Isnt UBT show a farce?

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Rando21, Sep 30, 2006.

  1. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Im watching today Sept 30 ...

    Since this show was taped a while could there have been an internet qualafier? The promos say internet qualifier who won at or whatever....isnt this a lie??? I didnt see any game to play there...Ive been waiting and hearing and signing up etc....but somehow these "internet qualifiers" got to play????

    Isnt this show just a typical invite only show? No real internet winner?

    Whats up with that?
  2. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member

    Internet qualifier..

    is a lie. But this is TV LAND, I guess :cool:
  3. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    "Made for TV"

    Clearly this event is a "staged, made for TV" paid programming game show. So, anything goes.
    Let's hope that eventually all the hype brings a lot of poker "fish" to the online EBJ sites. Yum, yum.:joker: :joker: :joker:
  4. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    No lie

    ...the internet qualifiers really did come from online, ultimatebet did some sort of freeroll qualifier last fall to award those final seats. they were legitimate online poker players who won their way to the CBS stage, although compared to the huge structure surrounding the St Kitts qualifiers (& beyond), it was a relatively small event.

  5. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member


    So HD, you are saying that a year ago (Fall of 2005), Ultimate already had a deal with UBT and knew that there would be an EBJ tournament in Aruba and of course knew in the Fall of 2005 that UBT also had a deal with CBS?
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2006
  6. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Give it a chance

    I don't often comment on the ups and downs of the UBT saga because living in the UK I feel very removed from it. However with everything flying around at the moment it seems to me that we are in danger of cutting off our noses to spite our faces. UBT is undoubtedly the biggest and likely to be the best thing that has ever happened to TBJ and yet we are still not happy! It's new, it's likely full of flaws and bugs, but lets give it a chance, and with constructive and positive criticism and our support we can improve it and make it better.

    Let's not smother the baby in the cot.


  7. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    huh? nobody knew about CBS last year. not sure what your post has to do with what i said. paranoid much, buddy?

  8. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    HD spinning tales.

    Read your own post.:joker: :joker: :joker:
  9. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Huh? Nothing in Hollywood Dave's post implies that the CBS deal was known. It couldn't have been. It didn't exist then.
    However, the fact is that UltimateBet did hold some sort of poker competition that yielded the Internet players for season one's "Internet players".
    Is it a white lie to say that these players won their seat on Yes.
    But it would make no sense to take TV time to explain why that couldn't happen in season one.
  10. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member


    Alright then. No mention of a CBS appearance was possible , which was my point.
    I will just file the "white lie" with the bonus money promise.:joker: :joker: :joker:
  11. Joep

    Joep Active Member


    And when you get your bonus money where will you file that ? :joker:
  12. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Oh ok I understand.

    I didnt think they were pros at all...I just didnt understand where they came from....Now I know thanks Dave.

    I didnt start this to complain at all. I just want in the

    I agree with Reachy 100 % ... But constructive critics are ok...Its a great launch over all...theres some leaks in the ship but as long as they keep bailing and the wind keeps blowing I think this ship is gonna sail to success....

    The poker guys are starting to sniff around and they are smiling...the 1.10 midnight 1000 guarentee is certainly a loss leader but these guys are talking now....I chatted with a poker player tonight and he has been hitting this game every time....tonight he came in 3rd...he was excited!!! It was his first win......HES HOOKED...LOL and hes a chatter so lots of guys will hear about it.

    As far as the internet qualifier being sort of edited in ...well thats perfectly understandable....the CBS deal was probably only a dream at that point...pure genius to bring Les Moonvies brother on as Exec Producer....there are some really smart people in this world.

    The game is slowly getting better...less drop outs but still a maddining few when they happen on a key hand. I think my game has been updated 3 or 4 times now...each time it gets better....

    I still wont bet much real money...CS is still unresponsive at times...for example I played thru a St Kitts roll that started out with about 1000...people...I made it thru 3rd round ...there were 14 of us left....
    Round 4 never one answered questions for a day or more..then the answer I got was ...well we had a glitch...feel free to enter and play tables of 7 of which 3 from each made the final table of which everyone moved on....start again....nooooooooooooooooooooo

    At that point it was time to step up the wording a decided to place all 14 players in the final....a good decision that should have been made the first time not the 6th...we beat out 986 players and then we got left in brainer really.

    Oh well....Id like the TV show....there has to be a big plop of money on the table ala Poker somehow...also maybe tie some real money at each knock out point...I know that you win more if you stay.....but I wanna know about it.

    In Aruba...did they film at the field tables or only the final? I like the poker main table but its important and I like when they hop over here to see Jesus Furgusen make a great play ....etc.

    Personally....I like watching Poker...actually better than playing it...its a quite long and often boring game...but I like to watch it...Why?? I think its all about the big money....When someone is playing for 3 million first place I can't not

    So lets get some three million dollar EBJ pots...yes!

    I hope this government intervention into our recreation time goes away...why the F they care that I like to play a game and want to keep me from doing it is scarry really. Is it a tax thing?
  13. Venture

    Venture Member

    Ok, it isn't a great show!

    Sure it is glitzy, even schlocky. But it is targeted to an audience that is attracted to that kind of garbage. It works, and Vegas is the proof. Who ever said Vegas was classy? If it brings in new players, we have to give it a chance. I do hope they clean up the show, though.
  14. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    Step in the right direction.

    When UB a.k.a. Bet21 refunds all the players their promised 100% signing up bonus money and that we all qualify for it by playing EBJ, I will gladly applaud UBT/UB for taking a big step in the direction of honest dealing with it's players.
  15. noman

    noman Top Member

    UBT-ON line qualifiers:

    When it was organized, in its infant stage, testing, etc., etc., IT WAS stated, though unknow exactly how, that there would be internet qualifiers for the FIRST EVENT. A space, or spaces were left open for those qualifiers.

    That particular procedure was done legitimately, whether most on this site or in the real world, were aware of it. Compare that to how many people knew from the first about a GSN or new advantage gambling site. The FIRST one of anything always has limited exposure, till it takes off, or fades into the sunset. Some might call that cost/risk, or basic marketing.

    Regardless of how some of my posts may seem to some about UBT, I really do think it's the best thing since sliced bread and from all indications it will allow just an average Joe Schmoe a shot at Moneymakerdom along with the fun of rubbing elbows with real and promoted names.
  16. Jackaroo

    Jackaroo New Member

    UBT's first season internet qualifiers

    BJFAN4, Hollywood's statement about the poker players winning their way "to the CBS stage" was in reference to the taping of the final tables on a CBS sound stage in Los Angeles. Apparently you are not aware of that fact and misconstrued his comment. See this post by AC over at LVA: UBT Discussion.

    Btw, there are a lot of interesting posts in the early pages of that forum providing a chronology of UBT's "first season", not the least of which is InstaGator's resume claiming he can out eat Joe P and beat Regina blindfolded. :laugh: :laugh:


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