IS This a REAL Tournament

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by TheDealer, Jul 25, 2006.

  1. TheDealer

    TheDealer New Member

    At the Mississippi Belle II in Clinton IA they have been having a tournament that started in June and ends in Aug. The qualifying rounds consists of playing two seperate rounds which have to be on two seperate visits to the casino. They are taking the top 72 qualifiers which means the players that have accumulated enough money to advance. For example, my first visist my best was $1600.00. The second visit was $5000.00, thus my total was $6600.00. The last weekend for qualifiying is July 31st. Since my money total is near the top twenty I believe I should get in.

    But my real question is, don't most tournaments span days and not months?
  2. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Yes & No!

    Dealer, it depends on the casino and their format. Several Indian casinos use a similar format that drags their tournaments out over months, but offer a big payout at the end.

    These formats are designed more for the locals than out of towners and then they wonder why their business doesn't pick up.

    How much is the entry fee at the Mississippi Belle II tournament?

    What is the final payouts?
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2006
  3. TheDealer

    TheDealer New Member

    Entry and Payout

    The Entry Fee per Round is $3.00. Entry fees of $3.00 are given back at the end of each qualifying round to the highest qualifier.

    Total Pool: $5000

    1st $2500 - Accurate
    2nd $1000 - Accurate
    3rd $500 - Guessing
    4th ??? - Guessing
    5th ??? - Guessing
    6th: $125.00 - Guessing

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