Is it true?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by rockin'blackjackbabe6, Jan 25, 2005.

  1. Is it true that pro black jack player Dave Stann posts here? if it id appreciate it of someone would reply. thanks ;)
  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member


    Yes, Dave visits here regularly. He posts as 'Hollywood'.
    I expect he'll be responding as well. I'm sure you'll get his attention, with a handle that includes the phrase 'blackjackbabe'. ;)
  3. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    Actually, it was the "Rockin'" part that caught my eye...

    -holly d.
  4. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    What it hollywood, don't cheat on joep.
  5. Scorcho

    Scorcho New Member

    Hollywood's got a groupie

    love connection on the boards? I smell a romance novel in the works.
  6. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    you better not be cheating on me

    After you "Sucked out on me " ( Poker Term ) on the last hand of WSOB.You best not start cheating on me.BJ Babe if you want to hang with the real "Tournament Pro" its all me.Dont let all that glitter fool you. :joker:
  7. Thanks guys :)

    Thanks for replying.......By th way...Dave is there any pictures of you that can be copied off of the internet? I wanted to get one but they can't be copied. Dave I Am Your Biggest Fan!!!

    P.s. Does anyone know of any good websites to play free blackjack online?

    <3 BJbabe
  8. Dopeonslope

    Dopeonslope New Member

    Hi Dave!!!
  9. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    BJBabe try Global-Player for online BJ tournaments.
  10. Thanks

    thanks..ill try the website :D
  11. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Smoke Free

    I will try and temper my post so Kenny doesn't blast it like he did to Catch 27 post.Which i thought was a post that was just responding to "Gilligan" Blackwoods "I smoked them" post.I believe Hollywoods reply and language kind of boxed Kenny into a corner."Gilligan" you did not smoke Hollywood or I .As a matter of fact you should just take your win graciously and move on to the next round.No one smokes me at a Blackjack Tournament table especially at this point in my life.Nor did you smoke Hollywood.As far as the money goes we all got paid a nice payday for a short time at the table.You really don't want to compare tournament money winnings with me or Hollywood that's a contest that the dealer can't save your behind on. :p
  12. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Bring Back catch 27 post

    Are we in Iraq ? Lets bring back Catch 27 post it contained nothing offensive it just pointed out Kevins less the optium bet.Kevin did fire the first SCUD rocket.Isn't that what this site is about learning and sharing info.Catch 27 did nothing wrong................... FREE CATCH 27 ...................
  13. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    Way to go Joe!

    Well said. Longer term results, like actually winning a tournament, mean a lot more then a dealer pulling out a long shot 21 to allow a "sandbagger" to steal a round. :rolleyes:
  14. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member


    Not a good thing.
  15. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    I'm just happy with the babes

    Y'all need to chill the F out... this ain't fight club!
  16. Scud Dud?

    I wasn't intending to fire off a scud and I am stunned anyone took the smoking comment that way. I was just trying to be funny about how Dave always gets the babes.

    I think that anyone who watched the TV show would agree that I couldn't have been more gracious than I was to Joe and Dave after the dramatic finish.

    I am not a tournament expert like Joe Pane or Ken Smith, nor have I ever made such claims. I have the utmost respect for the tremendous skill those guys display in such complicated situations. However, my personal credentials as a blackjack player (albeit as a card counter, not in tournaments) and long term results will stand up against anyone. But I have absolutely no intention of disparaging anyone or getting into a silly pissing contest, nor will I in the future. My apologies to anyone who misunderstood my comments.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2005
  17. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    Catch 27 Post

    I would also like to see catch 27's post, I don't think it's right for one person to have the right to censor anothers persons opinion in a public or semi-private forum, I agree with joeP, this is the USA not IRAQ, we have freedom of speech here, not censored speach, but this is your web site so i guess you can do what you want. We should all as members be able to read posts by other members and make our own decisions of their thoughts.
  18. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    Take it to 'Fight Club'

    What do Joey G 703, BJ Fan 4, and Rookie 789 all have in common (besides having weird numbers in their names)? Answer: everytime JoeP makes a controversial statement about someone, they run to his side like little whipping boys...

    in fact...

    one may think they are all other names of the man himself!

    -holly d.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2005
  19. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    My two cents

    Good morning, Dave:
    my comments have been in support of a "road warrior" whose tract record and experience in BJ tournaments can be of great benefit to visitors of this site versus your self-aggrandizement rhetoric :joker: . You will be credible once you achieve some modicum of tournament success i.e. actually winning one. At that time I will be the first to applaud your accomplishments.
    On the Kevin issue, my comments have to do with free expression on this site without censure, nothing more. By all accounts, Kevin is an experienced BJ player who will quickly grasp the intricacies of BJ tournaments. I have no isssue with his comments and hope that he has none with mine.
  20. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    On censorship

    Unfortunately I can't revive catch27's post from the dead. I wish I could because I'd like to settle this censorship debate, and this thread I think would be informative for that process.

    I believe this is only the second post I have blasted in the 14 months this board has been around. Since I know catch27 personally, I could be pretty sure that the post was meant as ribbing between friends. But, I could only know that because I know the poster personally. And that's one of the main things that drove my decision.

    Consider this: Many of us here are personal friends. We've competed against each other. We've shared each other's company over great dinners. We've developed a back-and-forth of inside jokes and backhanded compliments that all friends do. However, this site now has over 1000 members (yay!). How many of those members wouldn't understand that the language in catch27's post wasn't sincere? Most.

    It was a judgement call on my part. I perceived Kevin's post (now deleted by Kevin) to fit in with the general fun atmosphere of this thread. I felt that anyone seeing his post would understand it was a joke. I didn't feel the same about catch27's post, thus it got the axe.

    If I'm in the same situation again, I'll wait before pulling the trigger until the involved parties can discuss the matter. However, I will not let any of the message boards here degenerate into the flame wars so typical of many internet message boards. If you visit some of the other blackjack sites, you'll find a lot of animosity between some of the posters. We've survived a long time without that, and in my own naive opinion, I think we can keep it that way. We have a great community here.

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