Kevin Blackwood and Joe Pane filmed in BJ scam!!

Discussion in 'Sidewalk Cafe' started by ANDY 956, Apr 13, 2007.

  1. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Both our guys appeared in documentaries of a well-produced British television series called “ The Worlds Greatest Gambling Scams”.

    The shows also featured many other players who have contributed to this site or are well known to you. I am not naming them in case I leave someone out.

    When the shows aired in the U.K. I taped them all to send over to the US players involved, but then discovered that my daughter had wiped over them for American Idol.

    Still waiting for a repeat of the series to tape and unfortunately it is not yet available on DVD.

    However, I have noticed that Richard Marcus (well known gambling cheat) has brought out a book on the back of that series in which he was a main contributor.

    The television series was really good, so I have ordered the book even though I know that Marcus is a controversial character, and not one for the purist on here.

    Obviously Kevin and Joe were not involved in any illegal activity towards the casinos…lol.

    Here is the link to the book for reference.

    Last edited: Apr 14, 2007
  2. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Hey what happened to the link :confused:

    Joe and Kevin - caught on tape - scamming casino's :confused:

    That sounds interesting!


    How do I take a Microsoft Word file and "zip" it? HELP
  3. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member


    I deleted the link as soon as I realised that it contained my Amazon account details and took you to the check out page.

    I will look for another one.

    PS Any ideas on were I could get rid of 125 Richard Marcus books…lol

  4. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Missing Link

    Sorry fgk 42,

    I cannot find a decent link to the book that does not bring up scam sites or advertising.

    Considering that I am still on parole on this site. I have decided not to take the risk of putting these on in case I break the posting rules and upset Ken again.

    Just google it if you want to know more.

    Andy ;)
  5. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Good idea :eek:

    Attached Files:

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