Just How long per round

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by Billiam, Mar 18, 2005.

  1. Billiam

    Billiam New Member

    If there were 6 players per table,
    How long would a round of 50 deals take?
    What would the time difference between 2, 4, or 6 decks be?
    Thanks for any reply
  2. Midnite

    Midnite New Member

    How Long

    Best guess is....... about an hour.
    We play 7 players (6 decks) and 21 hands.
    Done in less than 30 minutes usually.
    I have never even seen a four deck tournament.
    The less decks, the more shuffle time.
    With 6 decks they only have to shuffle one time.


  3. noman

    noman Top Member

    How long

    Variation is the Imperial Palace, LV(Don't know of any others) where it's forty minutes and then forty hands.
  4. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    IP Tourney format

    All rounds are 40 minutes plus more hands. Chips
  5. Joep

    Joep Active Member


    Actually the Imperial Palace is a set time of 40 minutes and then a countdown of all remaining banks and then 5 more hands.It's a 2 deck tournament for the first round and all remaining rounds are 1 deck with all cards dealt out with no burn card.Interesting tournament if you are a proficent counter. ;)
  6. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    IP Tourney

    Sorry - I "fat fingered" my last post and didn't type the "5" - thanks for the catch Joep. The event has been updated on the Events Calendar.
  7. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    IT Was Early For Me Thought My Eyes Quit On Me

    After reading the last 2 post here I was bleary eyed.First it was 40 minutes and then 40 more hands,Then Chips comes on and says no it's 40 minutes and more hands.I knew I was up early and had not had a cup of coffee yet,but I have played this tournament before and these were not the rules.Looks like we have it all worked out now.Maybe Chips and Norman were just trying to keep players away from this tournament but saying its the tournament where the round's never end. ;)
  8. Billiam

    Billiam New Member

    Again, Thank you

    Thank you for the replies, and good luck to you all
  9. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    IP Tourney

    Maybe that was MY problem - I hadn't had my first cup of coffee yet! Wish I were that sophisticated Joep, but I'm sorry to say that I won't be able to make it to that tourney this time - although it is one of my favorites! Good luck to those who can.



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