help plenty of times, and Joep has always responded sincerely, in a timely manner. So I think I can speak for most when I say, STOP!!!


    PS Even though it's absolutely none of your business, just in case you haven't figured it out...... Joe Pane is straight!!!
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2006
  11. CelticAngel

    CelticAngel Banned User

    Blackjack Bullies Unite...

    These constant banters of ridicule and derision are quite frankly what amounts to “crud” on this site. The forum “should” be open to all views, Barney’s, Joep’s, etc., but only concerning issues regarding blackjack – hmmm, maybe because this site is called, “Blackjack Forum.”

    As for who attacked whose sexual orientation first, from what I gather, Joep insinuated that Barney had a “thing” for him… a rather substandard “confidence game” methodology of transferring attention off of Barney’s initial statement concerning “blackjack” and onto something altogether unrelated…

    The ensuing result? Blackjack bullies unite! Let’s not “think,” you know as individuals, we wouldn’t want to give blackjack the reputation of being an “individual’s” game, yet alone a “thinking” game. And let’s not allow the game itself to hold center court, not with all these ridiculously desparate egos vying for constant attention!

    Grow up men. The backyard bully crap is old, and so is the chauvinistic degradation. Knock off the second-rate distraction cons, and get with the program. Blackjack, open forum, nothing more, nothing less…got it? If ya wanna go for each other's throats, try a little class and decorum, and use the Private Message option...

    Also, come on now, if UBT has got what it takes, it doesn’t need this schoolyard bully crap to get by… in fact, it would fare better off without it!

    I think strong, independent thinking men, who have the balls to speak up about the subject matter at hand, and only that, without resulting to this other juvenile bologna, are far more sexy... and as such, sex sales, so that means superior public relations for the show, which means enhanced public relations for blackjack... after all, remember "Monica?" Of course, you do... only thing there is - concerning blackjack, that is... Blackjack's a game of "skill," right? Hmmm? LOL
  12. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Elysee, I will post on this to answer your totally backwards read on this and then thats it no more. Joe has been the one blasting me. I ask questions he defends with belittling remarks he doesnt answer anything which in turn draw same crap from me. Secondly, I told you about Joe touching me in Laughlin as he squeezed behind me to count my chips. You said dont worry he is straight. I never asked the question. Now you jump on me for something I said in a post about what Joe is saying about me. Joe has been mailing me saying Im gay. Almost everything you say is backwards. Now good night. Obviously I cant ask questions or make statements about UBT or Joe gets all flustered. The purpose for this board is to figure things out not paint pretty pictures. Now Im sorry to post this friends. Its not in me to take a pure BS posting from eleyseez about me and not answer. I promise, this is the end. If I have questions about UB Ill go to the zoo and ask.

  13. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Monkeys and More Monkeys

    Barney STONED

    Are you back from the zoo yet ?:joker:

  14. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member


    I hate zoos. They're so confining... The food sucks, too. :joker:
  15. playerwh

    playerwh New Member

    And still the guy who posted his question about the internet ganing/banking law, awaits an asnwer.

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