july 4th

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by maxwell, Jul 3, 2008.

  1. maxwell

    maxwell Member


  2. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I'll 2nd that...

    Hope everyone has a fun, safe 4th of July.
  3. sweetteabird

    sweetteabird New Member

    Happy 4th to you also :)

    Happy and Safe 4th to you Rick, Maxwell and everyone :)
  4. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Deb and I echo those sentiments, and wish everyone a happy, safe, and joyous Independence Day to all of our TBJ friends!
  5. dreamer

    dreamer New Member


    Blackjack Friends:

    Happy Independence Day to you and yours!

    May we ALL continue to be mindful of and thankful for those patriots, who many years ago contemplated and acted upon the needed sacrifice to bring us to where we are almost 250 years later...


    While feasting on our traditional "Fourth of July Barbecue" with family and friends today, let's lift up in thought and prayer our young 2008 patriots who continue to unselfishly serve in far flung places around the world, so that WE TOGETHER can remain a country free from outside tyranny...

    Make it a "Great 4th of July" all!

    Skipper :celebrate:celebrate
  6. FMike756

    FMike756 New Member



  7. Jeff Dubya

    Jeff Dubya New Member


    We have a big hoo-ha every year and invite friends over for the 4th, big bbq and great view of our local fireworks. I am always amazed at how many people are shocked when I kinda stop all the activity and talk about the founding of our country for 5 minutes, and remind people to keep our service men and women in their prayers that night. We then raise the flag and play the national anthem and get on with the show.

    Kind of like a prayer before a meal - I just try to add something meaningful to the day to remind people what it's all about.

    Most people are good with it, while others seem quite uncomfortable for reasons I don't quite understand.

    This year we actually had a couple leave because they felt that obviously we were far "too conservative" for them to feel comfortable hanging around. Well, the message is universal and non-political. So sad that some people feel otherwise.

    Whether you believe it or not, we are all so blessed to live where we do.
  8. dreamer

    dreamer New Member



    I appreciate your comments, and what an awesome way to have people consider ALL that we're blessed with on such a "Special Holiday" as we just experienced.

    For me it's not about being Consevative or Liberal, etc, as these "titles" we give to people don't mean a hill of beans anyway. I think that most of us would agree that we have more to FEAR from what's happening currently INSIDE our country than the threat that is currently facing us from the outside...

    I suspect that your guests were uneasy with what you did in YOUR HOME only because it forced them to consider things they've not considered before!

    Make it a "Great Day" my friend!

  9. maxwell

    maxwell Member


    Just my two cents worth
    this is still the best damn country in the world even with things going as they are-and the economy will be back like it always does
    god bless AMERICA and thanks to all our service men and women serving now and in the past and future
  10. dreamer

    dreamer New Member

    Semper Fidelis...


    Good to hear from you!

    I spent 12 years in the Marine Corps serving as a Captain, and I know first-hand of the SACRIFICE and SERVICE of all of our Servicemen and Women in the Marine Corps, Army, Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard and National Guard!

    Some of the best years of my life, and I don't regret a day of my Service which took me pretty much around the world...

    I love this country dearly and I must say that we have all that it takes to overcome all of of current and even future challenges.

    May God bless this GREAT country of ours for years to come!

    Skip Samad
    Former Captain, United States Marine Corps
  11. maxwell

    maxwell Member


    Skipper i hope i will see at winstar this thursday

    you have great writing skills something i wish i could do to put my thoughts on paper better-i enjoy reading your posts
    i know you have new adventure going in vegas and wish you all the best:d:d
  12. dreamer

    dreamer New Member


    My Friend:

    Thank you for your kind words! Coming from you, they are very special. I'm very appreciative, but I'm still a work in progress in many respects...

    Look forward to seeing you this Friday, as we prepare to do Blackjack battle for the final six spots to be awarded for the August $1,000,000 1st Place Tourney.

    Have a safe trip to the Windstar. Perhaps we can have a coke together.

  13. maxwell

    maxwell Member


    Would be my pleasure to have a coke before battle

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