Invitational Tourneys

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by freddiesun, Jul 17, 2008.

  1. freddiesun

    freddiesun New Member

    Which casino usually has the most freeroll invitational BJ tourneys? I know most ppl here get rated and get mailers for these offers. I was also wondering what level most ppl play at to get these offers (or what is the lowest level). I know the Hilton and GN always has Bj tourneys listed in the calender. Are any of you also diamond memebers or something and get more offers for BJT's. Thanks!

    DOH FRANKLIN New Member

    las vegas bj tournaments

    El Cortez has a $10,000 bi-monthly tournament. (Even months)
    $5,000 - !st place, 150 player limit, players are average in skill in general
    Every player at final table wins $$$$$$. You must be a regular player at El Cortez. (Contact Nords Malilay at the El Cortez for specifics) Staff is very nice, and it is a well-run tourament. I won in June coming in as wild card.

    Don Franklin

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