Is it luck or skill?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by darklord, Nov 1, 2005.

  1. darklord

    darklord New Member

    For the last 5 days, I made it to the final 4 times, 2 times first place, 1 time second place and 1 time 7th place. I count card and play according to basic strategy (there are times I must deviate from BS to get to the next round). On top on this, I have only 4 months of BJ tournament experience behind me, but I do know that money management and size bet are the most important skills in BJT. Most of what I know regarding money management and size bet, I learned from Stan Wong's tournament book which I ordered online 3 weeks ago (must be the knowledge from the book that helped me win so much this week:)). Usually, I play BJT 2 times a weeks, but not always sometimes only once a week or not at all. My record is that during the course of 4 months, I came in first place 3 times, second place 2 times, 4th place 4 times, and 7th place 1 time. So is it luck or is it skill? Anybody has an even more impressive record to share here?

    Before I started playing tournament, I only play BJ at a live table game against the casino. I am card counter, but in the long run I learn that the road playing against the casino is too bumpy due to sereral reasons: not enough capital, suck-azz rules on two decks such as 60% penetration or less..., I am not disciplined - get hot headed when I start losing and bet wildly. Besides when I hit a winning streak and win between 6 to 10 times in a row, the casinos identify me as counter and start giving me hard time or kick me out. Now I only play BJT and stay away from live table game.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2005
  2. noman

    noman Top Member

    Tourney "Luck or Skill"

    Dark Lord:

    Ken e has a more impressive streak and for (probably bigger money).

    Hom ever, yours is impressive for four months. I'd venture a thought that it depends where you're playing and against whom.

    In the "bigger" tourneys, with the tourney pros, some luck is needed(or call it the variance, the deviation, the anamoly. Cause the moves that the top people have are just hiding in their back pocket, until the proper time.

    They may not be able to use them for a round or two or even before they are eliminated, but when they can pull them. Watch out.

    Keep goin. Keep learnin. Keep playin. Get in the big ones and whet your whistle or your toes.

    And yeah,, pace your bankroll. A lot of money plays differently than just barely enough.

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