ken smith

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by maxwell, Aug 22, 2005.

  1. maxwell

    maxwell Member

    Well You Have Probably Seen Allthe Comotion On Grand-gulfport Can You Help Settle The Issues On This Tourny Believe Everybody Will Listen To You With Your Wisdom-thanks
  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    First, I'll point out that I won't be participating, but that is because of a pre-existing schedule conflict. I'll be in Vegas instead on a combination tournament and business trip.

    Still, you asked for my opinion:

    I played this event in January, and it was a really nice tournament. The entry then was $100, and there was so much excitement about the value that the turnout was larger than expected. It turned out to be a decent overlay, but not as huge as I expected at first.

    I think this one will be good too, and I would definitely be playing if I could. Misinformation about format and other particulars about tournaments is unfortunately all too common, and the Gulfport Grand is apparently a good example.

    As frustrating as it is, those of you who must travel long distances for this event are pretty much going to have to take a leap of faith if you come down for it. You'll probably find a good deal here, but the lack of a rebuy is certainly a negative (assuming it's even accurate info.)

    If you're still on the fence about whether to come or not, I'm probably no help.
  3. maxwell

    maxwell Member

    Thanks For The Imput About Grand Gulfport I Will Be There On Blind Faith And Hope For Some Positive Surprises In Rebuys And Or Wildcards Thanks Again For Your Reply

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