Ken Einiger online videos for sale

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by KenSmith, Dec 9, 2006.

  1. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Ken Einiger has recently released 3 videos for sale at

    I haven't seen any of these, and I don't have any information beyond what is provided on the product pages. If anyone here takes the plunge and tries one, let us know what you think.

    Here is the information:

    Ken's Ultimate Blackjack System

    This $29.95 online video has 9 sections totalling 47 minutes. Sections are:
    • Tournament Blackjack
    • Tournament Blackjack/Position
    • Tournament Blackjack/Late Rounds
    • Finding Tournaments
    • Basic Strategy 1
    • Basic Strategy 2
    • Basic Strategy 3
    • Money Management 1
    • Money Management 2
    Ken's Top 10 Blackjack Tips
    This one is only 2 minutes, and $2.95. Of the 10 tournament tips, numbers 10,9 and 8 are shown in the preview video you can see for free.

    The Ultimate Casino Guide
    16 minutes, $5.99. Sounds like it is mostly about playing for comps.
  2. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    Old is new again.

    "Uncover the proven money management system that gives you the best chance to win enormous windfalls."
    "Manage your bankroll to win enormous profits. "
    "Beat the casinos."

    Probably touting a progression system is next on Ken Einiger's agenda. These claims are patently false.
    Absolutely no money management system has ever been able to overcome the casino's edge at BJ.
    Ken Einiger is a great BJT player but he does a disservice to BJ newbies who might try out his "BJ money management system" . :joker: :joker: :joker:
  3. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Manage your Money

    I actually believe money management is the key to being a successful blackjack player. My favorite blackjack book is one of the most disrespected blackjack books written by a pro. John Patrick Advanced Blackjack made me a winner playing blackjack. His ideas on regression betting and stop losses made me a winner. He takes a lot of smack because he uses a very conservative basic strat that says dont double against a 2 or 9 up. I have read strong critical writings on him for that suggestion a suggestion thats not bad at all. I know for a fact money management can turn your from a small loser to a winner. Also, Johns teaching is to use counts for basic strat adjustment. Only add a little for high counts. This keeps the flood off your arse keeping you under the radar. Greed is what kills you and gets you the boot. So, maybe Ken E's ideas are good. Might be worth a chance.
  4. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    OK, I'm an idiot!

    Can somebody define money management for me. The literal definition seems to make good sense but it seems the label has been attached to non-counting "progression" systems. Am I correct in that assumption?

    My first foray into the UK casino market was an eye-opening experience and not because of the spectacle. The Grosvenor Plymouth is not Vegas! What struck me was the mentality of the "gamblers" therein, that is, they "wanted" to lose. Or more precisely they didn't know how to win. Many of them were many hundreds of pounds up on their initial investment but the simple idea of stopping, going home, and buying the wife a new dress the next day seemed to elude them. When they were winning they appeared befuddled. The only way they seemed to know how to call it a night was to lose all of their money so they had no other option but to go home, gallant losers, brave gamblers, fighting the odds and losing, idiots!

    The point of this is that if they had a simple money management strategy (other than lose it all, ideally as quickly as possible) they might have left avec shirt.

    Also Ken Einiger is a card counter right? So is his money management system an add-on to the standard AP toolkit?


  5. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    "A strange game. The only winning move is not to play."

    I think that's a little unfair. Thanks to the CSMs, nobody in that casino was playing a positive-expectation game. The only question you have to ask yourself when entering the establishment is
    So why do people go there? You were there to gain a little experience of live play, presumbaly both just for the hell of it and also in preparation for possibly trying out your AP skills elsewhere. You have to assume most people were there simply because they enjoy gambling (an essential component of which must be losing).

    'Quit while you're ahead' only makes sense if you are never coming back. For a habitual casino visitor, spending their winnings on anything other than further casino play sounds like a bad idea, the profit from the session is illusory. They can no more afford to buy that new dress now that they temporarily have the cash in their hand (you could think of it as a loan from the casino:) ) than they could at the start of the day. (Which is to say either they can or they can't, depending on their wealth and income.)
  6. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    Money Management is a guide to tell me strictly what Im going to do at the table even before I get to the table. It is a pure structure for my session at a table. It tells me how much I will risk and what method I will use. It tells me how much I can lose and what to do with any gains. It tells me what bets to make as a betting system will be followed with only small variance for high counts. I could go on and on, but the Money Management is basically a structure to be followed. This is opposite of most players at a table that use whims as a manager. Management must use rules and follow rules meaning me the player must follow the rules.

  7. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    London Colin

    Fair enough, maybe I was being harsh, but the way you describe an "habitual casino visitor" is simply a nice way of saying "problem gambler". I know for sure that as long as the rules stay as they are and CSM's are used, I shall never be more than an occasional visitor. Unless they start to hold tournaments that is...

    Another thing that I realised when I was in the casino was that I was on the wrong side of the table. I want to be the house, that's where all the money is :) !


  8. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    Still harsh, I think

    A problem gambler would be someone who is so consumed by the thrill of the activity that they risk more than they can afford to lose. They might also be deluded into thinking they have a winning system that defies the mathematics of the situation.

    The casinos take the view that gambling is an entertainment and the house edge is the fee that they levy for this entertainment. Anyone who visits a casino and is not an AP is implicitly buying into this view, at least to some degree.

    If someone likes films and goes to the cinema every week, are they a problem cinema-goer? Only if the money they are spending on it is being diverted from more important things.

    We may not share the gamblers' fascination with taking on unfavourable odds, but you have to hope problem gamblers are a tiny minority. If not, then there is the unsettling implication that APs are complicit with casinos in exploiting such people.
  9. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Buy What???

    There's something basically wrong with this statement but geez, I can't put my finger on it. :rolleyes:
  10. Phil Dunaway

    Phil Dunaway Member

    Ken Eininger videos for sale

    Reachy, You are not wrong in saying you would prefer to be the house.The casinos are built upon the shoulders of the everyday player.As far as the money management situation is concerned,you must have stop loss limits & win goals.Whenever you reach either,then it is time to stop.I have been playing blackjack for 35 years & tournament blackjack for 28 years & as long as I stick to my guidelines then I will be able to fight another day.You may ask then what are the guidelines?Well,that of course is up to the individual.Personally,my win goal & stop loss is 50% of my buyin.Always remember troops,the casinos are your enemy.They want to get into your pockets badly.Do your best to keep them out. Luxor (aka Phil Dunaway)
  11. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Adding to the toolbox

    OK, OK, I take all your points Colin, but some of the gamblers I saw on that visit were paying a extremely hefty fee for their enjoyment. They seemed on the surface to talk about winning but their actions demonstrated that they wanted to lose. It was very striking to me that it wasn't a fair fight between us and the casino. It was like they were the big kid with their hand and extended arm on my forehead holding me away as I windmilled with my arms trying to land a blow.

    Toolman - Why else would the better half allow you to visit the casino so often? She's got to get something out of it. Tell me you haven't bought your missus a present after a big win. And a round of drinks. Maybe a new spanner :D


  12. noman

    noman Top Member

    Sir Reachy! (on this post)

    The Mssses has to get sumpin.

    On one of my now long in the past visits to a "local" boat, that had a good game,(but no longer), I had promised her a day outing and "buffett" She left me at 9pm twelve hours after we arrived, to go sleep in the car, tired and hungry.

    To assuage her anger and disappointment, when I finally showed up at 3am, I had to sink my winnings into a backyard deck, which I built into a helicopter landing pad.

    Things have never been the same at that "boat."
  13. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Hey No, I remember that!

    Yeah after your advice I drained my decanters and rummaged through the old family photos - yes those WERE the good old days weren't they?

    Attached Files:

  14. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    A BIG WIN. What's that??? :confused: OH!!! I did buy her a hamburger once. Does that count?
  15. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Id sure like to hear the pros weigh in on money management and or bet progressions, stop loss etc....

    Ive read contrary opinions on almost every site and in every book.

    Its my feeling that no progression or money management system or stop loss what have you can ever overcome even a percent of a percent of the casino advantage..that must be done by other methods.

    This has me convinced that this information would be of little to no value when "going to war" with the enemy.

    Without AP methods... simple money management, stop loss, progression and even perfect BS play will leave you short...the casino WILL WIN in the end!

    As far as stupid play at the
    Who do you think finances all that overhead?

    Im comtemplating that the best bet in todays casino may be to invest in the stock or perhaps the company that leases the slot machines, or provides the cards etc....

    I agree that these places are chock full of fools simply handing over their hard earned money often with the slightly druken lament "Well easy come... easy go..".....Can anybody please tell me where this easy come stuff is????

    Dont be tempted to trust money management or progression systems as a way to success at the is simply not suported by the numbers.
  16. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Come clean!

    I can see that you know how to treat a lady ;)

    And we all know that you are a winner. It's been announced on this very forum, plus I'm sure you are a final table visitor more often than not. Come on now, tell the truth, you've pushed the boat out a little further than just a hamburger. I bet you super-sized AND got her fries. Then she was eating (pun apology) out of the palm of your hand. You smooth-talking lothario you :gaga:


  17. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    the bottom line:

    that's pretty much all the discussion we need to have on this point...

  18. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    to count or not to count

    Surely Ken E isn't suggesting the use of money management techniques alone is he? And I'm sure Barney is AP positive.



    BTW - This is a spanner.

    Attached Files:

  19. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    The power of burgers

    OK, OK. I bought her a burger at the "BURGER BAR". That's a restaurant at Mandelay Bay in Las Vegas. She opted for a "lobster burger". That's a Angus beef burger topped with lobster. Costs me most of my winnings but it was worth it. I got to play BJ the rest of the day and night without harassment. :D
  20. noman

    noman Top Member

    K 41 and a half:

    You outshine me 3-1. Does that mean you had thrice as many times to make up to momma?

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