Really enjoyed reading the book on tourn. play. By applying the concepts it has increased my % of reaching the final table, putting me in position to win. Thats the good news. Now for the bad, it seems the other finalists must also have digested the same copy or is it luck plays a bigger part at the final play-off. Oh well thats BJ I guess but enjoy the competion.Comments would be appreciated and advice on how to hit 12(twelve)without busting would certainly increase my final table winnings.Ken if you plan a second addition you might want to devote a chapter on how to sneak up safely on a twelve.
CashXX Yep, yep yep. When everybody knows what to know, what do you do? What do you do? You play enough to develop your personal style, knowing what others might likely do, given the common knowledge. In 10 seconds you weigh all the possibilites and go for it.
Cash Sorry for two in a row. But 12. The infamous 12. My nemesis 12. You can look up all the charts, go to the sister site at You can read all the books. You can figure the probabilities on your own. Oh such fun! But then you'll see conflicting information. example is how often dealer makes a hand of 17 or better with 12 vs the statistic which shows your probs with a 12. How do you reconcile those two different numbers? Put all the numbers in a crock pot. Let em "crock" for 24 hours and see if the result is tasty. If not. start over and try again.