Kenny Einiger 2

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Joep, May 19, 2007.

  1. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    I think today marked an extreme sad day for this once bright and resourceful forum where intelligent people once spent time sharing ideas, tournament stories and strategy.
    But in the last year a few new members have brought a cancer to this site that no matter what medication Kenny Smith tries, the cancer reemerges and becomes even bigger. Ken even went so far as to Ban Germanski for life something that never needed to be done in the past, and tonight he reappeared as “Pot Stirrer” how fitting of the name he gave himself. Do I have positive proof that Pot Stirrer is who I say he is no. But its not to hard to put the pieces together.

    The real sad part is that Kenny Einiger a long time member here has taken his recent incredible tournament results and has used it to promote himself beyond the small and isolated world of Blackjack tournaments. He has DVD deals,Book deals, a weekly Radio Show a web site and is a featured player among well know poker stars on the UBT Tour and now a spokesperson for a vacation business in one of the most popular places in the world to spend your vacation at, and what feedback does he get for promoting himself and bringing blackjack tournaments to the forefront, nothing but grief from a few members here who post nothing but trash and spam day after day. If they would spend as much time improving the tournament game maybe one day the doors that Kenny Einiger has opened for us will be easier for them to pass through since the media and general public is starting to realize that there are professional tournament players that not only can play the game but have what TV producers are looking for in the never ending search for the show of all shows. If you think I’m dreaming look at the rise and fame of poker players who no more than 7 years ago were all looked down on by not only the gaming community but the general public, who if you haven’t noticed drives the ratings for TV shows. These once despised players now have Rock Star fame and the possibility that there could be a crossover similar for blackjack is a reality. That is when the money for blackjack tournaments will become serious.

    There are some that will say that I always help in promoting Kenny and the things he does, Guilty as charged. But for those that know me know I’m very loyal to my family and close friends and I consider Kenny not only a close friend but a business partner in a few ventures including the radio show, which by the way is designed to promote tournaments and bring current news and tournament information to our community.

    Kenny and I worked long and hard on trying to resurrect the Hilton Million Dollar Tournament when it was cancelled and we never asked for anything for our efforts or expected it we were doing it for the tournament community. Now the Hilton is bringing it back but according to the numbers it’s a far from what Kenny and I were putting together. Its a ‘Bad Deal” but until we become a solid voice the casinos will do what ever they want and we will swallow their pill.

    One of our members who is quick to chime in and add his 3 jokers to most of his comments his trademark I guess will trash Bet 21, me and Hollywood when ever he can but night after night he and his wife play on the site. So which is it? The site sucks when you post here but when you and your wife play night after night the site is Ok for you then.

    Do as you say if the site sucks then don’t play there but don’t try to fool the masses with your right hand doing one thing and you’re left another. Pick a side and stand behind your convictions. I do that all the time and it’s a good feeling you never have to stop and think what I need to do with this crowd or at this time. Draw a line and follow it.

    I really have nothing else to say I won’t even respond to anything that is said here after this post.

    As a matter of fact I will be taking a few days off from here as this really had deteriorated into a place I can do without for a while.

    If any one wants to follow my Tulsa updates you know where you can find me and the updates. Have fun trying to finally kill a once fruitful site.

  2. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    Sad but true

    Kudos to Joe for a painfully honest post.

    A few months ago, there was a thread here that discussed how we could make a better site once again, and several of us (myself included) weighed in on what we thought could be done. Well, unfortunately a ridiculous amount of infighting -- usually stirred up but the same 1-2 people -- has made it all but impossible to post here without having one's posts subjected to all manner of anti-UBT rhetoric that is quite frankly beyond me. If you've noticed a severe dropoff in the amount of messages I post here, its as a direct result of this stupid witchhunt that amounts to nothing more than petty jealousy. What's the point in posting anything when some stupid jagoff is just gonna reply with some tongue-and-cheek insult? Not interested, thanks.

    Is this the beginning of the End here at If so, its been a long time coming, but we can no longer hide from the results. Such a shame to have fallen so far from grace... thanks for all the memories, Ken, its been a blast! (Not a goodbye, but certainly an acknowledgement of the current sad state of affairs around here)

  3. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    What can be done to return this forum to its former status? How can we help Ken ensure that this is a friendly, welcoming place to ALL??? It'd be great if we could avoid apportioning blame and come up with ideas to resolve the current situation.

    Group hug anybody?


  4. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Hear, hear!!!!

    Total agreement with the posts above, particularly Joep's. I didn't get in until early December, mainly because I had no idea what BJT's were all about until I got insanely lucky doing an online freeroll. It certainly has gone downhill even in this short timespan. And I don't understand the repetitive slamming of UBT. Granted, they're doing some things poorly (scheduling and communication are pretty bad), but at least they're in the batter's box swinging away, and not in the bleachers hollering criticisms. In order for BJT's to approach HoldEm's success, we need more people helping and fewer standing on the sidelines badgering those who are trying.

    It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
    (Theodore Roosevelt, April 23, 1910)

    Nearly 100 years old, but very appropriate, eh?

    First time revealing this, but - with my high-level contacts, I've been attempting to get Michigan casinos interested in BJT's, specifically UBT and/or Rick's events, and have one very good fish nibbling at the bait. Biggest problem is the lack of lodging at any of the 3 Detroit city venues, a situation that is being rectified right now to the tune of many millions of dollars. These attempts are partly motivated by selfish goals, as it would be nice to have some action here that doesn't involve a plane ticket! I've been following the news about the Seattle area possibilities with great interest and give a standing ovation for those who are involved. If more folks would try something like that, and fewer would complain and criticize relentlessly, imagine the Tours we might have in just a year or two from now. :D
  5. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Why all the gloom and doom?
    FWIW, I think the problem here is solved.
    The new rules are working just fine, and I'll police the boards as needed. Threads or posts that are not beneficial to the board here will be blasted. Violators of the rules will be banned, perhaps permanently.

    So, let's get back to worrying less about the pot stirrers, and just posting valuable information for our fellow tournament enthusiasts. Now, how about those Tulsa updates Joe?
  6. Dang Leftnut, you beat me to Teddy's great wisdom about the man in the arena. Congratulations on thinking of it. I just bought Doyle Brunson's Super System II and he uses that quote in the beginning of the book. I guess that is why I thought of it when I read this thread.

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