Joep & Jenna Jameson

Discussion in 'Sidewalk Cafe' started by Joep, Mar 13, 2006.

  1. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    porn star Jenna Jameson and a gambler each file reality TV show-related lawsuits.
    Two reality TV show participants are going to court: porn star Jenna Jameson and a gambler who was featured in the Discovery Channel’s American Casino. The gambler in question, Joseph Pane, wants “profits connected with the airing of his likeness as well as punitive damages” because a segment “paint[ed] (Pane) as a cheater, an undesirable, and someone who dirties up games.” He’s suing Green Valley Ranch and its owner Station Casinos, production company Pilgrim Films & Television, and Discovery Communications. Although “Pane’s features are blurred in the episode to partially hide his identity,” he “said that wasn’t enough to keep him from getting kicked out of two Las Vegas casinos and barred from blackjack tournaments since the episode aired last June,” according to the Las Vegas Sun. The paper also reports that “Anthony Curtis, publisher of the Las Vegas Advisor consumer newsletter, said local casino-based reality shows have largely been staged and that appearance waivers typically allow producers the flexibility to use the content as they see fit.”

    Meanwhile, porn star Jenna “Jameson wants a federal court judge to block [her publisher Judith] Regan’s claim to a financial stake in a reality TV show that the actress says she negotiated on her own with the A&E cable network,” The New York Daily News reported. Her publisher countersued and “insists that an agreement with Jameson signed last April gave Regan Media the ‘exclusive right’ to negotiate with TV networks on any project involving the self-described ‘screen performer.’” Regan published Jameson’s How to Make Love Like a Porn Star: A Cautionary Tale and the contract included some clauses about television projects, but “Jameson says her TV agreement with Regan covered the publisher’s pitch of a Jameson project to the Fox network but was unrelated to talks with A&E.”

    By the way this was my only chance to be with Jenna but I knew it would get your attention :laugh:

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