Joep, is it more luck involved then skill in these events?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by ssho88, Sep 7, 2005.

  1. ssho88

    ssho88 New Member

    Joep, is it more luck involved than skill in these events?

    Last week, I was at my area casino for a BJT and I managed to enter to quarter final.

    The initial Bankroll is 15000, min bet 500, max bet 5000 for hand 1 to hand 17. For Hand 18 to Hand 20(last hands), each player bet is screte and the min bet 500, max bet 10000.

    Since the max bet for last 3 hands is is "large" compare to the initial bankroll amount, my questions are :

    1) Is it more luck involved than skill in these events?

    2) Should I start to take the lead in the early stage, as early as round 8 or 10 ?

    3) Should I play more aggressively in this tournament?


    Last edited: Sep 7, 2005
  2. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Good Questions

    First off let me just tell you that in Blackjack Tournaments there will always be some sort of element of luck.Remember the things that you have control of in a tournament are the size of your bets the way you play the hand and using your position to make your bets at a time when the other players will not be able to counter your bets.

    I have never played in a tournament where the max bets was different on the last 3 hands then it was on the previous hands .But I will tell you this its better to have the lead going into the final few hands than to be the one chasing the leader.This is even more important if the person you are chasing is seated to your left.If they are they will most likely just match up with your bets in the final few hands making it very difficult for you to pass them.

    So as far as when you make your move it would depend on where you will be betting on the final hand.If you will be betting last you can be a little more deliberate in your timing .If your betting position puts you in a early betting spot then you will need to pick when you make your move to go for the lead.When you do, try to make it when you bet last and no other player will be able to counter your bet.

    With this tournament having secret bets that makes the job of coming from behind even more difficult as the leader will know that you will be most likely be betting big.So the need for the lead is very important in this tournament as it is in basically in every tournament.

    I hope this helped you in your inquiry please feel free to ask any other questions that you may have I will do my best to answer them as best as I can .If I can't we have several resident posters here who are more than capable to answer any and all questions.

    Yama and Ken Smith are two that come to mind
  3. ssho88

    ssho88 New Member

    Actually my seat no is 6....

    Thanks Joep, I were told that there are total 6 players at my table in the quater final and my seat no is 6(last seat). Here I assume hand no 17 is "last" hand since the bet for last 3 hands(hand 18 to hand 20) is screte. So, I am the second player to bet in hand 17. Only one player will be selected at each table.

    At what round should I start to bet aggressively so that I can take the lead in early stage ? Below are my proposed betting strategies, any comments?

    1)Early Rounds( Hand 1 to Hand 6)(min bet =500, max bet = 5000)

    a) if all your opponents are betting small
    strategy : Large bet i.e $1500

    b) if all your opponents are betting big
    strategy : small bet i.e $500

    c) if there are a few wild bettors at the table
    strategy : small bet i.e $500

    2)Mid Rounds( Hand 7 to Hand 12)(min bet =500, max bet = 5000)

    a) if you are ahead and you have to bet first
    strategy : minimum bet + 1 unit

    b) if you are ahead and you have to bet later
    strategy : bet size of closest opponent + 1unit

    c) if you are behind and you have to bet first
    strategy : Rules 1/15, 1/7 & 1/3. Choose one so that you will ahead if you win and your opponent pushes.

    d) if you are behind and you have to bet later
    strategy : bet differently then others. If the leader is betting small, then you should bet big and vice versa i.e :-
    a) if opponent bet large, then bet = opponent bet – deficit –1 unit
    b) if opponent bet small, then bet = opponent bet + deficit +1 unit

    3)Final Rounds( Hand 13 to Hand 17)(min bet =500, max bet = 5000)

    a) if you are ahead and you have to bet first
    If >= 3 opponents close to you, strategy : Bet = (max bet) - ½(lead) + 1 unit
    If only 1 opponent close to you , strategy : Bet = ½(lead)

    b) if you are ahead and you have to bet later
    If >= 3 opponents bet large, strategy : Bet = match the closest opponent bet size
    If only 1 opponent bet large , strategy : Bet = ½(lead)

    c) if you are behind and you have to bet first
    strategy : Rules of 2,4 and 5. Choose one so that you will ahead if you win and your opponent also wins.

    d) If you are behind and you have to bet later
    strategy : Bet aggressively so that you will ahead if both of you and your opponent also win.

    4)Last Three Hands( Hand 18 to Hand 20)(min bet =500, max bet = 10000)

    a) if you are ahead by a lot ($5000< lead < $10000)
    If >= 3 opponents close to you, strategy : Bet = 1.5(max bet) - lead + 1 unit
    If only 1 opponent close to you , strategy : Bet = ½(lead) for hand 18 & 19, Bet =( lead –1 unit) for hand 20
    surrender if opponent bet <(lead – your bet), opponent no BJ, no Split & no Double

    b) if you are ahead by a little (lead < $5000)
    If >= 3 opponents close to you, strategy : Bet = max bet - ½(lead) + 1 unit
    If only 1 opponent close to you, strategy : Bet = ½(lead) for hand 18 & 19, Bet = (lead –1 unit) for hand 20
    surrender if opponent bet <(lead – your bet), opponent no BJ, no Split & no Double

    c) if you are behind
    strategy : Bet Max, if opponents bet max, then consider gain on or swing
    if opponents bet min, then take the high and consider gain on or swing.


    Last edited: Sep 7, 2005

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