Just completed invitational at Flamingo, LV

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by Tinker, Aug 20, 2006.

  1. Tinker

    Tinker New Member

    For all you Harrahs invitees, the next time they hold a one-day bj tourney at the Flamingo, GO. For free, I received 2 nights room (Fr + Sa), the free tournament paying $10,000 for first in elimination style; only 3 bj-tournament regulars out of 250 players, 4 rounds 6-player max per table with 1 advancing in the first, 2advancing in the quarters, 1 advancing in the semis and all 6 in the finals getting paid from $750 for 6th up to $5000 for 2nd and $10,000 for first. It was played in one evening starting about 6PM with the finals at midnite. But the best part were the wild card and cash drawings. They had 3 wildcards into the quarters. a whopping 14 wildcards into the semis and 1 wildcard into the finals. At each of these wildcard drawings, they also threw in 3 cash drawings each time. The cash drawings were 5-$250, 3-$500 each and the last 1-$1000. Checkin was at 4pm so for 8 hours of your time in the casino it was a wonderful cash opportunity.
    PS: I did not win a penny and lost $60 in the poker room playing $1/2 NL holdem.
  2. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member


    This is in stark contrast to the BJ tournament they held the first week of August. It hurts to recall the details but suffice to say, I wish I would have stayed home.

    It's strange how they do their invites - can't figure them out. I was invited to the one in early August but not the one Tinker mentioned above.:confused:
  3. Fredguy

    Fredguy New Member

    Flamingo Tournament

    A few more observations on this tournament...

    It was called "Not your daddy's BJ tournament". That's for sure

    The venue was the beach club, which is outside, but air

    The actual tournament started at 9:00 pm, which is midnight to us easterners who flew in from the east coast, way past our bed times

    All during the tournament there were two almost naked pole dancers
    who gyrated continously for the three hours. I heard one participant complain that the dealer at their table made lots of mistakes because he was fixated on the dancer, and not was was going on at his table.

    Oh, and on the way back, the line to check baggage at the airport, Sunday morning was 1.5 miles long for Southwest Airlines.

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