IP Biloxi this weekend

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by KenSmith, Sep 26, 2007.

  1. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Last edited: Oct 26, 2013
  2. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    Would like to be there but poker tourneys come before BJ events and I'll be at the Cherokee in Roland OK. for the Fisn N Chips tourney series.
  3. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 26, 2013
  4. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    When the IP popped up in my backyard, I backed out of going to Seattle. There was just no way to justify the trip, when my playing at the IP instead saves me a rental car and paid hotel nights. Unfortunately I'm still out the airfare of $230 which I had already purchased.

    So, I'll be close to home in Mississippi this weekend instead of in Seattle. Good luck to all who participate up there.
  5. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    Rats, maybe I should go to the Grand instead....

    Deb and I will see you in Biloxi this weekend. When I registered a while back, they told me the registration is from 3 to 9 pm, at least that is what I have written down. If I remember from last time, the registration is just to the right of the hotel checkin area. We should be arriving mid afternoon on Friday.

    I was hoping most of the good players would be at the Grand or in Seattle instead of in Biloxi.

  6. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Good luck to all those at the IP.

    I hate missing the IP (as a player), I heard they put on a good tournament last time. However i had the Seattle events schedule well before they came out with this event.

    Good luck to all those playing the IP this weekend, we'll miss you up here in Seattle.
  7. Counselorlee

    Counselorlee Member

    KUDOS to Farmer's wife

    Congratulations to Helen Shipp.....Farmer's wife ...winning 1st and 25K in Biloxi yesterday. Way to go Helen! Tuesday Night Blackjack Tournament regulars from El Dorado in S'port sent 3 players to the semi-finals.

    Good luck to all Seattle players! Wish we were there.

  8. chash11

    chash11 New Member

    registration will be held in the hotel lobby area (1st floor) from 3-9 pm.on Friday the 28th. Call 800-436-3000 ext 5151 for comp room reservations after 8am.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 26, 2013
  9. Jim P.

    Jim P. Member

    IP Biloxi

    9/27/07........2:19 p.m.

    There are 260 players signed up so far for this weekends tournament and they will book until the last minute.

    Strong Support.....Hopefully a Great Tournament.

    Looking forward to this one!
  10. FMike756

    FMike756 New Member

    Drawings Tonight At Ip Casino For Free Play. Arrive Early To Obtain Tickets. Must Be In Drum By 5pm.
  11. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Imperial Palace BJT Review

    The Imperial Palace Held a traditional BJT this past weekend. As a participant there I wanted to let others who didn’t attend what I observed.

    First the basics: This was an open event with a 499 buy-in and a 150 re-buy. Now when you paid the 499 you also received a free room for 2 nights (Friday and Saturday). Their registration was on Friday from 3-9 pm.

    Immediately upon driving up to the IP they had the BJT advertised on their big screen outside the building. Throughout the first floor there were numerous signs and posters describing the 150,000 Blackjack tournament.

    At the tournament registration area the crack staff took about 2 minutes to take you payment, give you a gift, and have you sign up for the playing time and out of line. They ran it like a well oiled machine. The player gift was an ice holder and two glasses. Nice but bulky for flying. In addition there was a registration party in the main lobby that night with finger foods. I didn’t attend that party. REGISTRATION GRADE: A

    The following day the actual BJT was held on the 3rd floor. Once again the IP went out of their way and decorated the playing area. There was a complimentary bar (soft drinks) and a spectator’s area present. My preference is that I LIKE this set up – away from the floor of the casino, not clanging slots or milling crowds. There were 10 tables with 6 players at a table. 2 advance. Players were given 5,000 in chips. 30 hands. Min bet 25, Max bet 5,000. Clear concise rules, well lit area – organization EXCEPTIONAL. GRADE A

    The re-buy was held on Saturday after Round 1. Cost – 150.00. The only difference is that only 1 of 6 advanced. Hmmm didn’t like that one too much but I guess I should have advanced in Round 1 instead of relying on the re-buy. My fault.

    The money from the rebuys was added to the prize pool (in promo chips) but still it presented a great value. In addition if the winner of the BJT was an elite member (players club) they received additional player’s chips – a great incentive for their players.

    With only 249 players I asked myself what is wrong with the BJT community. This event at the IP was a great value, well run, the tournament director extremely nice. The dealers were friendly.

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