Issues with Internet Explorer

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by KenSmith, Nov 22, 2013.

  1. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I have two reports of problems with Internet Explorer users who are running older versions.
    The most easily accessible version of IE for me is the latest, where I can't duplicate the issues.

    The first reported issue is from a user running IE 8. On the Tournament Calendar, this user reports that clicking the "Edit Search Settings" button shows the settings panel, but then it immediately closes.

    The next issue is reported by someone running IE 10. They open a tournament detail page and attempt to print it. It sounds like the browser crashes and restarts.
    Here's a link to try that one:

    If you are running IE8, IE9, or IE10, could you take a moment to test these and see what happens?
  2. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    I don't get either issue using IE8 under Win XP.
  3. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

  4. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    By the way, testing the same print preview with IE11 works fine.
  5. PitchMan

    PitchMan Moderator

    Hi Ken. Bugs will always be as elusive as the shoe with no dealer wins :). This is strange but I am sure this is the way my tests went down. In sequence order, I did the following:
    In IE10-
    * Tried your test site above and it printed with no problem. The strange thing is that it's the first thing I've been able print event pages from since the new site went online.
    * Tried to print from an open tournament event that had failed on multiple occasions in weeks past. This time it still blew me out of IE10.
    I upgraded to IE11, then:
    * Tried your test site above again and it again printed with no problem.
    * Tried to print from an open tournament event that had failed on multiple occasions in weeks past again, and it printed with NO PROBLEM. Link to that site:

    Then, just for grins, I tried the same link, just above on Firefox I printed successfully also.

    I hope this helps. Let me know if I can help in an way.

    Thanks for your site and your persistence!
  6. Moses

    Moses Active Member

    I have no issues using IE8 under XP.

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