Interview with Joe Pane now posted

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by KenSmith, Feb 16, 2007.

  1. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I've had this interview with Joe Pane sitting around for a while, and I finally got around to formatting it and posting it today.

    Joe is one of the most respected competitors in the tournament world, and for good reason. If you've ever been in a match with him, you're probably well aware of his skills at the table.

    Joe's interview was conducted and written up by Rick Swogger, and it covers a lot of background information about Joe and his experiences. I think you'll find it to be a fascinating read.

    Hopefully, we can also get Joe back here to respond to comments or questions from the interview.

    Here's a link to the interview page:
    Blackjack Tournament Interviews

    and a link directly to the interview with Joe:
    Interview with Joe Pane
  2. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    Well done guys!

    Well written and formated guys - both in form and substance. It provides quite an interestesting perspective on Joe and his background.

  3. tgun

    tgun Member

    nice job

    wtg Rick, very interesting. Thanks go to Joe for sharing.

  4. elyssez

    elyssez Member


    Great interview, Swog. And Thanks, Ken, for finally posting this.

    I had the fortunate pleasure of being present for this interview. And while this interview was an interesting and informative read, I have to say it was even better live. Perhaps Mr. Pane will share more of his life-stories on Be In Action.....Or maybe he'll even log on here at BJT and share one or two.:)
  5. noman

    noman Top Member

    Obie-Wan-K-Normie interview:

    That's a 10 to the 10th power wow!

    Some random, non-connected thoughts:

    If Sammy, Mammy, Bammy, Indyani, can include this profile, from his perspective, in his soon upcoming BEST SELLER of Vegas characters, what a collector's item.

    Cerritos having his hotel room door "busted" in pales in comparison.

    I find it hard to beleive anyone would, or could over power JOE. But snakes on a plane.

    Early on he was the "man in the middle." Good experience for sittin in the middle of Cerritos and Barneystoned.

    He always seemed to be next to or close to the "BIG MONEY" before he got HIS.

    Surprised sweet(always forget the proper ending)......hasn't been scared away. She complains about how hard, harsh and Drill Instructor he is to her and her play.

    One long and short of it: Without pretense Joe Pane, on any site, or in person, has always shared his thoughts on the best play without holding something back. He is confident enough in his play to share with everyone, cause he knows, there are only a few willing to put the time and effort in to trying to achieve what he has. And I doubt there is anyone else who has recorded as many final table last five hands as he has. Juneau, no one had to or has to do that for any tournament.

    Now lest, ya'll think I got a brown nose, let me state, there's nothing I love better than playin against him in a tourney, except outlasting him.

    Roll on Joe!
  6. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Tell it like it is, Joe

    I can vouch for JP's willingness to speak his mind. After my TV taping, Deb and I found ourselves sittting in the hotel's watering hole with no less than JP, Curtis, Einiger..... and Joe had no problem telling me how he thought I'd screwed up on the next to last hand. I sure didn't mind, though. When a guy with his stature and experience gives a ploppy like me a free lesson, shut the hell up and listen! :D
  7. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    You're lucky!

    He just tells ME how much of a ploppy I am, takes MY money and runs! :joker:
  8. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    That explains a lot....

    Hey what a great interview with Joey!

    I found in very entertaining and enlightening! It explains soooooooo much now! For example:

    1. Joe being dog-piled in the court room
    2. The brain damage part – hmmmmmm
    3. Being backed off at The Palms – now THAT’s funny

    As far as the book – Beyond Wong. When’s it coming out? Right after Davie, Ken, Yama, etc….. Promises, promises, promises…….

    If you do write the book Joe, how about Brooklyn Blackjack or BJ the Bronx way? Wait…wait…how about BJ Confessions of a brain damaged New Yorker! (no that won’t work too many people could take credit for that title!) :joker:
  9. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Is It Safe To Return ?

    First let me say a sincere thank you to Ken Smith for taking time out of his busy schedule to talk with me about my disappearance from BJT and the possibility of returning.Yes if you haven't noticed I was missing in action,so to speak.Some members here knew where to find me and have been communicating with me since my last post 86 :laugh: days ago.See there is a good way to use that number.

    My batteries are recharged and I'm here to stay for a while.

    To all the members who have posted on this thread kind words in regards to my BJT Interview ,THANK YOU,to those who have sent me emails and Private Messages THANK YOU.

    I hope everyone enjoyed the interview that Rick Swogger conducted with me back in August 2006,he did one hell of a job getting me to open up and tell some stories that I have never really made public.There was a lot more spoken about but I'm sure space limits required the interview be trimmed.

    We spoke for hours on the cruise in my cabin with Rick changing tapes one after another as he asked me questions about my life and upbringing and not just about my tournament accomplishment's and I enjoyed going back and re-looking at my life before Las Vegas, before Tournaments and Card Counting,became part of my everyday life.

    Thank you to Ken Smith and Rick Swogger who actually believed that there was an audience that might be interested in hearing about Joe Pane before he became JOEP.

    I'm happy to be HOME :)

    Last edited: Feb 19, 2007
  10. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    The triumphant return, eh?

    Welcome back!
  11. happybunnytrix

    happybunnytrix New Member

    Hey! Welcome back, Joep!
  12. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Welcome back JoeP. We missed ya!
  13. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    now THAT's funny!

    Welcome back, Joe...

  14. maxwell

    maxwell Member


    Welcome Back Joep 1 And Joep 2 And Maybe Joep 3- Now We Seem To Have Another Member In Hiding.:d :d Where Is Reachy?
  15. noman

    noman Top Member

    Return of The Native


    Hail Ceasar!

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