Blackjack Friends: I posted this over at the LVA site. What do you all think? Skipper .................................................................................................... Joe: I think that it's time for YOU to consider starting your own "Tournament Player's Association" in addition to a "Tournament Club" which could be started right here in Las Vegas! You have the skills, knowledge and mindset to pull this off in a BIG way, and the timing couldn't be better! I'm willing to help in any way that I can, and would love to be the PR person/Emcee of Events if you were to do this. I highly recommend that you give this some serious thought and get your "Creative Juices" flowing... What do you think? Skip Samad
Doesn't Rick already have a Tournament Blackjack Players Association? Is there room for two associations?
Joe's got the chops and the connections to do it, I hope he does and it flies to the skies. He's got to have a solid PR person standing between him and the rest of the TBJ community or he's likely to run off anyone who isn't part of the Good Ol' Boys network and even a few who are.
I think its a necessity that this new "experiment" have a good mouth man. Joe for sure has the ability to run the machine but it must be from behind the curtain. You can not present an ambassador to casinos that is known to be a strong antagonist to most casinos. Skip Samad has the ability to be a good PR man. JMO