Jeez Guys, can you call off your dogs please?

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Reachy, Oct 2, 2006.

  1. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    I see the thread on TBJ rankings has been pulled because people got carried away and started chucking crap at each other. AGAIN! Why does it always have to descend into abuse and foul language? I actually don't mind swearing, in fact I f**king love it but when it starts to get personal and downright offensive I get p**sed off! Keep it to yourselves, cuss each other by PM to your hearts content, but don't spoil it for others.

    Lecture over b*tches!


  2. swog

    swog Elite Member Staff Member

    That is why I pulled the thread. It was going in the wrong direction, and started to get down to nasty name calling. I looked at pulling some posts, but decided to take the whole thread down.
  3. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    I think the revelation that we are about to have a good ranking system via "All In" mag was important and interesting. Maybe you or Ken could take control of this tidbit and let us know what is about to happen!

  4. thrasht

    thrasht New Member

    Great Post Reachy

    Hear hear Reachy, I'll drink a few pints to you tonight. I don't feel the TBJ rankings thread should have been pulled except the one post by hd after he took it too far. I don't know if it got worse last night after I went to bed, so I don't know if more posts should have been pulled after hollywoods.

    Another topic:

    Just a few months ago everybody on this site was excited that we would have Global-Player, and UBT who was getting ready to start up their site (sites) to play at. It seemed to me everybody loved the thought of having multiple sites to play blackjack tournaments at. It seems now if you post about anybody but UBT it turns into a negative. What's up with that? On the flip side I guess most of the posts about UBT are negative too. What's up with that? We should be toasting to all the opportunities we have. Just my thoughts, thrasht
  5. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    The last post was made by Hollywood, I did not respond to his name calling.
  6. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    But Mom, he hit me first! ;)

    That's what happens when people start with me, brother: i respond in kind. For the record, my participation in that thread was strictly informational until you decided things needed to go a different direction...

    'Nuff said.

  7. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    I suspect this thread may be doomed to the same fate as the last one

    And I think we would all very much prefer it if neither were to happen. At least not here; you have your own web site for such things.

    Please, in all seriousness, tone it down.

    That was true some time ago.
  8. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    You're probably right

    Step off, Colin, because you obviously don't know what you're talking about. What pokernut isn't telling you is that out of nowhere, he started accusing me of being a drug addict and said that as a vet, he was ashamed of having fought for freedom for people like me. and what did i say/do to provoke this? absolutely nothing.

    i find it very interesting that many people on this board and otherwise think they "know" me simply because they see the end result of a television production or notice my comfort with certain language. if you want to play me, throw some good natured verbal sparring out there, fine -- but when attacked, i can only promise that i will respond in kind.

    no i will not do so "on my own site" Colin, and how dare you even make the suggestion. i have been a member of this community for years now, well before you decided to pop your head up a few months ago, and certainly add more value to its pages than you ever have. So you're right, lets try to stay on topic here before things really do get nasty --

  9. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    • Read the thread before it got zapped.
    • Haven't seen the TV shows.
    • My comments were aimed, to some extent, at both of you. Admittedly the web site point was aimed squarely at you, but it seemed reasonable. You've made a point of letting people know it's there for the purposes of 'smack talking'. I was suggesting that, as a result, you could cut down on the amount of that that goes on here.
    • May not continue to be a member here if this kind of thing continues. (Which is really the point. Not my presence, or absence, but new members generally. This is not the way to attract them.)
  10. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    AAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flame: :flame: :flame: :flame:
  11. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    so when someone takes a shot at me here, i should just go wait for them on my site? what?

    look, this is going nowhere. disagreements and discussion are natural parts of a public board such as this, but again, if baselessly attacked, i will respond. in this case, pokernut decided to continue the attacks. thread got busted. childish? certainly. but to come on here as mr moral majority sounds just as silly.

    please, just leave well enough alone.

  12. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Don't leave Colin

    You've only just started and I find your posts well informed, intelligent and and extremely useful.


  13. noman

    noman Top Member

    What's goin on. .....?

    Went outside to take a whiz....and all of a sudden(and even while outside, didn't notice it) the sky is falling.

    One day away from the site and Zuhl and Gozeer come through the porthole and mess everything up?

    Other than using the silly face things, usually people don't understand the smile, the wink, the nod, the conversational tone of a post. But shiite, I thougt, because of the mutual interest we all had in an intelligent pursuit, that one: things could be posted with somewhat of an intelligent nature both as statement and question. And stating and questioning lead to growing intelligence. We're not cultish folks ready and willing to believe just anything.
    So a good free exchange of ideas, thoughts and comments should be good. You know, there are no dumb questions. And anyone who's been on here long enough should certainly know where a particular poster is coming from by now.

    Two: If you're gonna post be confident enough that any reply is not to question your man or woman, or human being hood.

    The other part of the sky raining down: re the bill. Shazaam. I'll get into the gutter and call those bought off, pretentious, blowhard hypocrites any of the worst names anyone else wants to call em. Maybe we should all organize and start a "REAL" independent third party, or movement. Cause all this recent crap certainly is not representative of the majority of those of us who've bought into what the United States is supposed to be about. And it goes to more than just the gaming bill. That just highlights it for those of us interested in it. Think about all the other areas you have interests in and the others who think as you do, yet see legislation contray to that.

    First recommended securtiy measure. Replace your hard drive regularly and always have a spare handy. Or hide your actual computer and display in a very obvious place a decoy.
  14. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    You could always follow Reachy's advice -
    Or even just bite your lip and say nothing. If the last (public) word has been had by someone saying something offensive to you, that doesn't mean that you have somehow lost a contest. If anything, the reverse.
  15. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    What do you expect?

    From what I remember about the posts before they were busted.

    One member accuses another member of putting stuff up his nose.

    So he responds back angrily at the member who accused him and uses abusive and derogatory language.

    Is it any wonder why!

    Lets get real. When replies like this are exchanged between players on the site you are not going to get into any niceties.

    I like both of the players who are involved but sometimes wish that they would make up their differences and get on with each other.

    Swog decided to delete the posts before it got out of hand.

    Maybe he was right. Or should he have left the posts on, so that the membership could read them, allowing them to make up their own mind and decisions so that the site would regulate it’s self?

  16. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    Agree with Andy

    I think the folks on this forum can make up their own minds on stuff. Deleting or censorship is not in the long run a healthy thing. This is an open forum or it's not.:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  17. Joep

    Joep Active Member


    I actually agree with BJFAN4 on his point.

    I must be getting soft from all the sun in Aruba if I agree with him

  18. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    No Joe, you're still tipsy from downing that drink you owe me :rolleyes:

    I think that sun in Aruba cause quite a few things to happen - especially with our own Joep. I tried to keep it quite but here goes:

    Elimination hand 25

    Joep on the button with 5000 lead - uses his secret bet

    Player 2 uses his secret bet

    Player 3 (HD) up. Now this is a tight match. Joep flips the switch. He starts smack like this

    Come on and just use your secret bet - you know you're gonna use it. Here, [Joe reaches across the table and takes a secret bet form and holds it out] just take it and use it now. It don't make no difference, I've got the high and the low. Hey dealer how long before he's gotta do something?

    This kept up for the FULL 2 minues. Finally the best line I heard:

    What's wrong Dave are some of those red hairs beginning to turn gray?

    It was classic in your face smack talking. Since I wasn't involved in the match I was throughly entertained. Image UBT, episode 1 and the talking that HD was doing, now multiply that by two and you can get an idea. :laugh:

    Gotta give HD credit - he held up well under the pressure - counted his chips right and made the bet all the time with Joep RIGHT IN HIS FACE.

    What happended ???? Hmmmm I don't remember :joker:
  19. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Not sure how it went off track...

    I just posted about "All In" and the open ranking system they were starting and said I would send the TBT standing to AC each month and before I knew it it was out in left field.

    My post (the starting of the thread) was very positive and good for all the players, I am not sure when or where it got side tracked.

    Nothing negitive was said, at least by me.
  20. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Lets all whip out our dicks (willies for you Brits) and see who has the biggest one...


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