John Merritt passed away

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by KenSmith, Jul 6, 2011.

  1. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I received this sad news by PM today from Donna Ethridge:

    I am sad to say that we lost John Merritt yesterday, July 5th. He died of natural causes at the age of 77. His wife, Darlene and I were running some old stories about John last night. The best one was in February of 1999. John, ever frugal was playing the Stardust live money tourney. Minimum bet $5 max $300. This was when tournaments played 60 hands a round! John bet $5 every hand. At the Final table everyone bet the max except John. He bet $5. The crowd gasped audibly at his gamble. The dealer hit blackjack and enough said, John came in 1st for $100,000. He was on the cover of Blackjack Confidential the next month...perhaps his crowning accomplishment over a long life of many successes.
  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Now for my own thoughts:

    My own memories of John include the very tournament that Donna described. I was among the crowd around the table that "gasped audibly". We were all thrilled to see John win that event. I think everyone who played in the tournaments of that time knew John and Darlene.

    It's ironic and sad that one of the more touching stories about John and Darlene came from another person who we recently lost in the tournament community. In the early days of Sam Vaughn's tournament history, Sam made a final table in a craps tournament somewhere in downtown Vegas. The event was a live money event and Sam advanced from the semifinal table despite losing most of his bankroll during the round.

    Sam had a real problem. He didn't have enough money to buy in for the live money final table! Sam told me that John Merritt, a complete stranger at the time, offered to loan him the money to play. The thing is... John and Darlene had been eliminated from the tournament and they weren't staying for the final! They were headed to the airport immediately.

    Nonetheless, John loaned the buy-in to Sam and went on his way. Of course Sam repaid the money later, and he recalled this incident with obvious appreciation many, many years later.

    John was just that kind of guy. RIP John. I hope Darlene is doing well.
    donnaeth likes this.
  3. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member


    Here's the cover of Blackjack Confidential from that tournament:

    Attached Files:

  4. TheLegend

    TheLegend Member

    john merritt

    I, too. had the great pleasure and fortune to be close friends of John and Darlene. Saddened with the news of his passing from a phone call from Darlene, I couldn't help recalling many special times from the past.

    I had the misfortune of being at that final Stardust table when John's passive style and strategy took home the money. When I zigged, the dealer zagged and vice versa. Although I look quite a bit astounded and beat down, I was pleased that John took down the prize. He was very humble about his tournament accomplishments.

    I remember celebrating my birthday in Tunica with him, Darlene and a few other tournament players many years back.

    A retired airline pilot, John was at home during all those hotel stays during blackjack tournaments. He was even kind enough to put me on his special list of friends with the airline he worked for so I good fly standby for a nominal fee.

    A great guy in every way possible. Thanks John for being my friend. I will miss you.

  5. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    Sad time

    Like all others that knew John, I truly regretted hearing about his death. We played in many events together at the Stardust, Frontier and Riviera and various other places.
    It was always a pleasure talking with this nice fellow!

    Billy C
  6. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    You'll be missed

    John and Darlene were two of the nicest people you'd ever want to meet. From the time I first started playing tournaments I meet the two of them and it was always my pleaser to sit and chat with them and hope like hell I didn't have to play against either one of them at my table.
    Being local both John and Darlene were at my very first Texas Tournaments blackjack events held in Ft. Worth and of course John won the first ever event I hosted.
    They both were strong promoters of any and all blackjack tournaments (at least the good ones) and could be seen at events accross the country.
    Last time I saw John I knew he wasn't in the best of health, but he still made it to one of the Oklahoma tournaments just coming up short in the semifinals.
    John you will be missed be many, may you rest in peace my friend.

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