Isle of Capri Tuesday Night BJT Changes????...

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by PitchMan, Feb 17, 2014.

  1. PitchMan

    PitchMan Top Member

    Rumor has it that the Isle Tuesday night tournament has changed to a new format, with three or so rounds available, but top prize is only $500 cash (down from $1000), and 2nd & 3rd are paid in promo. Does anyone have the straight skinny on this tournament?? Thanks.
  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    PitchMan likes this.
  3. PitchMan

    PitchMan Top Member

    Thanks Ken. I guess the details on location would help, huh? I'm sorry about that and I appreciate your clarification.
    The link does indicate the "old" rules and payouts. I am sure that they changed payouts for 2nd and 3rd from cash to promo pretty recently, but this "change in format and drop to $500 for first place" rumor is pretty new.

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